Getting a b2Fixture of a b2body Box2d? - ios

I have around 10 bodies in my Box2D sample app which i have created with the help of following method. But in my Update method i want get the b2FixtureDef of the bodies because i need there filter.groupIndex which is different for every body. I have the Update method as follows which loops thru all the b2Body but cant really find how to get the b2FixtureDef from b2Body??
-(void) addNewSprite:(NSString *)spriteName AtPosition:(CGPoint)p isDynamic:(BOOL)dynamic
//CCNode *parent = [self getChildByTag:kTagParentNode];
PhysicsSprite *sprite = [PhysicsSprite spriteWithFile:spriteName];
[self addChild:sprite];
sprite.position = ccp( p.x, p.y);
sprite.tag = check;
// Define the dynamic body.
//Set up a 1m squared box in the physics world
b2BodyDef bodyDef;
bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bodyDef.position.Set(sprite.position.x/PTM_RATIO, sprite.position.y/PTM_RATIO);
bodyDef.userData = sprite;
b2Body *body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
// Define another box shape for our dynamic body.
b2PolygonShape dynamicBox;
(sprite.contentSize.height/PTM_RATIO/2)*(sprite.scaleY));//These are mid points for our 1m box
// Define the dynamic body fixture.
b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox;
fixtureDef.density = 1.0f;
fixtureDef.friction = 1.0f;
fixtureDef.userData = sprite;
switch (check)
case 1:
fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = 0x0002;
fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = 0x0004;
case 2:
fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = 0x0004;
fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = 0x0002;
[sprite setPhysicsBody:body];
-(void) update: (ccTime) dt
//It is recommended that a fixed time step is used with Box2D for stability
//of the simulation, however, we are using a variable time step here.
//You need to make an informed choice, the following URL is useful
int32 velocityIterations = 8;
int32 positionIterations = 1;
// Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation. It is
// generally best to keep the time step and iterations fixed.
world->Step(dt, velocityIterations, positionIterations);
for(b2Body *b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b=b->GetNext()) {
if (b->GetUserData() != NULL)
//b2Fixture fixtureDef = *b->GetFixtureList();
//b2Filter filter = fixtureDef.GetFilterData();
// how to get b2FixtureDef from b

Actually, i cannot imagine why do you need to get this info in your update method. You cannot get fixtureDef, as it is used for fixture creation only. But you can get filter data for each body fixture using GetFilterData() method. It will contain category bits, mask bits and group index.


How to check if anyone is enter/left in/from particular boundary area even if application is in background mode or kill mode?

I want to check if anyone enter in allocated boundary then i have to alert that user like "You are entered" and when user leaves then "You left". I am using .KML file for draw boundary in which there are more than latitude and longitude. Here i attached screenshot for the same.So, my concern is that how can i detect that anyone is entered within this boundary and left from that boundary. Thank you in advance
Boundary looks like this.Red color line is boundary.
Use map rects. Here's an example using the map's current visible rect. With regards to your question, you could use convertRegion:toRectToView: to first convert your region to a MKMapRect beforehand.
MKMapPoint userPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate(mapView.userLocation.location.coordinate);
MKMapRect mapRect = mapView.visibleMapRect; // find visible map rect
//MKMapRect mapRect = [self getMapRectUsingAnnotations:arrCordinate];//find custom map rect
BOOL inside = MKMapRectContainsPoint(mapRect, userPoint);
MKMapRect mapRect = mapView.visibleMapRect;
Create your custom mapRect using your boundary region from multiple latitude and longitude
- (MKMapRect) getMapRectUsingAnnotations:(NSArray*)arrCordinate {
MKMapPoint points[[arrCordinate count]];
for (int i = 0; i < [arrCordinate count]; i++) {
points[i] = MKMapPointForCoordinate([arrCordinate[i] MKCoordinateValue]);
MKPolygon *poly = [MKPolygon polygonWithPoints:points count:[arrCordinate count]];
return [poly boundingMapRect];
Geofencing will not work on complex polygon shaped regions. May be you can solve the problem with some other approach. For instance divide the region into smaller CLCircularRegion and then develop aggregate logic for the case where you have to show notification for all those locationManager:didEnterRegion: and locationManager:didExitRegion: callbacks. But keep in mind that only a max of 20 simultaneous monitored regions per app are allowed.
Refer phillippk1 suggestion for other possible approach.
Try this code. This is based on Winding Number Algorithm. This works for complex shapes such as your red line.
typedef struct {
double lon;
double lat;
// returns true if w/in region
bool chkInRegion(LATLON poi, int npoi, LATLON *latlon)
int wn = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < npoi-1 ; i++) {
if (latlon[i].lat <= && latlon[i+1].lat > {
double vt = ( - latlon[i].lat)/(latlon[i+1].lat - latlon[i].lat);
if (poi.lon < (latlon[i].lon + (vt * (latlon[i+1].lon - latlon[i].lon)))) {
} else if (latlon[i].lat > && latlon[i+1].lat <= {
double vt = ( - latlon[i].lat)/(latlon[i+1].lat - latlon[i].lat);
if (poi.lon < (latlon[i].lon + (vt * (latlon[i+1].lon - latlon[i].lon)))) {
return wn < 0;
// test data
LATLON llval[] = {
#define NLATLON (sizeof(llval)/sizeof(LATLON))
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
while (1) {
char buf[1024];
fprintf(stderr, "lon = ");
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
double lon = atof(buf);
fprintf(stderr, "lat = ");
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
double lat = atof(buf);
LATLON ltest; = lat;
ltest.lon = lon;
if (chkInRegion(ltest, NLATLON, llval)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n*** in region ***\n\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\n=== outside ===\n\n");
return 0;

