How does ORM relate classes/attributes to tables/fields? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to understand ORM and looking for examples of the following explanation:
tables map to classes,
rows map to objects,
columns map to object attributes
I understand that tables map to classes, but terminology of rows mapping to objects and columns mapping to object attributes have me confused.

I find actual examples help best. Try this:
Ruby and Rails:
Create the class (Create the table)
class House < ActiveRecord::Base
attr :length, :width, :finish, :price, :available
Create an instance (Insert a row)
my_house = => 23, :width => 12, :finish => 'siding',
:price => '$100,000.00', :available => false)
Get an instance (Select a row)
my_house = House.find(1)
puts my_house.length, my_house.width, my_house.price,
my_house.finish, my_house.available?
Create the table (Create the class)
create table house(
length Integer,
width Integer,
finish Varchar(255),
price Text,
available Boolean)
# Note this is generic SQL, adapt as needed
# to your implementation - SQLserver, Oracle, mySQL, etc.
Insert a row (Create an instance)
insert into house (length,width,finish,price,available)
values (23, 12, 'siding', '$100,000.00', false)
Select a row (Get an instance)
my_house = select * from house where id = 1

Here appeared some good answer while i was painting, but still hopes my simple one would help:
(since you've tagged your question with 'rails', I apply rails code)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :first_name, :email
puts User.inspect # => class
puts u = User.create(:first_name => 'name',
:email => '') # => object (class instance)
puts # => object's attribute

So, using ActiveRecord as the example, let's say you have a table posts, with columns 'id', 'title', 'date'. There are 2 rows in the posts table.
posts = Post.all
posts will be an Array of length 2. Each object in the array is one of the rows, and is an instance of class Post.
This is the first object in the array, which is the representation of the first row in the posts table.
This will return the title attribute of the first object, which is the title column in the first row of the posts table.
Does that help?


activerecord how to query for multiple conditions on association?

I am trying to make a scope for my EventsLog model which looks something along the lines of EventsLog.with_values({"value_name" => "value", "other_value_name" => "other_value"}).
The results of which would be the EventsLog records that have an associated EventsLogValue for each of the key-value pairs in the hash.
Here is what I have to work with.
Two tables whose definitions look like this:
--table for tracking events
CREATE TABLE events_log(
event_name VARCHAR(25), --name of the event
created_at DATETIME
--table for tracking the values corresponding to the event
CREATE TABLE events_log_values(
event_id INT,
value VARCHAR(255),
value_name VARCHAR(25),
From these two tables two models which look like:
class EventsLog < BaseAPIDatabase
self.table_name = "events_log"
self.primary_key = "id"
has_many :events_log_values, :foreign_key => "event_id", :primary_key => "id", :class_name => "EventsLogValue", :autosave => true
scope :since, ->(since){ where("created_at > ?", since)}
scope :named, ->(event_name){ where(:event_name => event_name) }
def values
events_log_values.inject({}) do |hsh, v|
hsh.merge({v.value_name => v.value})
class EventsLogValue < BaseAPIDatabase
self.table_name = "events_log_values"
self.primary_key = "id"
My approach so far has been to try and create a function that returns an active record relation which has applied one key-value pair at a time and then later to add a scope (or probably just a class method returning a relation) which chains them for me (something along the lines of scope :with_values, ->(values){values.inject(self){|slf, (k, v)| slf.with_value(k, v)} }).
Originally I tried to implement with_value as a fairly standard scope, scope :with_value, ->(val_name, val){ eager_load(:events_log_values).where(:events_log_values => {:value_name => val_name, :value => val}) }, which works fine by itself but when chained results in a single join with multiple conditions on the joined values.
Deciding that this would be solved by joining the values table with an alias for each condition; my new approach has been to define a has_many association in my with_value function then to eager_load that association and to add a where condition based on each new association:
def self.with_value(val_name, val)
has_many val_name.to_sym, ->(){ where(:value_name => val_name) }, :foreign_key => "event_id", :primary_key => "id", :class_name => "EventsLogValue"
res = eager_load(:events_log_values)
res.eager_load(val_name.to_sym).where("#{val_name.pluralize}_events_log" => {:value => val})
This actually works pretty well but has a few problems. The first one being that I have a difficult time knowing what the name in the where condition is going to be for the association. The second (and bigger problem) being that my values function now only has whatever value_names have not had an association made for them.
Here is some sql which was generated by the multiple has_manys and may help to illustrate what I am trying to do:
EventsLog.with_values("hello" => "world", "foo" => "bar").to_sql
FROM [events_log]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [events_log_values] ON [events_log_values].[event_id] = [events_log].[id]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [events_log_values] [hellos_events_log] ON [hellos_events_log].[event_id] = [events_log].[id] AND [hellos_events_log].[value_name] = 'hello'
LEFT OUTER JOIN [events_log_values] [foos_events_log] ON [foos_events_log].[event_id] = [events_log].[id] AND [foos_events_log].[value_name] = 'foo'
WHERE [hellos_events_log].[value] = 'world' AND [foos_events_log].[value] = 'bar'
How can I go about getting a record which has several associated records meeting several separate conditions?
This is the answer I have been able to come up with since asking my question. It uses arel to generate sql joins with aliases for each of the values and also generates a where condition for each value.
It's not the cleanest thing but it seems to get the job done.
def self.with_values(values)
el = EventsLog.arel_table
arel_joins = el
arel_wheres = []
values.each do |k, v|
ev = EventsLogValue.arel_table.alias("#{k}_join")
arel_joins = arel_joins.join(ev).on(el[:id].eq(ev[:event_id]).and(ev[:value_name].eq(k)))
arel_wheres << ev[:value].eq(v)
arel_wheres.inject(EventsLog.joins(arel_joins.join_sources)){|rel, con| rel.where(con)}
p.s. I think I read somewhere that Model.arel_table is undocumented and should not be used? It may be prudent to use'table_name') instead.

