Autosize UI CollectionView to it's content - ios

I am using a UICollectionView with fixed size CollectionViewCells. I display this CollectionView in a popOver with an UIPopoverController.
My goal is that the popOver automatically resize to the CollectionView's content. So if I only have 4 cells, than it should be small. And if I have more cells, it should be bigger. I want to avoid the empty space left in the popOver.
So I don't want a fixed popOver size, but a variable one depending on the number of cells in the CollectionView.
Any suggestions?

I had a hard time figuring this out myself but just got it finally. You have to access your Collection View's collectionViewLayout property and then use the collectionViewContentSize method to get the size of your content. You can then use those to resize your Collection View by setting it's frame.
CGRect rectangle;
rectangle = _collectionView.frame;
rectangle.size = [_collectionView.collectionViewLayout collectionViewContentSize];
_collectionView.frame = rectangle;
Now that your collection view is sized to it's content, you can set the popOver's size based on the collection view size. It may look something like this.
popOver.frame = _collectionView.frame;
[popOver sizeToFit];


Resize ScrollView based on TableView size

I'm trying to create layout that it structured like this:
- View
-- ScrollView
--- ContentView
---- CustomView
---- CustomView
---- TableView
---- CustomView
The tableView itself is auto-resizable using "invalidateIntrinsicContentSize" and when I add items - the height of the tableview changes, pushing the custom view below it further down.
Once enough items are added I the bottom custom view is hidden and the scroll doesn't work.
important fact - the bottom custom view doesn't have a bottom constraint. It is pushed down by the it's top constraint to the tableView.
If I do set a bottom constraint - the table view will no longer be dynamically resized.
The intended behaviour:
When a user adds items to the list and the list gets too big the ContentView will be scrollable so the user can scroll to see the bottom view.
The actual behaviour:
When a user adds items to the list and the list gets too big, the bottom view is pushed down and outside of sight and content is not scrollable.
What is happening and how can I fix it?
Below is what I think what is happening.
Since you are using UITableView, it has its own scroll view. So when the UITableView list gets too big, UITableView itself becomes scrollable rather than ScrollView's contentView becoming scrollable.
To achieve what you need, you would have to make the UITableView not scrollable and use the intrinsicHeight of the UITableView to get the actual height of UITableView along with all the items. If you have items with varying heights, it will be a problem because you won't know the height before rendering. With same height for all the rows, you can get the total height of the UITableView and set the height constraint to that value. This will increase the contentSize of the outer ScrollView, making it scrollable.
Apart from UITableView, you can also use UIStackView. This is because you are not using the reusing capabilities of UITableView anyways. Managing the datasource and delegates should not be a big problem.
You can create a constraint for tableview height, And take its reference to your swift file, by dragging it as you take other views. Now in your code, Just do this
tableViewHeightConstraint.constant = tableViewNoOfItems * tableViewCellHeight;
if you have set other constraints perfectly inside scrollview, It should work perfectly. Means TableView should have top, bottom, left, right margined constraints from the ScrollView.
try this code
tblViewHeight.constant = CGFloat( tableview row count * 45 )
var size = contentView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(UILayoutFittingCompressedSize)
if size.height < scrollView.frame.size.height
size = scrollView.frame.size
contenViewHeight.constant = size.height - scrollView.frame.size.height
scrollView.contentSize.height = contenViewHeight.constant
What I think you could do is:
Disable tableView's scroll tableView.isScrollEnabled = false
Every time a user adds items to the list, reload the tableView
Also using UIStackView with vertical axis and .fillEqually distribution as a Content View would be much more convenient as you won't need to set any positional constraints to your views, but may need to set height constraints if intrinsic content size can't be determined by the engine

Enable scrolling in UITableViewController

I want to get my UITableViewController to scroll only when there is not enough room on the screen for all of its cells. I am using static cells that are designed to be shown in an iPhone 5, 6, and 6 plus size screen. However, when shown in the 4s screen, the bottom cells get cut off.
Ideally I would like to use AutoLayout to anchor the bottom of the tableview to the bottom of its superview as I have with other tableviews in my application, but Xcode doesn't allow me to add constraints to the UITableView in a UITableViewController. The reason I have to use the UITableViewController is because I am using a pod for a slide menu ( that subclasses UITableViewController.
I have tried to change the size of the UITableView's frame based on the screen size because I assumed a scroller would automatically be added if the cells took up more room than the containing frame. I used the following code to do so:
CGRect frame = self.tableView.frame;
[self.tableView setFrame:CGRectMake(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width, [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height - HEADER_HEIGHT)];
However, it had no effect on the way the table was displayed.
Does anyone know how I might be able to set the bottom of the UITableView dynamically and add a scroller to the cells when the screen is too small? I would also welcome any suggestions that might help avoid having to do this at all, as I would prefer not having to do anything too hacky.
You can set the alwaysBounceVertical property to false so the tableView will only scroll when its contentSize is larger than the table view's frame which you can constrain to your view however you like.
tableView.alwaysBounceVertical = NO;
UITableViewController height is determined by automatically calculating number of UITableViewCell you have presented. You can customize the cell height so that height of UITableViewController will automatically changed as you wished.

