I'm trying to implement RSA encryption with PKCS1 padding using SecKeyEncrypt function.
The code is following:
NSData *encryptText(NSString *text, SecKeyRef publicKey)
NSCParameterAssert(text.length > 0);
NSCParameterAssert(publicKey != NULL);
NSData *dataToEncrypt = [text dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const uint8_t *bytesToEncrypt = dataToEncrypt.bytes;
size_t cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey);
NSCAssert(cipherBufferSize > 11, #"block size is too small: %zd", cipherBufferSize);
const size_t inputBlockSize = cipherBufferSize - 11; // since we'll use PKCS1 padding
uint8_t *cipherBuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * cipherBufferSize);
NSMutableData *accumulator = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
#try {
for (size_t block = 0; block * inputBlockSize < dataToEncrypt.length; block++) {
size_t blockOffset = block * inputBlockSize;
const uint8_t *chunkToEncrypt = (bytesToEncrypt + block * inputBlockSize);
const size_t remainingSize = dataToEncrypt.length - blockOffset;
const size_t subsize = remainingSize < inputBlockSize ? remainingSize : inputBlockSize;
size_t actualOutputSize = cipherBufferSize;
OSStatus status = SecKeyEncrypt(publicKey, kSecPaddingPKCS1, chunkToEncrypt, subsize, cipherBuffer, &actualOutputSize);
if (status != noErr) {
NSLog(#"Cannot encrypt data, last SecKeyEncrypt status: %ld", status);
return nil;
[accumulator appendBytes:cipherBuffer length:actualOutputSize];
return [accumulator copy];
#finally {
It works perfectly on iOS 6, but fails on iOS 5, SecKeyEncrypt returns -50 (errSecParam). It would work on iOS 5 if I change 11 to 12 in inputBlockSize = cipherBufferSize - 11.
Apple doc says that input chunk length should be less or equal SecKeyGetBlockSize() - 11 if PKCS1 padding used. But on iOS 5 it definitely requires shorter input.
My key block size is 64, so input chunk max length is 53, according to docs. On iOS 5 only 52 or less would work.
What's wrong with this code? Or it's iOS 5 Security.framework bug?
UPD: problem reproduces only with 512-bit key. Tried with generated 1024-bit key, code works on iOS 5 with 11
Related Apple doc: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Security/Reference/certifkeytrustservices/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/c/func/SecKeyEncrypt
I am working on a app which has following requirements :
Record real time audio from iOS device (iPhone)
Encode this audio data to Opus data and send it to server over WebSocket
Decode received data to pcm again
Play received audio from WebSocket server on iOS device(iPhone)
I've used AVAudioEngine for this.
var engine = AVAudioEngine()
var input: AVAudioInputNode = engine.inputNode
var format: AVAudioFormat = input.outputFormat(forBus: AVAudioNodeBus(0))
input.installTap(onBus: AVAudioNodeBus(0), bufferSize: AVAudioFrameCount(8192), format: format, block: { buf, when in
// ‘buf' contains audio captured from input node at time 'when'
// start engine
And I converted AVAudioPCMBuffer to Data using this function
func toData(PCMBuffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer) -> Data {
let channelCount = 1
let channels = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: PCMBuffer.floatChannelData, count: channelCount)
let ch0Data = NSData(bytes: channels[0], length:Int(PCMBuffer.frameLength * PCMBuffer.format.streamDescription.pointee.mBytesPerFrame))
return ch0Data as Data
I've found Opus Library from CocoaPod libopus libopus
I have searched a lot on how to use OpusCodec in IOS but haven't got the solution.
How to encode and decode this data using OpusCodec ? And Am I need jitterBuffer ? If I need How to use it in IOS
This Code for Opus Codec but voice doesn't clear
#import "OpusManager.h"
#import <opus/opus.h>
#define SAMPLE_RATE 16000
#define CHANNELS 1
* Audio frame size
* It is divided by time. When calling, you must use the audio data of
exactly one frame (multiple of 2.5ms: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60ms).
