I am encountering a problem which I have never encountered before. I am working on code that was written by another programmer and it is kind of a mess.
Here is the problem. I have the following validations in the my model :
validates_presence_of :subscription_level,
:message => 'please make a selection'
validates_presence_of :shipping_first_name
validates_presence_of :shipping_last_name
validates_presence_of :shipping_address
validates_presence_of :shipping_city
validates_presence_of :shipping_state
validates_presence_of :shipping_postal_code
validates_presence_of :shipping_country
validates_presence_of :billing_first_name
validates_presence_of :billing_last_name
validates_presence_of :billing_address
validates_presence_of :billing_city
validates_presence_of :billing_state
validates_presence_of :billing_postal_code
validates_presence_of :billing_country
validates_presence_of :card_number
validates_numericality_of :card_number
validates_presence_of :card_expiration_month
validates_numericality_of :card_expiration_month
validates_presence_of :card_expiration_year
validates_numericality_of :card_expiration_year
validates_presence_of :card_cvv
validates_numericality_of :card_cvv
I have two actions for the controller in question. One is new and the other is redeem.
I want to perform all of these validations with the new action but want to skip most of them for redeem action.
The problem I am facing right now is that using valid? in the controller is also validating things which are not required for redeem action.
How can I get around this?
It's hacky, but I've had to resort to having an attribute flag that can enable/disable validations in certain states. (My specific example was a multi-page form, where we eventually want to validate all required fields for an object, but we only can validate data that has been submitted on previous pages)
Here's an example of how that might look:
class Whatever < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :enable_strict_validation
validates_presence_of :name # this always happens
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :if => :enable_strict_validation
Then somewhere else (eg your controller), you can do:
#whatever = Whatever.new(...)
#whatever.save # <= will only run the first validation
#whatever.enable_strict_validation = true
#whatever.save # <= will run both validations
Validations are not handled by the controller and as such are not action specific.
Validations can, however, be limited based on the type of update being made to the model. Update, Create, or Save.
Would it work for you to limit the validations only to new records?
validates_numericality_of :card_cvv, :on => :create
If not, you can write custom validators to handle returning true on conditions you specify (such as the controller action), but again it isn't really the "Rails Way".
The simplest example would be using the validate method
validate do
return true if my_action_is_redeem
self.card_cvv =~ /^\d*$/
For more info on validations see the docs
you can restrict the validate on the create (new) or on the update (redem operation is a update?).
your validation could be like this:
validates_presence_of :attribute1, :on => :update #so, only on redem method is validated)
You can choose when to validate, on this events: :create, :update, :save (both create or update)
More info on:
I have a situation where User has_one :address and Address belongs_to :user.
I need to be able to validate the address object in these cases:
After a user has signed up, he has an option to partly fill in the address form. In this state I would like to validate for example validates :phone_number, :postal_code, numericality: true but the user can leave the field blank if he wants to.
When user is making a purchase he has to complete the address form. And all the fields have to be validated by validates presence: true + previous validations.
I understand that one approach would be to attach another parameter to the form (i.e.full_validation) and then add a custom validation method that would check for this parameter and then fully validate all attributes.
I was just wondering is there a more code efficient and easier way to do this.
So far I have only found ways to validate some attributes (seethis blog post) but I have not yet found suggestions on how to invoke part of the validation process for certain attributes.
Any help/suggestions will be appreciated :)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address, inverse_of: :user
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, inverse_of: :address
validates :phone_number, :postal_code, numericality: true, if: ["phone_number.present?", "postal_code.present?"]
validates :x, :y, :z, presence: true, unless: "user.new_record?"
After a user has signed up
Use if to determine if the phone_number or postal_code are present.
This will only validate their numericality if they exist in the submitted data. Whether the User is new doesn't matter.
When user is making a purchase
To make a purchase, I presume a User has to have been created (otherwise he cannot purchase). I used the user.new_record? method to determine whether the user is a new record or not.
Ultimately, both my & #odaata's answers allude to the use of conditional evaluation (if / unless) to determine whether certain attributes / credentials warrant validation.
The docs cover the issue in depth; I included inverse_of because it gives you access to the associative objects (allowing you to call user.x in Address).