Rails-y way to query a model with a belongs_to association

I have two models:
class Wine
belongs_to :region
class Region
has_many :wines
I am attempting to use the #where method with a hash built from transforming certain elements from the params hash into a query hash, for example { :region => '2452' }
def index
#wines = Wine.where(hash)
But all I get is a column doesn't exist error when the query is executed:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: column wines.region does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "wines".* FROM "wines" WHERE "wines"."region" =...
Of course, the table wines has region_id so if I queried for region_id instead I would not get an error.
The question is the following:
Is there a rails-y way to query the Wine object for specific regions using the id in the #where method? I've listed some options below based on what I know I can do.
Option 1:
I could change the way that I build the query hash so that each field has _id (like { :region_id => '1234', :varietal_id => '1515' } but not all of the associations from Wine are belongs_to and thus don't have an entry in wines for _id, making the logic more complicated with joins and what not.
Option 2:
Build a SQL where clause, again using some logic to determine whether to use the id or join against another table... again the logic would be somewhat more complicated, and delving in to SQL makes it feel less rails-y. Or I could be wrong on that front.
Option(s) 3..n:
Things I haven't thought about... your input goes here :)
You could set up a scope in the Wine model to make it more rails-y ...
class Wine < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :region
attr_accessible :name, :region_id
scope :from_region, lambda { |region|
joins(:region).where(:region_id =>
So then you can do something like:
region = Region.find_by_name('France')
wine = Wine.from_region(region)
Edit 1:
or if you want to be really fancy you could do a scope for multiple regions:
scope :from_regions, lambda { |regions|
joins(:region).where("region_id in (?)",
regions = Region.where("name in (?)", ['France','Spain']) # or however you want to select them
wines = Wine.from_regions(regions)
Edit 2:
You can also chain scopes and where clauses, if required:
regions = Region.where("name in (?)", ['France','Spain'])
wines = Wine.from_regions(regions).where(:varietal_id => '1515')
Thanks to all who replied. The answers I got would be great for single condition queries but I needed something that could deal with a varying number of conditions.
I ended up implementing my option #1, which was to build a condition hash by iterating through and concatenating _id to the values:
def query_conditions_hash(conditions)
conditions.inject({}) do |hash, (k,v)|
k = (k.to_s + "_id").to_sym
hash[k] = v.to_i
So that the method would take a hash that was built from params like this:
{ region => '1235', varietal => '1551', product_attribute => '9' }
and drop an _id onto the end of each key and change the value to an integer:
{ region_id => 1235, varietal_id => 1551, product_attribute_id => 9 }
We'll see how sustainable this is, but this is what I went with for now.

Factory Girl with implicit has_many association

I'm trying to test a model that has an implicit has_many association, and am having some difficulties.
I have a table A, with column B_ID, where B is basically a foreign key - except there is no table B in my database, or an active record class associated with object B. There is also table C that has column a B_ID.
In the model for table C we have:
# implicit has_many :alphas
def alphas
Alpha.where(:b_id => b_id).order(:xyz)
This database structure makes sense for the data I have, and the non-test code works fine.
My test code almost works, and I hope I am just missing something simple.
I have factories defined for A and C, and I have a test:
a1 = Factory(:alpha, :b_id => 123, :xyz => 100)
a2 = Factory(:alpha, :b_id => 123, :xyz => 200)
c1 = Factory(:c, :b_id => 123)
puts c1.alphas.count
puts c1.alphas.first
c1.alphas.first.should == a1
The output is:
<test fails>
Changing the number of A objects that share the B_ID result in the c1.alphas.count changing, but I can't seem to actually inside the implicit association and get an A object back - instead I always get nil. There are other methods that in my C model that I can't test because those methods need to access fields on individual A objects.
Does anybody have any insight into what is going behind the scenes here, or what I might do to get around this? Thanks.
Take a look at this for an example to have an admin_user with the role of Admin.
In this case roles are not a factory.
I find it best to do this like the following though.
#order = Factory(:order)
order_item = Factory(:order_item, :total => 5.52 )
#order.stubs(:order_items).returns([order_item, order_item])
#order = Factory(:order)
order_item = Factory(:order_item, :total => 5.52, :order => #order )