* Fs/ms 2.5 5 10 20 40 60
* 8kHz 20 40 80 160 320 480
* 16kHz 40 80 160 320 640 960
* 24KHz 60 120 240 480 960 1440
* 48kHz 120 240 480 960 1920 2880
#define FRAME_SIZE 320
#define MAX_PACKET_BYTES (FRAME_SIZE * CHANNELS * sizeof(float))
#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE (FRAME_SIZE * CHANNELS * sizeof(float))
typedef opus_int16 OPUS_DATA_SIZE_T;
#implementation OpusManager {
OpusEncoder *_encoder;
OpusDecoder *_decoder;
int size;
int error;
unsigned char encodedPacket[MAX_PACKET_BYTES];
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
size = opus_encoder_get_size(CHANNELS);
_encoder = malloc(size);
error = opus_encoder_init(_encoder, SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNELS, APPLICATION);
_encoder = opus_encoder_create(SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNELS, APPLICATION, &error);
_decoder = opus_decoder_create(SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNELS, &error);
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(BITRATE));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(10));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_SIGNAL(OPUS_SIGNAL_VOICE));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_VBR(0));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_APPLICATION(APPLICATION));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_DTX(1));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_INBAND_FEC(0));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH(12000));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_PACKET_LOSS_PERC(1));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_INBAND_FEC(1));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_FORCE_CHANNELS(CHANNELS));
opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_PACKET_LOSS_PERC(1));
return self;
- (NSData *)encode:(NSData *)PCM {
opus_int16 *PCMPtr = (opus_int16 *)PCM.bytes;
int PCMSize = (int)PCM.length / sizeof(opus_int16);
opus_int16 *PCMEnd = PCMPtr + PCMSize;
NSMutableData *mutData = [NSMutableData data];
unsigned char encodedPacket[MAX_PACKET_BYTES];
// Record opus block size
OPUS_DATA_SIZE_T encodedBytes = 0;
while (PCMPtr + FRAME_SIZE < PCMEnd) {
encodedBytes = opus_encode_float(_encoder, (const float *) PCMPtr, FRAME_SIZE, encodedPacket, MAX_PACKET_BYTES);
if (encodedBytes <= 0) {
NSLog(#"ERROR: encodedBytes<=0");
return nil;
NSLog(#"encodedBytes: %d", encodedBytes);
// Save the opus block size
[mutData appendBytes:&encodedBytes length:sizeof(encodedBytes)];
// Save opus data
[mutData appendBytes:encodedPacket length:encodedBytes];
NSLog(#"mutData: %lu", (unsigned long)mutData.length);
NSLog(#"encodedPacket: %s", encodedPacket);
return mutData.length > 0 ? mutData : nil;
- (NSData *)decode:(NSData *)opus {
unsigned char *opusPtr = (unsigned char *)opus.bytes;
int opusSize = (int)opus.length;
unsigned char *opusEnd = opusPtr + opusSize;
NSMutableData *mutData = [NSMutableData data];
float decodedPacket[MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
int decodedSamples = 0;
// Save data for opus block size
OPUS_DATA_SIZE_T nBytes = 0;
while (opusPtr < opusEnd) {
// Take out the opus block size data
nBytes = *(OPUS_DATA_SIZE_T *)opusPtr;
opusPtr += sizeof(nBytes);
decodedSamples = opus_decode_float(_decoder, opusPtr, nBytes,decodedPacket, MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 0);
if (decodedSamples <= 0) {
NSLog(#"ERROR: decodedSamples<=0");
return nil;
NSLog(#"decodedSamples:%d", decodedSamples);
[mutData appendBytes:decodedPacket length:decodedSamples *sizeof(opus_int16)];
opusPtr += nBytes;
NSLog(#"mutData: %lu", (unsigned long)mutData.length);
return mutData.length > 0 ? mutData : nil;
Try to lower the bandwidth or set an higher bitrate. I think 16kbit for a 12kHz bandwidth mono audio is probably too low. Think it will be better to leave bandwidth to auto with application VOIP setted. There could be other problems around but the "doesn't sound good" is not enough to analyze.
I would suggest playing around with bitrate and bandwidth.
I have succeeded to make it work with the parameters described here:
Plain text : Encrypt and decrypt text with AES algorithm
Key (256) : testsecret
Result (https://aesencryption.net/) : iFhSyFY3yYoO2G6GVGkdhZJjD+h0Pxv5fQnO3xIarzuGQSkIxlrpSprC5bC3gJ2U
i use small code in object to decrypt this this text :
(NSData*)AES256DecryptWithKey:(NSString*)key {
// 'key' should be 32 bytes for AES256, will be null-padded otherwise
char keyPtr[kCCKeySizeAES256 + 1]; // room for terminator (unused)
bzero(keyPtr, sizeof(keyPtr)); // fill with zeroes (for padding)
// fetch key data
[key getCString:keyPtr maxLength:sizeof(keyPtr) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSUInteger dataLength = [self length];
//See the doc: For block ciphers, the output size will always be less than or
//equal to the input size plus the size of one block.