Is it possible to subclass UITableView and make it have an intrinsic content size for its height based on the number of cells?

I want my UITableView to only be as tall as it needs to be, as it floats above the main UIViewController's view. If I hardcode a height of 200 and theres' only one cell in the table, it looks silly.
I'm aware in my view controller I could monitor the table view and define the height of it based on the number of cells it has, but the height is a property of the view, and for MVC it doesn't make much sense for the controller to be actively managing a view's height.
Is it possible to have a UITableView subclass, and have it define an intrinsic height based on the number of cells it holds? So with Auto Layout I could add the subclass to my view, specify its width, center it vertically, and perhaps define a "less than or equal" height constraint saying to keep it smaller than 200pts. But for the most part have the intrinsic content size of the view define the height of the view automatically?
This would be just like a UILabel being able to be centered horizontally and vertically with some distance from the left and right, and have it grow and shrink vertically automatically.
Could I feasibly do this with a UITableView subclass?
You can do this easily by having the table view use its contentSize property to "know" how tall it needs to be. This value could be somewhat inaccurate if you're using estimated row heights, but it should be good enough. In this example, I gave the table view a height constraint (as well as width and centerY), and made an IBOutlet to it (heightCon). The only code needed was this,
#interface RDTableView ()
#property (weak,nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *heightCon;
#implementation RDTableView
-(void)reloadData {
[super reloadData];
self.heightCon.constant = MIN(200, self.contentSize.height);
You would also have to override reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: and
reloadSections:withRowAnimation: if you're updating your table with either of those as well.
This feels like a chicken/egg problem you have with designing your UI. Sounds like you want to set the height of the floating tableview based on how many rows it contains * height per row, but the tableview doesn't know any of this information until its been drawn, ie [tableView reloadData] and the corresponding height for row delegate methods are called.
I'd suggest rendering the tableview offscreen somewhere, draw all the rows, sum up all the heights for each row, then present the view to the user with the appropriate CGRect.
When you (re)load data in your TableView, you can do this. The TableView will take only the height it needs
CGRect frame = youTableView;
frame.size.height = CELL_HEIGHT*[yourArray count];
if(frame.size.height > MAX_TABLEVIEW_HEIGHT)
frame.size.height = MAX_TABLEVIEW_HEIGHT
youTableView.frame = frame;

runtime expansion of uitableview footerview using autolayout

I have a UIView that is a footerview of a uitableview. At run time, the user enters text into a uitextview within the footerview that should adjust to the size of the text content with a height constraint in autolayout.
All other objects in the view (labels, imageviews) have appropriate constraints to accommodate the expansion of the textview.
HOWEVER the height of the overall footerview will not change size, and it is impossible to use autolayout on the tableview footerview height.
Does anyone have a solution? Thanks
Haven't found an actual, elegant, solution yet, but I've postponed fixing this by using a workaround:
Setting the frame of the view used as a footer to be as large as you might possible need. In my case this meant giving it about 60px of spare vertical room. Since it's the footer and there's nothing below it to reposition the user won't be affected by the workaround.
The contents of the footer view are pinned to the top and have enough space to expand when needed.
For the record: my view is loaded from a nib file.
Although in theory the size one gives to the top level view in interface builder is just for design-time and the runtime size should be calculated based on constraints and the resulting intrinsic size, for this specific case I found the height stays the same as it was in IB.
We can change the height of the footer view run time by the following code:
func methodToChangeTableViewFooterHeight()
var footerView:UIView = self._tableView.tableFooterView! as UIView
var frame:CGRect = footerView.frame
frame.size.height = self.heightCollectionCS.constant + 10
footerView.frame = frame
self._tableView.tableFooterView! = footerView
Here , self.heightCollectionCS.constant is the height constraint for our Collection View.
We can use text content height on that place.
You may try to set again the footer view each time you footer height changes, to inform the table it should change the footer height. Or use inset. From within the footer view:
ownertable.TableFooterView = this
Sorry about that, misread that question long ago. You can access the footer directly through the tableview's property tableFooterView.
What you could do is create your default footer in a xib or in your viewDidLoad:. Once you need to increase the size of the footer, you can pull out the UIView from that property and edit its frame if necessary to make it larger.
So make sure the tableFooterView gets assigned a UIView because it is nil by default. To just make the height taller, you can use self.tableView.tableFooterView.frame = CGRectMake(whatever rect you need);

Unable to increase the scroll view width of horizontal UITableView

In my application, I rotated the table view for 90 degrees i.e., the table view is now horizontal table view. After rotation I tried to increase its scroll size as I was unable to view the last row but I couldn't increase it. As table view is sub class of UIScroll view, I tried to change it in Interface Builder but nothing solved my problem. Please tell me how to increase this table view scroll view width to view all the contents.
rotateTable = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI_2);
tableView.transform = rotateTable;
[tableView setFrame:CGRectMake(40, 333, self.view.frame.size.width , 37)];
In IB,Size Inspector: Scroll View Size: Scroller Insets : Right : 500 (I changed the Right attribute to increase the width)
You don't need to manage it. Tableview does it itself. Your problem is frame of tableview. Your tableview is crossing bounds of it's superview(view in which tableview is added). Check tableview's frame. Make sure it will not exceed bounds of superview.