Objective C " * " syntax and usage

I am re-writing the particle filter library of iOS in Swift from Objective C which is available on Bitbucket and I have a question regarding a syntax of Objective C which I cannot understand.
The code goes as follows:
- (void)setRssi:(NSInteger)rssi {
_rssi = rssi;
// Ignore zeros in average, StdDev -- we clear the value before setting it to
// prevent old values from hanging around if there's no reading
if (rssi == 0) {
self.meters = 0;
self.meters = [self metersFromRssi:rssi];
NSInteger* pidx = self.rssiBuffer;
*(pidx+self.bufferIndex++) = rssi;
if (self.bufferIndex >= RSSIBUFFERSIZE) {
self.bufferIndex %= RSSIBUFFERSIZE;
self.bufferFull = YES;
if (self.bufferFull) {
// Only calculate trailing mean and Std Dev when we have enough data
double accumulator = 0;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < RSSIBUFFERSIZE; i++) {
accumulator += *(pidx+i);
self.meanRssi = accumulator / RSSIBUFFERSIZE;
self.meanMeters = [self metersFromRssi:self.meanRssi];
accumulator = 0;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < RSSIBUFFERSIZE; i++) {
NSInteger difference = *(pidx+i) - self.meanRssi;
accumulator += difference*difference;
self.stdDeviationRssi = sqrt( accumulator / RSSIBUFFERSIZE);
self.meanMetersVariance = ABS(
[self metersFromRssi:self.meanRssi]
- [self metersFromRssi:self.meanRssi+self.stdDeviationRssi]
The class continues with more code and functions which are not important and what I do not understand are these two lines
NSInteger* pidx = self.rssiBuffer;
*(pidx+self.bufferIndex++) = rssi;
Variable pidx is initialized to the size of a buffer which was previously defined and then in the next line the size of that buffer and buffer plus one is equal to the RSSI variable which is passed as a parameter in the function.
I assume that * has something to do with reference but I just can't figure out the purpose of this line. Variable pidx is used only in this function for calculating trailing mean and standard deviation.
Let explain those code:
NSInteger* pidx = self.rssiBuffer; means that you are getting pointer of the first value of the buffer.
*(pidx+self.bufferIndex++) = rssi; means that you are setting the value of the buffer at index 0+self.bufferIndex to rssiand then increase bufferIndex by 1. Thanks to #Jakub Vano point it out.
In C++, it will look like that
int self.rssiBuffer[1000]; // I assume we have buffer like that
self.rssiBuffer[self.bufferIndex++] = rssi

Change an integer value after a time interval ios

I am making a game with powerups. I have 3 powerups. When a powerup is active, I use an integer to identify which one it is, 1, 2, or 3, with 0 representing no active powerups. Once I activate a powerup, I want it to expire after a time interval, say 10 seconds. How do I reset the identifier integer back to 0?
For example, one powerup speeds up the ship. Here is my update method.
-(void) update:(ccTime)dt
if (powerupIdentifier == 0)
shipSpeed = 100;
if (powerupIdentifier == 1)
shipSpeed = 200;
CCArray* touches = [KKInput sharedInput].touches;
if ([touches count] == 1)
KKInput * input = [KKInput sharedInput];
CGPoint tap = [input locationOfAnyTouchInPhase:KKTouchPhaseBegan];
ship.position = ccp( ship.position.x, ship.position.y);
if (tap.x != 0 && tap.y != 0)
[ship stopAllActions]; // Nullifies previous actions
int addedx = tap.x - ship.position.x;
int addedy = tap.y - ship.position.y;
int squaredx = pow(addedx, 2);
int squaredy = pow(addedy, 2);
int addedSquares = squaredx + squaredy;
int distance = pow(addedSquares, 0.5);
[ship runAction: [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:distance/shipSpeed position:tap]];//makes ship move at a constant speed
First, use an enum rather than an int.
typedef NS_ENUM(unsigned short, PowerUp) {
Enum is far more readable, and is a lot more self-documenting then random integers.
Now, say we have a property:
#property (nonatomic, assign) PowerUp powerUp;
We can write a method to reset the power up:
- (void)resetPowerUp {
self.powerUp = PowerUp_Level0;
Now, when we've set it to some non-zero value and need to reset it (after 10 seconds), it's as simple as this:
self.powerUp = PowerUp_Level2;
[self performSelector:#selector(resetPowerUp) withObject:nil afterDelay:10.0f];

