I'm Google trusted photographer for the their Business Virtual Tour project in France.
I have developped a website www.visitme360.com showing virtual tours realised in France
The website is quite popular and based on a Fusion Table and Google Map
It worked quite well until a few days ago. :-(
Now, when you click on a marker, the infowindow is not showing anymore, neither on my website, nor on the Google Drive interface !
On my website (http://www.visitme360.com/index.php), you can use the orange buttons to filter the map by activities
This isn't working anymore as well
The code for the request is :
layer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({query:{select:"Adresse", from:"1Sk8GO5kNILZhmmXwzqPAGdhoNrk5xKs0Co8eRx4", where:"Secteur CONTAINS '" + critere + "'"}, map:map})
Do you have an idea why this is not working anymore all a sudden ?
Thanks for your help
For a while I have been looking for a way of using Data Validation drop downs in an embedded Google Sheet in Google Sites . Apparently in Classic sites you could configure the embedded site as a list ( although this didn't work for me at the time ) . However there doesn't seem to be a lot of control in an embedded sheet in the ‘New’ google sites .
Is there a way of allowing someone ( a domain user ) to select something from an embedded sheet in google sites . The sheet needs to be in a site rather than shared on its own.
Nb. i can use the rm=minimal option in an iframe and that works - but there is a loading / performance issue with that .
Many thanks in advance
Hello I've been looking around and am unable to find any information on how to implement google maps into my rails application.
What I want to achieve is a page where the the map is shown on the screen with a fixed marker location of a shop. The user is able to type in their postcode and the map shows the distance between the two locations.
Could I please get some help with this :)
Theres a gem for that
Or just insert it into script tags onto your page
If you go to google.com and search "Attractions in London", in the result page on the first line you will see a list of Point of Interest (POI) with its name, photo, and description.
I want to get this list of POI on my iOS app, without having the user typing "Attractions in London"; I will pre-load this list as suggested places in London. I've read through the Google Places API for IOS here: https://developers.google.com/places/ios-api/start. But I could not find any sample to search by text.
The only way I found is by accessing the Google Place Web Service API here: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search and do the text search. Get the JSON result and map it to my custom google place object.
Does anybody has experience doing this using client-site API iOS SDK? Not sure if I missed anything in their guide, or it's not documented or Web Service API the only way..
Thanks in advance!
So I've got a couple of different fusiontable visualizations in a google site:
I am wondering if there is a way to link them so that when a pin in the map is selected the corresponding card is shown in the other iframe?
What I'd really like to be able to do is offer people a search over the fusion table via the google site, so that when somebody searched in the site search, they'd get back a list of hits in the map and cards, and have them all linked up together ... Any simple way to do this over paired visualizations or would this have to be custom site built on the fusiontables API?
I know fusion tables wizard:
can provide something like this for a single visualization, but am unclear about linking multiple visualizations - maybe that's just completely impractical ...
Many thanks in advance
Cheers> SAM
p.s. Here's a current screenshot in case it the site changes :-)
It's possible, but instead of the iframe-map you must create the map on your own to be able to modify the default behaviour(opening of the infoWindow on click and load the filtered card instead).
It's not much difficult, the most of the src you will get with map->publish->get HTML and javascript
All you have to do is:
supress the infoWindows(set the suppressInfoWindows-option of the layer to true)
observe the click-event of the layer and load the card based on a unique col(Charity Number appears to be unique)
google.maps.event.addListener(layerl0, 'click',function(e){
.src='https://www.google.com/fusiontables/embedviz?viz=CARD&q=select+*+from+1ZnLJPfdXgiD49s3JO9Vyhf0VPGgBnzs-985jT3s+where+col1+%3D+'+e.row['Charity Number'].value+'&tmplt=4&cpr=1';
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/doktormolle/YVnus/
But actually showing the cards in an iframe forces a redundant request, instead you may fetch the contents of the infoWindow and insert them directly into the page.
I want to open the native google maps application on a mobile device from my mobile website. Currently I am using the URL http://maps.google.com/maps?q=The%20Diner,%2027%20Main%20Street,%20The%20Village%20#55.7665863,-4.1455545, which works for one location.
What I am looking to do is show multiple locations with a different coloured marker. Is this possible.
Well i found when you use the non-secure url and post a list of postcodes it works fine you can add more postcodes by adding another +to: ;
havent really tried to make it do different markers with different colors or anything, but i suggest looking at the url generated by your browser in google maps and ensuring its not a https:/ link and i think it should work.
Is it possible to use google static maps in place of what you have?
This page shows a static map example with multiple markers.