Erlang function does not exist in module? - erlang

In lager.elr (the main module of there is no function with name "debug" but I have an application that call debug function from lager module like:
lager:debug(Str, Args)
I am beginner in Erlang but I know when we call a function from a module lile "mymodule:myfunction" there should be a function with name "myfunction" in file mymodule.erl but in this case when I search in lager.erl for function "debug" I can't find it.

The reason you don't see a mention of lager:debug/2 is because lager uses a parse transform. So when compiling the code, it is fed through lagers parse transform and the call to lager:debug/2 is substituted for another call to another module function.
If you compile your code with the correct parse transform option for lager, then the code would work.

"I GIVE CRAP ANSWERS" gave a good explanation of this strange behaviour. I post here a code that should show you what was the code generated in the beam file:
In the shell:
%% Author: PCHAPIER
%% Created: 25 mai 2010
%% Include files
%% Exported Functions
-export([decompile/1, decompdir/1]).
%% API Functions
decompdir(Dir) ->
Cmd = "cd " ++ Dir,
L = os:cmd("dir /B *.beam"),
L1 = re:split(L,"[\t\r\n+]",[{return,list}]),
io:format("decompdir: ~p~n",[L1]),
decompile(Beam = [H|_]) when is_integer(H) ->
io:format("decompile: ~p~n",[Beam]),
{ok,{_,[{abstract_code,{_,AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam ++ ".beam",[abstract_code]),
{ok,File} = file:open(Beam ++ ".erl",[write]),
io:fwrite(File,"~s~n", [erl_prettypr:format(erl_syntax:form_list(AC))]),
decompile([H|T]) ->
io:format("decompile: ~p~n",[[H|T]]),
decompile([]) ->
shuffle(P) ->
Max = length(P)*10000,
{_,R}= lists:unzip(lists:keysort(1,[{random:uniform(Max),X} || X <- P])),
%% Local Functions
removebeam(L) ->
removebeam1([$m,$a,$e,$b,$.|T]) ->
removebeam1(L) ->

You don't see it in the lager.erl file because it's in the lager.hrl file that's included at the top of lager.erl. Erlang allows you to include a file with the -include("filename.hrl") directive. As a convention the include files end in an hrl extension but it could really be anything.


Can an escript invoke another escript function?

%% function exported
%% read file
If I convert the b.escript to b.erl and compile it to b.beam, it works.
But I don't want to compile manually.
Maybe I can insert c:c(b) like this:
Can't auto load the b.escript when useing like b.eam?
Yes, it is possible using compile:file/1
%%This First line (i.e. the comment) MUST exist if we would like to call the script using 'escript <filename>', otherwise compilation error will occur. See ''
main([]) ->
-export([read_config/0]). %%Function MUST be exported, otherwise it will not be recognized from caller (e.g. escript )
%% read file
Call from Shell
$ escript a.escript

What is the Erlang idiom for platform specific modules with the same contract

I have an Erlang program that can be compiled for multiple platforms.
What I want is to separate code for the different platforms.
What would be the most Erlang way to go about this?
I want to achieve something like this:
-export([platform_init/0, platform_do_work/1, platform_stop/0]).
-export([platform_init/0, platform_do_work/1, platform_stop/0]).
main() ->
platform::do_work("The work"),
(Obviously the above code does not work, it's missing the part I'm asking about.)
I could name both modules platform and provide only one of them during compilation.
I could use -ifdefs in a platform module to wrap the platform specific modules.
I could use -behavior to specify a common contract.
I could use a header file with -export macros to provide a common contract.
I'm sure there are other solutions out there. I just didn't find any idioms out there for this general use case.
My first instinct here would be to define a new behavior, like:
-module platform.
-type state() :: term().
-type work() :: {some, work} | ….
-callback init() -> {ok, state()}.
-callback do_work(work(), state()) -> {ok, state()}.
-callback stop(state()) -> ok.
-spec run(module()) -> ok.
run(Module) ->
{ok, State0} = Module:init(),
{ok, State1} = Module:do_work({some, work}, State0),
ok = Module:stop(State1).
Then, your modules can implement the behavior (I would probably place them in a folder like src/platforms and they'll look something like…
-module first_platform.
-behavior platform.
-export [init/0, do_work/2, stop/1].
-spec init() -> {ok, platform:state()}.
init() –>
{ok, State}.
And your main module can have a macro or an environment variable or something where it can retrieve the platform to use, and look something like…
-module main.
-export [start/0].
-spec start() -> ok.
start() ->
Platform =
application:get_env(your_app, platform, first_platform),
or even…
-module main.
-export [start/0].
-spec start() -> ok.
start() ->
…and you do the figuring out of which platform to use within platform itself.
One simple way to achieve what you want is to store the module in a variable and use this variable to call the right module/function.
For example you could start your application with an extra parameter which select the right platform:
erl [your parameters] -extra "platform=platform_1"
Define your platform dependant modules as you want
-export([platform_init/0, platform_do_work/1, platform_stop/0]).
-export([platform_init/0, platform_do_work/1, platform_stop/0]).
and retrieve in the main function the Platform parameter
main() ->
Args = init:get_plain_arguments().
[Platform] =
|| Y <- Args, string:prefix(Y,"platform=") =/= nomatch].
Platform:do_work("The work"),
I am not convinced at all that is the best way, mainly because you need to know, when you use a module if it is platform dependent or not (and the code to get the platform is not clean).
I think it would be better if the modules themselves were responsible for the platform choice. I will try to complete this answer as soon as I have some spare time.

