I'm new to ANTLR and am trying to understand how to do some things with it. I need it to throw an error when a statement is missing things, like a semicolon or an end bracket. It's been called negative test cases by the problem set that I'm working through.
For example, the below code returns true, which is correct.
val program = """
1 + 2;
However, this code also returns true, despite it missing the semicolon at the end. It should return false ([PARSER error at line=1]: missing ';' at '').
val program = """
1 + 2
The grammar is as follows:
program: (expression ';')* | EOF;
IDENT: [A-Za-z0-9]+;
INT: [-][0-9]+ | ('0'..'9')+;
PLUS: '+';
QUOTE: '"';
program: (expression ';')* | EOF;
This means a program can either be zero or more instances of expression ';' followed by whatever else is in the input stream or it can be empty. Since (expression ';')* can already match the empty input by itself, the | EOF is just redundant.
What you want is program: (expression ';')* EOF, which means that a program consists of zero or more instances of expression ';', followed by the end of input, meaning there must be nothing left in the input afterwards.
I have this grammar below for implementing an IN operator taking a list of numbers or strings.
grammar listFilterExpr;
listFilterExpr: entityIdNumberListFilter | entityIdStringListFilter;
: 'a.Id'
| 'c.Id'
| 'e.Id'
: 'f.phone'
: entityIdNumberListFilter
| entityIdStringListFilter
: '$in:'
: entityIdNumberProperty listOperator numberList
: entityIdStringProperty listOperator stringList
numberList: '[' ID (',' ID)* ']';
fragment ID: [1-9][0-9]*;
stringList: '[' STRING (',' STRING)* ']';
fragment ESC
: '\\' (["\\/bfnrt] | UNICODE)
: ~ ["\\\u0000-\u001F]
If I try to parse the following input:
c.Id $in: [1,1]
Then I get the following error in the parser:
mismatched input '1' expecting ID
Please help me to correct this grammar.
I found this following rule way above in the huge grammar file of my project that might be matching '1' before it gets to match to ID:
: '-'? INT ('.' [0-9] +)?
fragment INT
: '0' | [1-9] [0-9]*
But, If I write my ID rule before NUMBER then other things fail, because they have already matched ID which should have matched NUMBER
What should I do?
As mentioned by rici: ID should not be a fragment. Fragments can only be used by other lexer rules, they will never become a token on their own (and can therefor not be used in parser rules).
Just remove the fragment keyword from it: ID: [1-9][0-9]*;
Note that you'll also have to account for spaces. You probably want to skip them:
SPACES : [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
mismatched input '1' expecting ID
This looks like there's another lexer, besides ID, that also matches the input 1 and is defined before ID. In that case, have a look at this Q&A: ANTLR 4.5 - Mismatched Input 'x' expecting 'x'
Because you have the rules ordered like this:
: '-'? INT ('.' [0-9] +)?
fragment INT
: '0' | [1-9] [0-9]*
: [1-9][0-9]*
the lexer will never create an ID token (only NUMBER tokens will be created). This is just how ANTLR works: in case of 2 or more lexer rules match the same amount of characters, the one defined first "wins".
In the first place I think it's odd to have an ID rule that matches only digits, but, if that's the language you're parsing, OK. In your case, you could do something like this:
POS_NUMBER : INT ('.' [0-9] +)?;
fragment INT
: '0' | [1-9] [0-9]*
and then instead of ID, use id in your parser rules. As well as using number instead of the NUMBER you're using now.
I'm new to Antlr4/CFG and am trying to write a parser for a boolean querying DSL of the form
(id AND id AND ID (OR id OR id OR id))
The logic can also take the form
(id OR id OR (id AND id AND id))
A more complex example might be:
(((id AND id AND (id OR id OR (id AND id)))))
(enclosed in an arbitrary amount of parentheses)
I've tried two things. First, I did a very simple parser, which ended up parsing everything left to right:
grammar filter;
filter: expression EOF;
: LPAREN expression RPAREN
| expression (AND expression)+
| expression (OR expression)+
| atom;
: INT;
I got the following parse tree for input:
( 60 ) AND ( 55 ) AND ( 53 ) AND ( 3337 OR 2830 OR 23)
This "works", but ideally I want to be able to separate my AND and OR blocks. Trying to separate these blocks into separate grammars leads to left-recursion. Secondly, I want my AND and OR blocks to be grouped together, instead of reading left-to-right, for example, on input (id AND id AND id),
I want:
(and id id id)
(and id (and id (and id)))
as it currently is.