GSSendEvent - Inject Touch Event iOS

I want to inject touch event in iPhone. I get the coordinates of touch event via network socket. GSSendEvent seems to be good choice. However, it needs GSEventRecord as one of the inputs.
Does anyone know how to prepare GSEventRecord? I prepared it based on some examples but the app crashes after GSSendEvent call.
Appreciate any help.
-(void) handleMouseEventAtPoint:(CGPoint) point
static mach_port_t port_;
// structure of touch GSEvent
struct GSTouchEvent {
GSEventRecord record;
GSHandInfo handInfo;
} ;
struct GSTouchEvent *touchEvent = (struct GSTouchEvent *) malloc(sizeof(struct GSTouchEvent));
bzero(touchEvent, sizeof(touchEvent));
// set up GSEvent
touchEvent->record.type = kGSEventHand;
touchEvent->record.windowLocation = point;
touchEvent->record.timestamp = GSCurrentEventTimestamp();
touchEvent->record.infoSize = sizeof(GSHandInfo) + sizeof(GSPathInfo);
touchEvent->handInfo.type = getHandInfoType(0, 1);
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfosCount = 1;
bzero(&touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0], sizeof(GSPathInfo));
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathIndex = 1;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathIdentity = 2;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathProximity = 1 ? 0x03 : 0x00;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathLocation = point;
port_ = GSGetPurpleSystemEventPort();
GSSendEvent((GSEventRecord*)touchEvent ,port_);
static GSHandInfoType getHandInfoType(int touch_before, int touch_now){
if (!touch_before) {
return (GSHandInfoType) kGSHandInfoType2TouchDown;
if (touch_now) {
return (GSHandInfoType) kGSHandInfoType2TouchChange;
return (GSHandInfoType) kGSHandInfoType2TouchFinal;
Only tested on iOS 6
You are actually on the right track. The problem is you have to figure out what values you should assign to these variables.
First of all, you need to import GraphicsServices.h. Then, you can try the following code with the port which you can get from How to find the purple port for the front most application in IOS 5 and above?.
I am not an iOS expert and Apple doesn't provide any documentation so I can't explain much what's going on here. (It happens to work fine for me.)
Anyway, you can play with it using xcode debug mode to see what happens under the hood.
struct GSTouchEvent * touchEvent = (struct GSTouchEvent*) &gsTouchEvent;
bzero(touchEvent, sizeof(touchEvent));
touchEvent->record.type = kGSEventHand;
touchEvent->record.subtype = kGSEventSubTypeUnknown;
touchEvent->record.location = point;
touchEvent->record.windowLocation = point;
touchEvent->record.infoSize = sizeof(GSHandInfo) + sizeof(GSPathInfo);
touchEvent->record.timestamp = GSCurrentEventTimestamp();
touchEvent->record.window = winRef;
touchEvent->record.senderPID = 919;
bzero(&touchEvent->handInfo, sizeof(GSHandInfo));
bzero(&touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0], sizeof(GSPathInfo));
GSHandInfo touchEventHandInfo;
touchEventHandInfo._0x5C = 0;
touchEventHandInfo.deltaX = 0;
touchEventHandInfo.deltaY = 0;
touchEventHandInfo.height = 0;
touchEventHandInfo.width = 0;
touchEvent->handInfo = touchEventHandInfo;
touchEvent->handInfo.type = handInfoType;
touchEvent->handInfo.deltaX = 1;
touchEvent->handInfo.deltaY = 1;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfosCount = 0;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathIndex = 1;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathIdentity = 2;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathProximity = (handInfoType == kGSHandInfoTypeTouchDown || handInfoType == kGSHandInfoTypeTouchDragged || handInfoType == kGSHandInfoTypeTouchMoved) ? 0x03: 0x00;
touchEvent->handInfo.x52 = 1;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathLocation = point;
touchEvent->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathWindow = winRef;
GSEventRecord* record = (GSEventRecord*) touchEvent;
record->timestamp = GSCurrentEventTimestamp();
GSSendEvent(record, port);
To use this code, you have to call it multiple times. For one tap, there are touch-down, touch-drag and then touch-up.
Also note that pathProximity is 0 when touch is up.
As far as I remember, the winRef doesn't matter.
Hope this helps.
Edit: From Bugivore's comment, the problem is:
The way I allocated touchEvent via malloc was wrong. It should be done as EntryLevelDev showed - "static uint8_t handJob[sizeof(GSEventRecord) + sizeof(GSHandInfo) + sizeof(GSPathInfo)];"
Answer from EntryLevelDev is correct, but some of the value is not so important. I got the below codes from somewhere else and have done some try and errors, here is my codes(worked for till latested ios6).
And is anyone working on this for IOS7 now? I could not get it to work. see my post here:With GSCopyPurpleNamedPort(appId) in GraphicsServices deprecated in IOS7, what is the alternative approach?
static int prev_click = 0;
if (!click && !prev_click)
//which should never enter
NSLog(#"***error, postHandEvent cancel");
CGPoint location = CGPointMake(x, y);
struct GSTouchEvent {
GSEventRecord record;
GSHandInfo handInfo;
} * event = (struct GSTouchEvent*) &touchEvent;
bzero(touchEvent, sizeof(touchEvent));
event->record.type = kGSEventHand;
event->record.windowLocation = location;
event->record.timestamp = GSCurrentEventTimestamp();
//NSLog(#"Timestamp GSCurrentEventTimestamp: %llu",GSCurrentEventTimestamp());
event->record.infoSize = sizeof(GSHandInfo) + sizeof(GSPathInfo);
event->handInfo.type = getHandInfoType(prev_click, click);
//must have the following line
event->handInfo.x52 = 1;
//below line is for ios4
//event->handInfo.pathInfosCount = 1;
bzero(&event->handInfo.pathInfos[0], sizeof(GSPathInfo));
event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathIndex = 2;
//following 2 lines, they are by default
event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathMajorRadius = 1.0;
event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathPressure = 1.0;
//event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathIdentity = 2;
event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathProximity = click ? 0x03 : 0x00;
//event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathProximity = action;
event->handInfo.pathInfos[0].pathLocation = location;
// send GSEvent
GSEventRecord *event1 = (GSEventRecord*) event;

