WHERE query to FusionTables...(GoogleMaps v3)? - google-fusion-tables

I seem to not be understanding the syntax of the WHERE part of the fusion tables query. Trying to create a styles: array (of only 4 styles...).
If I comment out the WHERE part of my query...everything runs...however with the WHERE query -- nothing loads.
Looks like this (note: changed the names, but not the punctuation):
var layer = new google.maps.FusionTables Layer({
select: 'geometry',
from: 'Encrypted ID'
where: 'ColumnName' = 'String',
I've tried different varieties of this WHERE query with different syntax (notably I have a 'ColumnName' that I can link to a real number).
I am so confused as to where I've gone awry here.... Should I be using ROWID from the Select on the 'geometry' column? Do I have a bad combo of operations and quotes?...Please help if you can.
Many Thanks!!!

Your WHERE clause is faulty.
Here's the proper one:
where: "'ColumnName' = 'String'",
and BTW you should always check your javascript error console first if something is not working...

from the documentation https://developers.google.com/fusiontables/docs/v2/sql-reference
(Original link: https://developers.google.com/fusiontables/docs/v1/sql-reference#Select, updated per comment by douglasg14b)
Used in the WHERE clause. The syntax is: <column_name> <operator> <value>
<column_name> is described earlier in this table.
For <operator>, use one of the following with a <number>:
>, <, >=, <=, =
For <operator>, use one of the following with a <string>:
>, <, >=, <=, =
MATCHES (equivalent to LIKE)
I would suggest not using <, <, >=, <=, = with strings; while the documentation says you can, I have found it problematic. You also need to use single quotes around strings and column names with spaces.


Ecto's fragment allowing SQL injection

When Ecto queries get more complex and require clauses like CASE...WHEN...ELSE...END, we tend to depend on Ecto's fragment to solve it.
e.g. query = from t in <Model>, select: fragment("SUM(CASE WHEN status = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)", 2)
In fact the most popular Stack Overflow post about this topic suggests to create a macro like this:
defmacro case_when(condition, do: then_expr, else: else_expr) do
quote do
so you can use it this way in your Ecto queries:
query = from t in <Model>,
select: case_when t.status == 2
do 1
else 0
at the same time, in another post, I found this:
(Ecto.Query.CompileError) to prevent SQL injection attacks, fragment(...) does not allow strings to be interpolated as the first argument via the `^` operator, got: `"exists (\n SELECT 1\n FROM #{other_table} o\n WHERE o.column_name = ?)"
Well, it seems Ecto's team figured out people are using fragment to solve complex queries, but they don't realize it can lead to SQL injection, so they don't allow string interpolation there as a way to protect developers.
Then comes another guy who says "don't worry, use macros."
I'm not an elixir expert, but that seems like a workaround to DO USE string interpolation, escaping the fragment protection.
Is there a way to use fragment and be sure the query was parameterized?
SQL injection, here, would result of string interpolation usage with an external data. Imagine where: fragment("column = '#{value}'") (instead of the correct where: fragment("column = ?", value)), if value comes from your params (usual name of the second argument of a Phoenix action which is the parameters extracted from the HTTP request), yes, this could result in a SQL injection.
But, the problem with prepared statement, is that you can't substitute a paremeter (the ? in fragment/1 string) by some dynamic SQL part (for example, a thing as simple as an operator) so, you don't really have the choice. Let's say you would like to write fragment("column #{operator} ?", value) because operator would be dynamic and depends on conditions, as long as operator didn't come from the user (harcoded somewhere in your code), it would be safe.
I don't know if you are familiar with PHP (PDO in the following examples), but this is exactly the same with $bdd->query("... WHERE column = '{$_POST['value']}'") (inject a value by string interpolation) in opposite to $stmt = $bdd->prepare('... WHERE column = ?') then $stmt->execute([$_POST['value']]); (a correct prepared statement). But, if we come back to my previous story of dynamic operator, as stated earlier, you can't dynamically bind some random SQL fragment, the DBMS would interpret "WHERE column ? ?" with > as operator and 'foo' as value like (for the idea) WHERE column '>' 'foo' which is not syntactically correct. So, the easiest way to turn this operator dynamic is to write "WHERE column {$operator} ?" (inject it, but only it, by string interpolation or concatenation). If this variable $operator is defined by your own code (eg: $operator = some_condition ? '>' : '=';), it's fine but, in the opposite, if it involves some superglobal variable which comes from the client like $_POST or $_GET, this creates a security hole (SQL injection).
Then comes another guy who says "don't worry, use macros."
The answer of Aleksei Matiushkin, in the mentionned post, is just a workaround to the disabled/forbidden string interpolation by fragment/1 to dynamically inject a known operator. If you reuse this trick (and can't really do otherwise), as long as you don't blindly "inject" any random value coming from the user, you'll be fine.
It seems, after all, that fragment/1 (which I didn't inspect the source) doesn't imply a prepared statement (the ? are not placeholder of a true prepared statement). I tried some simple and stupid enough query like the following:
where: fragment("lastname ? ?", "LIKE", "%")
|> Repo.all()
At least with PostgreSQL/postgrex, the generated query in console appears to be in fact:
SELECT ... FROM "customers" AS c0 WHERE (lastname 'LIKE' '%') []
Note the [] (empty list) at the end for the parameters (and absence of $1 in the query) so it seems to act like the emulation of prepared statement in PHP/PDO meaning Ecto (or postgrex?) realizes proper escaping and injection of values directly in the query but, still, as said above LIKE became a string (see the ' surrounding it), not an operator so the query fails with a syntax error.