//That's why we need to add the size of one block here
size_t bufferSize = dataLength + kCCBlockSizeAES128;
void* buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
size_t numBytesDecrypted = 0; // char iv[kCCBlockSizeAES128 + 1]; bzero(iv, sizeof(iv)) ;
CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(kCCDecrypt, kCCAlgorithmAES, kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ,
keyPtr, kCCKeySizeAES256,
NULL /* initialization vector (optional) /,
[self bytes], dataLength, / input /
buffer, bufferSize, / output */
if (cryptStatus == kCCSuccess)
//the returned NSData takes ownership of the buffer and will free it on deallocation
return [NSMutableData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:numBytesDecrypted];
free(buffer); //free the buffer;
return nil; }
Result : t\PFLFC\^X\^C^\^^\^RWQV\^\ypt text with AES algorithm
Seem it alway wrong first 16bit block. Can u help me. what i'm wrong when encrypt ?
aesencryption.net performs AES in CBC mode. IV is a hardcoded ASCII string (16 chars). Message is UTF8-encoded then PKCS7-padded. AES key is the given password, UTF8-encoded then null-padded to choosen key size (or truncated if password is too long). And of course, the result is displayed as base64.
Getting the IV is as simple as encrypting a given block, decrypting it in ECB mode, and xoring that decrypted block with the original one...
Try to use AESCrypt-ObjC instead of Cryptlib Library.
Add this line to your class:
#import "AESCrypt.h"
NSString *message = #"top secret message";
NSString *password = #"p4ssw0rd";
NSString *encryptedData = [AESCrypt encrypt:message password:password];
NSString *message = [AESCrypt decrypt:encryptedData password:password];
Hope this will help.
Also, you can see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51767050/5167909
Your CCCryptorStatus parameters in osstatus :
should look like this
cryptStatus = CCCrypt( kCCDecrypt, kCCAlgorithmAES128,kCCOptionECBMode + kCCOptionPKCS7Padding, keyPtr, kCCKeySizeAES256 NULL,[self bytes], dataLength, buffer, bufferSize, &numBytesEncrypted );,
However you length of the key is less than 16 bytes. At least make sure that your secret key should be of 16 bytes.
I've managed to decode and play H264 videos, however I'm having a difficult time with MPEG4 videos.
What CMVideoFormatDescription extensions does it need? I'm getting -8971 error (codecExtensionNotFoundErr) when trying to create a VTDecompressionSession.
This is how I create a VideoFormatDescription
OSStatus success = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
Instead of that NULL, I assume I need to specify a CFDictionaryRef, however I don't know what it should contain. Any idea?
After much pain and agony, I've finally managed to make it work.
I need to provide a CFDictionaryRef with at least a value for the kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms key. The value for this key also has to be a CFDictionaryRef. For H264 types this is created inside the CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets and looks like this:
avcC = <014d401e ffe10016 674d401e 9a660a0f ff350101 01400000 fa000013 88010100 0468ee3c 80>
However for the MPEG4 type, you need to create this on your own. The end result should look like this:
esds = <00000000 038081e6 00000003 8081e611 00000000 00000000 058081e5 060102>
Now the way to create this is still fuzzy to me, however it somehow works. I was inspired by this link. This is the code:
- (CMFormatDescriptionRef)createFormatDescriptorFromMPEG4Message:(MessageContainer *)message {
CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef mediaDescriptor = NULL;
NSData *esdsData = [self newESDSFromData:message.frameData];
CFMutableDictionaryRef esdsDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 1,
CFDictionarySetValue(esdsDictionary, CFSTR("esds"), (__bridge const void *)(esdsData));
NSDictionary *dictionary = #{(__bridge NSString *)kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms : (__bridge NSDictionary *)esdsDictionary};
OSStatus status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
(__bridge CFDictionaryRef)dictionary,
if (status) {
NSLog(#"CMVideoFormatDesciprionCreate failed with %zd", status);
return mediaDescriptor;
- (NSData *)newESDSFromData:(NSData *)data {
NSInteger dataLength = data.length;
int full_size = 3 + 5 + 13 + 5 + dataLength + 3;
// ES_DescrTag data + DecoderConfigDescrTag + data + DecSpecificInfoTag + size + SLConfigDescriptor
int config_size = 13 + 5 + dataLength;
int padding = 12;
int8_t *esdsInfo = calloc(full_size + padding, sizeof(int8_t));
esdsInfo[0] = 0;
esdsInfo[1] = 0;
esdsInfo[2] = 0;
esdsInfo[3] = 0;
esdsInfo[4] |= 0x03;
[self addMPEG4DescriptionLength:full_size
toPointer:esdsInfo + 5];
esdsInfo[8] = 0;
esdsInfo[9] = 0;
//Stream priority
esdsInfo[10] = 0;
esdsInfo[11] = 0x03;
[self addMPEG4DescriptionLength:config_size
toPointer:esdsInfo + 12];
//Stream Type
esdsInfo[15] = 0x11;
//Buffer Size
esdsInfo[16] = 0;
esdsInfo[17] = 0;
//Max bitrate
esdsInfo[18] = 0;
esdsInfo[19] = 0;
esdsInfo[20] = 0;
//Avg bitrate
esdsInfo[21] = 0;
esdsInfo[22] = 0;
esdsInfo[23] = 0;
//< DecSpecificInfoTag
esdsInfo[24] |= 0x05;
[self addMPEG4DescriptionLength:dataLength
toPointer:esdsInfo + 25];
esdsInfo[28] = 0x06;
esdsInfo[29] = 0x01;
esdsInfo[30] = 0x02;
NSData *esdsData = [NSData dataWithBytes:esdsInfo length:31 * sizeof(int8_t)];
return esdsData;
- (void)addMPEG4DescriptionLength:(NSInteger)length
toPointer:(int8_t *)ptr {
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
uint8_t b = (length >> (i * 7)) & 0x7F;
if (i != 0) {
b |= 0x80;
ptr[3 - i] = b;
The message container is a simple wrapper around the data received from the server:
#interface MessageContainer : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) CGSize frameSize;
#property (nonatomic) NSData *frameData;
Where frameSize is the size of the frame (received separately from the server) and frameData is the data itself.