How to create links between two tables

Ok so I'm starting on normalising my database. Currently I have one model "Products" which is populated with about 60,000 products via a data feed (XML), which contains a product with a category name and a merchant name. I want to split these into 3 models; products, categories and merchants.
Each product has one category and one merchant so the natural idea is to create these models:
category_id | category_name
merchant_id | merchant_name
I can work out the code to associate between the models i.e. has_one, belongs_to etc but I'm struggling to work out to automatically associate a new Product with a category and a merchant programatically.
I've seen examples in books where your start with an empty database and that seems pretty straightforward. However, I'm starting off with a full database and a list of Category names.
Here is my product creation statement which is working great:
Product.create(:name => node.xpath("./text/name/text()").inner_text.downcase,
:description => node.xpath("./text/desc/text()").inner_text,
:brand => node.xpath("./brand/text()").inner_text,
:merchant => node.xpath("../#name").inner_text,
:category => node.xpath("./cat/text()").inner_text.downcase,
:price => "£" + node.xpath("./price/btext()").inner_text)
Would I need to do something like this, see the :category line, (i know the following is wrong btw!)...
Product.create(:name => node.xpath("./text/name/text()").inner_text.downcase,
:description => node.xpath("./text/desc/text()").inner_text,
:brand => node.xpath("./brand/text()").inner_text,
:merchant => node.xpath("../#name").inner_text,
:category => << Category.find_by_name(node.xpath("./cat/text()").inner_text.downcase),
:price => "£" + node.xpath("./price/btext()").inner_text)
Any ideas? Does this even make sense!?
Assuming the columns are called category_name and merchant_name, and you've set up the associations on Category and Merchant, you could do something like this:
Product.all do |product|
product.category = Category.find_or_create_by_category_name(product.category_name)
product.merchant = Merchant.find_or_create_by_merchant_name(product.merchant_name)!
It will take a while, so for large datasets you might need a better solution.
So would this actually set the :category value in the products table to a category_id or set the value to the category_name?
.find_or_create_by does a find on the attribute and returns the matching row, or creates one if it does not exist. When creating the association via `.category=, Rails will set the foreign key to match the id of the row in the categories table.
So to answer your question more directly:
Product.create(:category=>Category.find_or_create_by_name("Magic Beans"))
is like doing this:
category = Category.find_by_name("Magic Beans")
if category.nil?
category = Category.create(:name=>"Magic Beans")
product =
product.category = category
where the penultimate step sets the foreign key category_id to the value By convention associations are set up such that the foreign key is the model name suffixed with _id, so your products table should have both category_id and merchant_id.

How to coerce type of ActiveRecord attribute returned by :select phrase on joined table?

Having trouble with AR 2.3.5, e.g.:
users = User.all( :select => ", c.user_id", :from => "users u, connections c",
:conditions => ... )
Returns, e.g.:
=> [#<User id: 1000>]
>> users.first.attributes
=> {"id"=>1000, "user_id"=>"1000"}
Note that AR returns the id of the model searched as numeric but the selected user_id of the joined model as a String, although both are int(11) in the database schema.
How could I better form this type of query to select columns of tables backing multiple models and retrieving their natural type rather than String ? Seems like AR is punting on this somewhere. How could I coerce the returned types at AR load time and not have to tack .to_i (etc.) onto every post-hoc access?
It's unfortunately not going to happen very easily. All of the data from the DB connection comes to rails as strings, the conversion of types happens in each of the dynamic attribute methods that rails creates at runtime. It knows which attributes to convert to which type by the table's column-type meta-data that it retrieves when the app starts. Each model only has column meta-data for it's own columns, that's why it's own columns end up with correct type. There is no easy way to auto-convert to the correct types.
You could on the other hand, create a simple conversion method that would take a Hash and automatically convert the attributes.
Something like this:
users = User.all(:select => "cl, comments.c2", ...)
users = convert_columns(users, 'c2' => :integer, 'other_column' => :date)
def convert_columns(records, columns = {})
records.each do |rec|
columns.each do |col, type|
rec[col] = case type
when :int then rec[col].to_i
when :date then ........
Why are you using :from => "users" inside a User.method ?
The following will do an inner join (which is what you are doing anyways)
users = User.all(:include => :connections, :select => ", connections.user_id", :conditions => {...})
This is going to be very heavy query for the database.
Faster query would be with the outer join though.
This will also return the keys as INT not STRING
A much faster alternative was
Connection.all(:include => :user, :conditions => {...}).collect {|e| [e.user_id,] }
This gives you an array of arrays with the ids. If you are going to select "id, user_id" columns only, then it may not necessarily be as AR object. An array can be faster.
I hope I am not missing some point here. Suggest me, if I am.
If you want quick solution - try to use after_find callback and preset correct attributes types there:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_find :preset_types
def preset_types user
user.user_id = user.user_id.to_i