How to delete the whole directory which is not empty?

I want to clean the temporary for collecting resource.
The file module only has del_dir/1 which require the directory is empty. But there is not function the get the all files in the directory (with absolute path")
The source code is as follows, how to correct it?
{ok,List} = file:list_dir_all(X), %% <--- return value has no absolute path here
ok = file:delete(X)
ok = file:del_dir(X),
You can delete a directory via console command using os:cmd, though it's a rough approach. For unix-like OS it will be:
os:cmd("rm -Rf " ++ DirPath).
If you want to delete a non-empty directory using appropriate erlang functions you have to do it recursively. The following example from here shows how to do it:
del_dir(Dir) ->
lists:foreach(fun(D) ->
ok = file:del_dir(D)
end, del_all_files([Dir], [])).
del_all_files([], EmptyDirs) ->
del_all_files([Dir | T], EmptyDirs) ->
{ok, FilesInDir} = file:list_dir(Dir),
{Files, Dirs} = lists:foldl(fun(F, {Fs, Ds}) ->
Path = Dir ++ "/" ++ F,
case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
true ->
{Fs, [Path | Ds]};
false ->
{[Path | Fs], Ds}
end, {[],[]}, FilesInDir),
lists:foreach(fun(F) ->
ok = file:delete(F)
end, Files),
del_all_files(T ++ Dirs, [Dir | EmptyDirs]).
This is now possible with the latest version of Erlang/OTP (unreleased, yet), using the file:del_dir/2 API.
Available options:
recursive: recursively delete the contents of a directory before deleting the directory itself
force: ignore errors when accessing or deleting files or directories
keeptop: the top-most directory is not deleted
A different approach in Erlang (the only real reason for using is to maintain platform independence):
-spec rm_rf(file:filename()) -> ok.
rm_rf(Dir) ->
Paths = filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/**"),
{Dirs, Files} = lists:partition(fun filelib:is_dir/1, Paths),
ok = lists:foreach(fun file:delete/1, Files),
Sorted = lists:reverse(lists:sort(Dirs)),
ok = lists:foreach(fun file:del_dir/1, Sorted),
The example above makes a few assumptions about the current directory in relation to the target directory -- if this is an issue for your use it may be advisable to explicitly set a working directory and fully qualify the path to the target.
It is worth noting that a similar approach can be used to recursively copy directories as well.
Since Erlang OTP 23.0 you can use file:del_dir_r/1 function.
For the ones still using older Erlang versions, here there is, a replacement based on the source code of the new official del_dir_r fixed to work with older versions:
%% Include file.hrl to have access to #file_info{} record
-spec del_dir_r(File) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
File :: file:name_all(),
Reason :: file:posix() | badarg.
del_dir_r(File) ->
case file:read_link_info(File) of
{ok, #file_info{type = directory}} ->
case file:list_dir_all(File) of
{ok, Names} ->
lists:foreach(fun(Name) ->
del_dir_r(filename:join(File, Name))
end, Names);
{error, _Reason} -> ok
{ok, _FileInfo} -> file:delete(File);
{error, _Reason} = Error -> Error