I have an encrypted data stream (AES 128, CBC, PKCS7) that I'm trying to decrypt as it arrives. Occasionally I'll get a packet of length 334, which I then try to decrypt. When I do this on an iPhone 5, it returns kCCBufferTooSmall (which is expected for non-mod 16 data). However, when I have the same thing on an iPhone 3GS it returns kCCSuccess and gives me a partially decrypted stream (the last ten bytes or so of the 333 it gives me are bogus - null terminators and random data).
Both devices are iOS 6.1.2. The app is built with base SDK set to latest SDK (6.1) with a deployment target of iOS 5.0.
I created the following test case which also exhibits this problem:
+ (void)decryptionTest {
NSData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:334]; // 334 % 16 = 14
NSData *key = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:kCCKeySizeAES128];
NSData *iv = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:kCCBlockSizeAES128];
size_t outLength = 0;
NSMutableData *cipherData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:data.length];
CCCryptorStatus result = CCCrypt(kCCDecrypt,
NSLog(#"result = %d", result);
Why am I getting kCCSuccess when it should be failing due to not matching the block size?
I am using SecKeyEncrypt with a JSON formatted string as input. If pass SecKeyEncrypt a plainTextLength of less than 246, it works. If I pass it a length of 246 or more, it fails with return value: paramErr (-50).
It could be a matter of the string itself. An example of what I might send SecKeyEncrypt is:
The 245th character is '0'.
The ONLY input that is changing between this working and is the plainTextLength. SecKeyGetBlockSize() is returning 256 to me, so any input up to 256 characters long should work.
Here is my encrypt method:
+ (NSData*)encrypt:(NSString*)data usingPublicKeyWithTag:(NSString*)tag
OSStatus status = noErr;
size_t cipherBufferSize;
uint8_t *cipherBuffer;
// [cipherBufferSize]
size_t dataSize = 246;//[data lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const uint8_t* textData = [[data dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] bytes];
SecKeyRef publicKey = [Encryption copyPublicKeyForTag:tag];
NSAssert(publicKey, #"The public key being referenced by tag must have been stored in the keychain before attempting to encrypt data using it!");
// Allocate a buffer
cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey);
// this value will not get modified, whereas cipherBufferSize may.
const size_t fullCipherBufferSize = cipherBufferSize;
cipherBuffer = malloc(cipherBufferSize);
NSMutableData* accumulatedEncryptedData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:0];
// Error handling
for (int ii = 0; ii*fullCipherBufferSize < dataSize; ii++) {
const uint8_t* dataToEncrypt = (textData+(ii*fullCipherBufferSize));
const size_t subsize = (((ii+1)*fullCipherBufferSize) > dataSize) ? fullCipherBufferSize-(((ii+1)*fullCipherBufferSize) - dataSize) : fullCipherBufferSize;
// Encrypt using the public key.
status = SecKeyEncrypt( publicKey,
[accumulatedEncryptedData appendBytes:cipherBuffer length:cipherBufferSize];
if (publicKey) CFRelease(publicKey);
return accumulatedEncryptedData;
From the documentation:
Length in bytes of the data in the plainText buffer. This must be less than or equal to the value returned by the SecKeyGetBlockSize function. When PKCS1 padding is performed, the maximum length of data that can be encrypted is 11 bytes less than the value returned by the SecKeyGetBlockSize function (secKeyGetBlockSize() - 11).
(emphasis mine)
You're using PKCS1 padding. So if the block size is 256, you can only encrypt up to 245 bytes at a time.