If you give more context on how you're managing the purchase flow, I'll be able to provide better conditional logic for it.
For your first use case, you can use the :allow_blank option on validates to allow the field to be blank, i.e. only validate the field if it is not blank?.
For both use cases, you can tell Rails exactly when to fire the validations using the :if/:unless options. This is known as Conditional Validation:
For Address, you might try something like this:
class Address
belongs_to :user
validates :phone_number, :postal_code, numericality: true, allow_blank: true, if: new_user?
def new_user?
user && user.new_record?
This gives you an example for your first use case. As for the second, you'll want to use conditional validation on User to make sure an address is present when the person makes a purchase. How this is handled depends on your situation: You could set a flag on User or have that flag check some aspect of User, e.g. the presence of any purchases for a given user.
class User
has_one :address
has_many :purchases
validates :address, presence: true, if: has_purchases?
def has_purchases?
In my rails projects I have a lot of association tables. And I have some validations. Nothing really difficult, and it works almost every times.
But from time to time (like tonight), I have to switch from
validates_presence_of :project_id
validates_presence_of :tag_id
validates_uniqueness_of :project_id, :scope => [:tag_id]
validates_presence_of :project
validates_presence_of :tag
validates_uniqueness_of :project, :scope => [:tag]
Do you know the difference ? Do you if one is better than the other ?
From the Rails Guides: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations.html#presence
2.9 presence This helper validates that the specified attributes are not empty. It uses the blank? method to check if the value is either
nil or a blank string, that is, a string that is either empty or
consists of whitespace.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, :login, :email, presence: true
If you want to be sure that an association is present, you'll need to
test whether the associated object itself is present, and not the
foreign key used to map the association.
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
validates :order, presence: true
So, you should use the second example you gave, which tests if the associated object itself is present, and not the first example, which only tests if the foreign key used to map the association is present.
I am building a simple Ruby on Rails app for problem management. I have a problem model as follows:
class Problem < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :active, :impact, :incident_number, :issue_description, :root_cause, :user_id, :problem_summary, :incident_priority, :timeline_enabled
attr_accessor :enable_timeline
validates :problem_summary, :length => { :in => 10..100 }
belongs_to :user
has_one :timeline
has_many :actionitems
which has a has_many belongs_to association with the model for actionitems:
class Actionitem < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :completion_date, :description, :initial_due_date, :notes, :problem_id, :revised_due_date, :status, :user_id
belongs_to :problem
I would like to be able to update the problem record and save it with some set of limited validations (I still need to add those). However, I would like to have a "Complete problem investigation" button that would trigger a method on the problem controller to set the :active attribute on the problem record to false. I would like to be able to run a different, more complete set of validations on the problem record prior to performing this action and also to validate that all actionitems (if any) that were associated with this problem record are in :status "completed".
The two questions that I have:
How do I perform a specific set of validations only on a given action?
How can I validate that related instances of Actionitem are in status "complete" prior to performing an action on Problem?
This task seems very complex to me. If you could please point me to what I need to utilize in order to be able to achieve this that would be greatly appreciated! (I read on validates :on => :save etc and accepts_nested_attributes_for but I am not sure how to put all of this together to achieve the behavior that I want).
Many thanks for all your help!
try this
validates_length_of :problem_summary, :in => 10..100, :if => :status_active?
def status_active?
self.active == true
see in details - validations & validates_length_of
U need to apply checking conditions on validations like
validate :xyz , length => {:in => 1..12}, :if => , :if => lambda {self.active == true }
this validation will only run when aCTIVE IS TRUE. similarly you can add more validation with checking
I have a Project model and a User model. A project must have a client (User class) and so the Project model has a client_id foreign key.
The User model has a type attribute and will contain 3 if the user is a client.
I want to validate that when a project is assigned to a client, that #user.type is 3.
validates :client_id, presence: true, ##user.type must be 3
belongs_to :client, :class_name => User, :foreign_key => :client_id
:manager => 1,
:contractor => 2,
:client => 3
Not to sure how to go about the validation. I read through the rails guide on validations but still can't seem to get a solution. Any ideas?