GSheets - How to query a partial string

I am currently using this formula to get all the data from everyone whose first name is "Peter", but my problem is that if someone is called "Simon Peter" this data is gonna show up on the formula output.
=QUERY('Data'!1:1000,"select * where B contains 'Peter'")
I know that for the other formulas if I add an * to the String this issue is resolved. But in this situation for the QUERY formula the same logic do not applies.
Do someone knows the correct syntax or a workaround?
How about classic SQL syntax
=QUERY('Data'!1:1000,"select * where B like 'Peter %'")
The LIKE keyword allows use of wildcard % to represent characters relative to the known parts of the searched string.
See the query reference: developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage You could split firstname and lastname into separate columns, then only search for firstnames exactly equal to 'Peter'. Though you may want to also check if lowercase/uppercase where lower(B) contains 'peter' or whitespaces are present in unexpected places (e.g., trim()). You could also search only for values that start with Peter by using starts with instead of contains, or a regular expression using matches. – Brian D
It seems that for my case using 'starts with' is a perfect fit. Thank you!

Safely pass a dynamic column name into an ActiveRecord query with a Postgres cast?

I do a lot of time without date querying in my app, and I would like to abstract some of the queries away.
So say I have a model with a DateTime starts_at field:
Shift.where('starts_at::time > ?', '20:31:00.00')
-> SELECT "shifts".* FROM "shifts" WHERE (starts_at::time > '20:31:00.00')
This correctly returns all of the 'starts_at' values greater than the time 20:31.
I want to dynamically pass in the column name into the query, so I can do something like:
Shift.where('? > ?', "#{column_name}::time", '20:31:00.00').
-> SELECT "shifts".* FROM "shifts" WHERE ('starts_at::time' > '20:31:00.00')
In this example, this does not work as the search executes starts_at::time as a string, not as a column with the time cast.
How can I safely pass in column_name into a query with the ::time cast? While this will not accept user input, I would still like to ensure SQL injection is accounted for.
This is more complicated than you might think at first because identifiers (column names, table names, ...) and values ('pancakes', 6, ...) are very different things in SQL that have different quoting rules and even quote characters (single quotes for strings, double quotes for identifiers in standard SQL, backticks for identifiers in MySQL, brackets for identifiers in SQL-Server, ...). If you think of identifiers like Ruby variable names and values like, well, literal Ruby values then you can start to see the difference.
When you say this:
where('? > ?', ...)
both placeholders will be treated as values (not identifiers) and quoted as such. Why is this? ActiveRecord has no way of knowing which ? should be an identifier (such as the created_at column name) and which should be a value (such as 20:31:00.00).
The database connection does have a method specifically for quoting column names though:
> puts ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name('pancakes')
=> nil
so you can say things like:
quoted_column = Shift.connection.quote_column_name(column_name)
Shift.where("#{quoted_name}::time > ?", '20:31:00.00')
This is a little unpleasant because we recoil (or at least we should) at using string interpolation to build SQL. However, quote_column_name will take care of anything dodgy or unsafe in column_name so this isn't actually dangerous.
You could also say:
quoted_column = "#{Shift.connection.quote_column_name(column_name)}::time"
Shift.where("#{quoted_name} > ?", '20:31:00.00')
if you didn't always need to cast the column name to a time. Or even:
clause = "#{Shift.connection.quote_column_name(column_name)}::time > ?"
Shift.where(clause, '20:31:00.00')
You could also use extract or one of the other date/time functions instead of a typecast but you'd still be left with the quoting problem and the somewhat cringeworthy quote_column_name call.
Another option would be to whitelist column_name so that only specific valid values would be allowed. Then you could throw the safe column_name right into the query:
# Throw a tantrum, hissy fit, or complain in your preferred fashion
Shift.where("#{column_name} > ?", '20:31:00.00')
This should be fine as long as you don't have any funky column names like "gotta have some breakfast" or similar things that always need to be properly quoted. You could even use Shift.column_names or Shift.columns to build your whitelist.
Using both a whitelist and then quote_column_name would probably be the safest but the quote_column_name method should be sufficient.
I decided to use this small solution, taking advantage of Rails column naming conventions:
scope :field_before_and_on_date, -> (field, time) do
column_name = field.to_s.parameterize.underscore
where("#{column_name} <= ?", time.end_of_day)
# Takes advantage of:
> "); and delete everything(); stuff(".parameterize.underscore
=> "and_delete_everything_stuff"
It's limited but the concept would work for a type cast too.