The second thing I've tried is making OR blocks directly descendant of AND blocks (ie the first case).
grammar filter;
filter: expression EOF;
: LPAREN expression RPAREN
| and_expr;
: term (AND term)* ;
: atom (OR atom)+;
atom: INT ;
For the same input, I get the following parse tree, which is more along the lines of what I'm looking for but has one main problem: there isn't an actual hierarchy to OR and AND blocks in the DSL, so this doesn't work for the second case. This approach also seems a bit hacky, for what I'm trying to do.
What's the best way to proceed? Again, I'm not too familiar with parsing and CFGs, so some guidance would be great.
Both are equivalent in their ability to parse your sample input. If you simplify your input by removing the unnecessary parentheses, the output of this grammar looks pretty good too:
grammar filter;
filter: expression EOF;
: LPAREN expression RPAREN
| expression (AND expression)+
| expression (OR expression)+
| atom;
atom : INT;
DIGITS : [0-9]+;
AND : 'AND';
OR : 'OR';
LPAREN : '(';
RPAREN : ')';
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;
Which is what I suspect your first grammar looks like in its entirety.
Your second one requires too many parentheses for my liking (mainly in term), and the breaking up of AND and OR into separate rules instead of alternatives doesn't seem as clean to me.
You can simplify even more though:
grammar filter;
filter: expression EOF;
: LPAREN expression RPAREN # ParenExp
| expression AND expression # AndBlock
| expression OR expression # OrBlock
| atom # AtomExp
atom : INT;
DIGITS : [0-9]+;
AND : 'AND';
OR : 'OR';
LPAREN : '(';
RPAREN : ')';
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;
This gives a tree with a different shape but still is equivalent. And note the use of the # AndBlock and # OrBlock labels... these "alternative labels" will cause your generated listener or visitor to have separate methods for each, allowing you to completely separate these two in your code semantically as well as syntactically. Perhaps that's what you're looking for?
I like this one the best because it's the simplest and clearer recursion, and offers specific code alternatives for AND and OR.
I have checked similar questions surrounding this issue but none seems to provide a solution to my version of the problem.
I just started Antlr4 recently and all has been going nicely until I hit this particular roadblock.
My grammar is a basic math expression grammar but for some reason I noticed the generated parser(?) is unable to walk from paser-rule "equal" to paser-rule "expr", in order to reach lexer-rule "NAME".
grammar MathCraze;
NUM : [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)?;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip;
NL : '\r'? '\n' -> skip;
NAME: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
ADD: '+';
SUB : '-';
MUL : '*';
DIV : '/';
POW : '^';
: add # add1
| NAME '=' equal # assign
: mul # mul1
| add op=('+'|'-') mul # addSub
: exponent # power1
| mul op=('*'|'/') exponent # mulDiv
: expr # expr1
| expr '^' exponent # power
: NUM # num
| NAME # name
| '(' add ')' # parens
If I pass a word as input, sth like "variable", the parser throws the error above, but if I pass a number as input (say "78"), the parser walks the tree successfully (i.e, from rule "equal" to "expr").
equal equal
| |
add add
| |
mul mul
| |
exponent exponent
| |
expr expr
| |
| |
"78" # No Error "variable" # Error! Tree walk doesn't reach here.
I've checked for every type of ambiguity I know of, so I'm probably missing something here.
I'm using Antlr5.6 by the way and I will appreciate if this problem gets solved. Thanks in advance.
Your style of expression hierarchy is the one we use in parsers written by hand or in ANTLR v3, from low to high precedence.
As Raven said, ANTLR 4 is much more powerful. Note the <assoc = right> specification in the power rule, which is usually right-associative.
grammar Question;
: line+ EOF
: expr NL
| assign NL
: NAME '=' expr # assignSingle
| NAME '=' assign # assignMulti
expr // from high to low precedence
: <assoc = right> expr '^' expr # power
| expr op=( '*' | '/' ) expr # mulDiv
| expr op=( '+' | '-' ) expr # addSub
| '(' expr ')' # parens
| atom_r # atom
NAME: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
NUM : [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)?;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip;
NL : [\r\n]+ ;
Run with the -gui option to see the parse tree :
$ alias grun
alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'
$ grun Question question -gui data.txt
and this data.txt file :
a + b * c
a * b + c
a = 8 + (6 * 9)
a ^ b
a ^ b ^ c
7 * 2 ^ 5
a = b = c = 88
Using your original grammar and starting with the equal rule, I have the following error :
$ grun Q2 equal -tokens data.txt
line 2:0 no viable alternative at input 'variable78'
If I start with rule expr, there is no error :
$ grun Q2 expr -tokens data.txt
Run grun with the -gui option and you'll see the difference :
running with expr, the input token variable is catched in NAME, rule expr is satisfied and terminates;
running with equal it's all in error. The parser tries the first alternative equal -> add -> mul -> exponent -> expr -> NAME => OK. It consumes the token variable and tries to do something with the next token 78. It rolls back in each rule, see if it can do something with the alt of rule, but each alt requires an operator. Thus it arrives in equal and starts again with the token variable, this time using the alt | NAME '='. NAME consumes the token, then the rule requires '=', but the input is 78 and does not satisfies it. As there is no other choice, it says there is no viable alternative.