How to Create a Dynamic CGPoint** array

I have a few maps (tilemaps made with Tiled QT) and I would like to create a CGpoint **array based on the objects groups of those maps (I call them Waypoints).
Each maps can have a few set of waypoints that I call path.
//Create the first dimension
int nbrOfPaths = [[self.tileMap objectGroups] count];
CGPoint **pathArray = malloc(nbrOfPaths * sizeof(CGPoint *));
Then for the second dimension
//Create the second dimension
int pathCounter = 0;
while ((path = [self.tileMap objectGroupNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Path%d", pathCounter]])) {
int nbrOfWpts = 0;
while ((waypoint = [path objectNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Wpt%d", nbrOfWpts]])) {
pathArray[pathCounter] = malloc(nbrOfWpts * sizeof(CGPoint));
Now I want to fill up the pathArray
//Fill the array
pathCounter = 0;
while ((path = [self.tileMap objectGroupNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Path%d", pathCounter]]))
int waypointCounter = 0;
//Get all the waypoints from the path
while ((waypoint = [path objectNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Wpt%d", waypointCounter]]))
pathArray[pathCounter][waypointCounter].x = [[waypoint valueForKey:#"x"] intValue];
pathArray[pathCounter][waypointCounter].y = [[waypoint valueForKey:#"y"] intValue];
NSLog(#"x : %f & y : %f",pathArray[pathCounter][waypointCounter].x,pathArray[pathCounter][waypointCounter].y);
When I NSLog(#"%#",pathArray), it shows me the entire pathArray will the x and y.
HOWEVER 2 problems :
The y value is never correct (the x value is correct and my tilemap.tmx is correct too)
<object name="Wpt0" x="-18" y="304"/> <-- I get x : -18 and y :336 with NSLog
<object name="Wpt1" x="111" y="304"/> <-- I get x : 111 and y :336
<object name="Wpt2" x="112" y="207"/> <-- I get x : 112 and y :433
I get a EX_BAD_ACCESS at the end of the NSLog
Thank you about the NSLog(%#) concerning CGPoint.
However, I get the y value with this line (in the ugly loop):
NSLog(#"x : %f & y : %f",pathArray[pathCounter][waypointCounter].x,pathArray[pathCounter][waypointCounter].y);
First of all, you can't NSLog CGPoint like that because it is not an object. %# expects an objective c object to send a description message to.
Secondly, you can use an NSValue wrapper and then use NSMutableArray as you would with any other object. Is there a reason you don't want to do that? You can add arrays inside other arrays as you are doing.
Regarding the first problem:
The y value is never correct (the x value is correct and my tilemap.tmx is correct too)
Have you noticed that if you add the y values from tile map and from NSLog they always add up to 640? Then you better check if tilemap y-coordinate is top-to-bottom as oppose to CGPoint's bottom-to-top. Then you can always do 640 - y to convert the y-coordinate between the two coordinate systems.