Testing Erlang applications based on cowboy using common test

I have an Erlang application based on Cowboy and I would like to test it.
Previously I used wooga's library etest_http for this kind of tasks, but I would like to start using common tests since I noticed that this is the way used in cowboy. I have tried to setup a very basic test but I am not able to run it properly.
Can anybody provide me a sample for testing the basic example echo_get and tell me what is the correct way to run the test from the console using the Makefile contained in the example?
The example make used only for build echo_get app. So to test echo_get app you can add test suite and call make && rebar -v 1 skip_deps=true ct (rebar should be in PATH) from shell.
Also you need etest and etest_http in your Erlang PATH or add it with rebar.config in your application. You can use httpc or curl with os:cmd/1 instead ehttp_test :)
test/my_test_SUITE.erl (full example)
% etest macros
-include_lib ("etest/include/etest.hrl").
% etest_http macros
-include_lib ("etest_http/include/etest_http.hrl").
suite() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
%% start your app or release here
%% for example start echo_get release
os:cmd("./_rel/bin/echo_get_example start"),
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
%% stop your app or release here
%% for example stop echo_get release
os:cmd("./_rel/bin/echo_get_example stop")
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
all() ->
my_test_case(_Config) ->
Response = ?perform_get("http://localhost:8080/?echo=saymyname"),
?assert_status(200, Response),
?assert_body("saymyname", Response).
The following starts the hello_world application and its dependencies, but uses the most recently compiled versions rather than the one in ./_rel; that may or may not be what you want, but it does avoid the timer:sleep(1000)
-export([all/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]).
all() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
{ok, App_Start_List} = start([hello_world]),
[{app_start_list, App_Start_List}|Config].
end_per_suite(Config) ->
stop(?config(app_start_list, Config)),
http_get_hello_world(_Config) ->
{ok, {{_Version, 200, _ReasonPhrase}, _Headers, Body}} =
httpc:request(get, {"http://localhost:8080", []}, [], []),
Body = "Hello World!\n".
start(Apps) ->
{ok, do_start(_To_start = Apps, _Started = [])}.
do_start([], Started) ->
do_start([App|Apps], Started) ->
case application:start(App) of
ok ->
do_start(Apps, [App|Started]);
{error, {not_started, Dep}} ->
do_start([Dep|[App|Apps]], Started)
stop(Apps) ->
_ = [ application:stop(App) || App <- Apps ],
to run the provided example (considering 'gun' in in 'user' folder):
ct_run -suite twitter_SUITE.erl -logdir ./results -pa /home/user/gun/deps/*/ebin /home/user/gun/ebin

What does in ? operator/prefix in Erlang mean?

What does the question mark in ?MODULE (which can be seen in all generated code by Mochiweb make command) mean?
-export([start/1, stop/0, loop/2]).
start(Options) ->
{DocRoot, Options1} = get_option(docroot, Options),
Loop = fun (Req) ->
?MODULE:loop(Req, DocRoot)
mochiweb_http:start([{name, ?MODULE}, {loop, Loop} | Options1]).
stop() ->
loop(Req, DocRoot) ->
It denotes a preprocessor macro. ?MODULE is one of the predefined macro constants that expand to current module's name.
Well this is the way we represent MACROS in Erlang. At compile time, these macros are replaced with the actual meanings. They save on re-writing pieces of code or on abstracting out a parameter you may change in future without changing your code (would only require a re-compilation of the source that depends on the MACRO).
-define(SQUARE(X),X * X).
add_to_square(This,Number)-> ?SQUARE(This) + Number.
Is the same as:
add_to_square(This,Number)-> (This * This) + Number.
-define(Macro,Replacement). is used by the preprocessor to supports macros to have more readable programs. It can be used to have a conditional compilation. It is recommended that If a macro is used in several modules, it's definition is placed in an include file.
A macro definition example:
-define(TIMEOUT, 200).
For using macro:
List of predefined macros:
?MODULE: The name of the current module.
?FILE: The file name of the current module.
?LINE: The current line number.
?MACHINE: The machine name.