$ grun Q2 equal -tokens data.txt
line 1:8 no viable alternative at input 'variable'
If variable is the only token, same reasoning : first alternative equal -> add -> mul -> exponent -> expr -> NAME => OK, consumes variable, back to equal, tries the alt which requires '=', but the input is at EOF. That's why it says there is no viable alternative.
$ grun Q2 equal -tokens data.txt
If 78 is the only token, do the same reasoning : first alternative equal -> add -> mul -> exponent -> expr -> NUM => OK, consumes 78, back to equal. The alternative is not an option. Satisfied ? oops, what about EOF.
Now let's add a NUM alt to equal :
: add # add1
| NAME '=' equal # assign
| NUM '=' equal # assignNum
$ grun Q2 equal -tokens data.txt
line 1:2 no viable alternative at input '78'
First alternative equal -> add -> mul -> exponent -> expr -> NUM => OK, consumes 78, back to equal. Now there is also an alt for NUM, starts again, this time using the alt | NUM '='. NUM consumes the token 78,
then the parser requires '=', but the input is at EOF, hence the message.
Now let's add a new rule with EOF and let's run the grammar from all :
all : equal EOF ;
$ grun Q2 all -tokens data.txt
$ grun Q2 all -tokens data.txt
The input corresponds to the grammar, and there is no more message.
Although I can't answer your question about why the parser can't reach NAME in expr I'd like to point out that with Antlr4 you can use direct left recursion in your rule specification which makes your grammar more compact and omproves readability.
With that in mind your grammar could be rewritten as
| expression
ID '=' (assignment | expression)
expression '^' expression
| expression ('*' | '/') expression
| expression ('+' | '-') expression
That grammar hapily takes a NAME as part of an expression so I guess it would solve your problem.
If you're really interested in why it didn't work with your grammar then I'd first check if the lexer has matched the input into the expected tokens. Afterwards I would have a look at the parse tree to see what the parser is making of the given token sequence and then trying to do the parsing manually accoding to your grammar and during that you should be able to find the point at which the parser does something different from what you'd expect it to do.
I have an AST containing a simple list of tokens...
and I simply want to group pairs of balanced parameters into nested trees.
I've been trying various rules but I can't quite get it...
bottomup : findParams;
: ^(LIST left+=expression* LPARAM inner? RPARAM right+=expression*)
-> ^(LIST $left* ^(PARAMS inner?) $right*);
inner : (left+=expression* LPARAM inner? RPARAM right+=expression*)
-> $left* ^(PARAMS inner?) $right*) | (a+=expression* -> $a*);
fragment expression = INT;
This is sort of like the dyck language, but on a tree rather than a source. Also, I can't debug pattern matching tree grammars using remote debugging which is a hindrance.
Your approach is on the right track, but you're mixing a top-down approach with a bottom-up one. Top-down is good for breaking things down: "this list is big, make it into some smaller ones." Bottom-up is good for breaking things out: "this is the simplest thing that could be a list, so I'll make it into one."
Here is a bottom-up solution to grouping your nodes:
: exit_list
: ^(LIST pre* LPAR reduced* RPAR post+=.*) -> ^(LIST pre* ^(LIST reduced*) $post*)
pre : INT
| ^(LIST .*)
| ^(LIST .*)
For each set of parentheses that contains no other parentheses, convert the contents of that set into a new list. This rule is repeated until there are no more parentheses.
Baseline AST
Final AST
Rule bottomup was recursively applied twice:
applied to (4): (LIST 1 '(' 3 '(' 4 ')' ')' 5) -> (LIST 1 '(' 3 (LIST 4) ')' 5)
applied to (3(4)): (LIST 1 '(' 3 (LIST 4) ')' 5) -> (LIST 1 (LIST 3 (LIST 4)) 5)