How to safely pass parameters to ActiveRecord#select() when using PostgreSQL

I have a method that takes a column name and defines a scope on my model. The scope makes use of PostgreSQL window functions (like rank() and row_number()), adding an additional column to the resulting dataset. For example, User.ranked_on_score should add a rank() column aliased as score_ranking.
Currently, I achieved it with simple string interpolation (pseudocode):
window_alias = "#{attr}_rankings"
result_alias = "#{attr}_ranking"
select("users.*, #{window_alias}.#{result_alias}")
.join("JOIN (SELECT id, rank() OVER (ORDER BY #{attr} ASC) as #{result_alias} ...")
Considering, the scope should be defined be a macro beforehand and doesn't take input from users, this approach should be safe; nevertheless, I don't like it.
I know about the sanitize_sql method, but it doesn't work in my case. It wraps parameters in single quotes which is fine in the WHERE clause, but raises syntax errors if used in the SELECT clause (PG requires identifiers to be wrapped in double quotes).
Is there any built-in method for identifier sanitization? Or should I just leave it like that?
Have you tried quote_column_name? It's undocumented for some reason, but should do what you need.
window_alias = quote_column_name("#{attr}_rankings")
result_alias = quote_column_name("#{attr}_ranking")
Under the hood, it's equivalent to calling PGconn.quote_ident when using PostgreSQL.

How do I use TADOQuery.Parameters with integer parameter types that have to be put in two or more places in a query?

I have a complex query that contains more than one place where the same primary key value must be substituted. It looks like this:
select Foo.Id,
(case when Goo.ZenID is null or Goo.ZenID=0 then
IsNull(dbo.EmptyToNull(Bar.FanName),dbo.EmptyToNull(Bar.BazName))+' '+Bar.Strength else
'#'+BarZen.Description end) as Description,
(case when Goo.ZenID is null or Goo.ZenID=0 then
IsNull(dbo.EmptyToNull(Bar.BazName),dbo.EmptyToNull(Bar.FanName))+' '+Bar.Strength else
'#'+BarZen.Description end) as BazName,
GooTracking.Status as GooTrackingStatus
inner join Bug on (Foo.BugId=Bug.Id)
inner join Goo on (Foo.GooNum=Goo.GooNum)
left join Bar on (Bar.Id=Goo.BarID)
left join BarZen on (Goo.ZenID=BarZen.ID)
inner join GooTracking on(Goo.GooNum=GooTracking.GooNum )
where (BearBaitId = :aBaitid)
select Foo.Id,
from Foo
inner join Bug on (Foo.BugId=Bug.Id)
where (LinkType=0) and (BearBaitId= :aBaitid )
order by BearBaitId,LinkType desc, GooNum
When I try to use an integer parameter on this non-trivial query, it seems impossible to me. I get this error:
Incorrect syntax near ':'.
The query works fine if I take out the :aBaitid and substitute a literal 1.
Is there something else I can do to this query above? When I test with simple tests like this:
select * from foo where id = :anid
These simple cases work fine. The component is TADOQuery, and it works fine until you add any :parameters to the SQL string.
Update: when I use the following code at runtime, the parameter substitutions are actually done (some glitch in the ADO components is worked around) and a different error surfaces:
adoFooContentQuery.Parameters.FindParam('aBaitId').Value := 1;
adoFooContentQuery.Active := true;
Now the error changes to:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'inner''.
Note again, that this error goes away if I simply stop using the parameter substitution feature.
Update2: The accepted answer suggests I have to find two different copies of the parameter with the same name, which bothered me so I reworked the query like this:
DECLARE #aVar int;
SET #aVar = :aBaitid;
SELECT ....(long query here)
Then I used #aVar throughout the script where needed, to avoid the repeated use of :aBaitId. (If the number of times the parameter value is used changes, I don't want to have to find all parameters matching a name, and replace them).
I suppose a helper-function like this would be fine too: SetAllParamsNamed(aQuery:TAdoQuery; aName:String;aValue:Variant)
FindParam only finds one parameter, while you have two with the same name. Delphi dataset adds each parameter as a separate one to its collection of parameters.
It should work if you loop through all parameters, check if the name matches, and set the value of each one that matches, although I normally choose to give each same parameter a follow-up number to distingish between them.