Use the inclusion validation helper. Docs here
Here's a quick example from the docs
class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :size, :inclusion => { :in => %w(small medium large),
:message => "%{value} is not a valid size" }
Ok, I see what you mean. Don't use validation helpers for this, do it manually.
# somewhere in your model (don't be tempted to put this in your controller)
def assigning_client
if #user.type == 3
# do the assignment
errors.add(:base, :message => "User must be a client")
The error will prevent the info from being saved as long as you use the bang version save! which forces validation.
Just a pointer here. Don't use an attribute named type in your activerecord models. It conflicts with the way rails uses STI(Single Table Inheritance) as it uses the type attribute to determine the type of the class when its subclassing another
I'm still pretty new to testing in Rails 3, and I use RSpec and Remarkable. I read through a lot of posts and some books already, but I'm still kind of stuck in uncertainty when to use the association's name, when its ID.
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tasks
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
Because of good practice, I want to protect my attributes from mass assignments:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :project # Or is it :project_id??
belongs_to :project
First of all, I want to make sure that a project never exists without a valid task:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :project, :presence => true # Which one is the...
validates :project_id, :presence => true # ...right way to go??
I also want to make sure that the assigned project or project ID is always valid:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :project, :associated => true # Again, which one is...
validates :project_id, :associated => true # ...the right way to go?
...and do I need the validation on :presence when I use :associated??
Thanks a lot for clarifying, it seems that after hours of reading and trying to test stuff using RSpec/Shoulda/Remarkable I don't see the forest because of all the trees anymore...
This seems to be the right way to do it:
attr_accessible :project_id
You don't have to put :project there, too! It's anyway possible to do task.project=(Project.first!)
Then check for the existence of the :project_id using the following (:project_id is also set when task.project=(...) is used):
validates :project_id, :presence => true
Now make sure than an associated Project is valid like this:
validates :project, :associated => true
t = Task.new
t.project_id = 1 # Value is accepted, regardless whether there is a Project with ID 1
t.project = Project.first # Any existing valid project is accepted
t.project = Project.new(:name => 'valid value') # A new valid project is accepted
t.project = Project.new(:name => 'invalid value') # A new invalid (or an existing invalid) project is NOT accepted!
It's a bit a pity that when assigning an ID through t.project_id = it's not checked whether this specific ID really exists. You have to check this using a custom validation or using the Validates Existence GEM.
To test these associations using RSpec with Remarkable matchers, do something like:
describe Task do
it { should validate_presence_of :project_id }
it { should validate_associated :project }
validates :project, :associated => true
validates :project_id, :presence => true
If you want to be sure that an association is present, you’ll need to
test whether the foreign key used to map the association is present,
and not the associated object itself.
attr_accessible :project_id
EDIT: assuming that the association is not optional...
The only way I can get it to thoroughly validate is this:
validates_associated :project
validates_presence_of :project_id,
:unless => Proc.new {|o| o.project.try(:new_record?)}
validates_presence_of :project, :if => Proc.new {|o| o.project_id}
The first line validates whether the associated Project is valid, if there is one. The second line insists on the project_id being present, unless the associated Project exists and is new (if it's a new record, it won't have an ID yet). The third line ensures that the Project is present if there is an ID present, i.e., if the associated Project has already been saved.
ActiveRecord will assign a project_id to the task if you assign a saved Project to project. If you assign an unsaved/new Project to project, it will leave project_id blank. Thus, we want to ensure that project_id is present, but only when dealing with a saved Project; this is accomplished in line two above.
Conversely, if you assign a number to project_id that represents a real Project, ActiveRecord will fill in project with the corresponding Project object. But if the ID you assigned is bogus, it will leave project as nil. Thus line three above, which ensures that we have a project if project_id is filled in -- if you supply a bogus ID, this will fail.
See RSpec examples that test these validations: https://gist.github.com/kianw/5085085
Joshua Muheim's solution works, but I hate being not be able to simply link a project to a task with an id like this:
t = Task.new
t.project_id = 123 # Won't verify if it's valid or not.
So I came up with this instead:
class Task < ActiveRecord:Base
belongs_to :project
validates :project_id, :presence => true
validate :project_exists
def project_exists
# Validation will pass if the project exists
valid = Project.exists?(self.project_id)
self.errors.add(:project, "doesn't exist.") unless valid