Checking blackberry network type - network-programming

I'm trying to check the cellular network type of a blackberry. What I would like to retrieve is the type that is displayed in the top right of my screen.
So,2G, 3G, Edge or SOS (in emergencies). Currently the closest I have got is using the function getNetworkType, which always returns GPRS.

You can use getNetworkService()
for example
int service = RadioInfo.getNetworkService();
if ( (service & RadioInfo.NETWORK_SERVICE_DATA ) != 0 ){
if ( (service & RadioInfo.NETWORK_SERVICE_UMTS ) != 0 ){
// 3G
if ( (service & RadioInfo.NETWORK_SERVICE_EDGE ) != 0 ){
There are still other status, such as EVD0 for CDMA network
Please check on RadioInfo.NETWORK_SERVICE_*


i2cdetect doesn't showing any address

I'm using an OLED 128*64 display screen with NodeMCU ESP8266.
when I tried to detect the screen address, the serial monitor shows:
enter image description here
It would be kind if someone can tell me what is the problem ? and how t solve it ?
Hi Mari please try this I2c tester: it will give you the number of devices and their addresses
#include <Wire.h>
byte errorResult; // error code returned by I2C
byte i2c_addr; // I2C address being pinged
byte lowerAddress = 0x08; // I2C lowest valid address in range
byte upperAddress = 0x77; // I2C highest valid address in range
byte numDevices; // how many devices were located on I2C bus
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // I2C init
Serial.begin(115200); // search results show up in serial monitor
void loop() {
if (lowerAddress < 0x10) // pad single digit addresses with a leading "0"
Serial.print(lowerAddress, HEX);
Serial.print(" to 0x");
Serial.print(upperAddress, HEX);
numDevices = 0;
for (i2c_addr = lowerAddress; i2c_addr <= upperAddress; i2c_addr++ )
// loop through all valid I2C addresses
Wire.beginTransmission(i2c_addr); // initiate communication at current address
errorResult = Wire.endTransmission(); // if a device is present, it will send an ack and "0" will be returned from function
if (errorResult == 0) // "0" means a device at current address has acknowledged the serial communication
Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
if (i2c_addr < 0x10) // pad single digit addresses with a leading "0"
Serial.println(i2c_addr, HEX); // display the address on the serial monitor when a device is found
Serial.print("Scan complete. Devices found: ");
delay(10000); // wait 10 seconds and scan again to detect on-the-fly bus changes
the wiring should be for I2C connection:
D2 -> SDA, D1 -> SCL, GND -> GND, (*) -> Vcc
(*) check what oled model you have, some work at +5V other at +3.3V that might be the issue
Moreover usually the pullup resistor is not needed (check your model specs)
Check also the specification of your oled, sometimes some jumper setup is needed
I found the problem: I didn't insert the nodemcu properly inside the board.

Using WINC1500 with a PIC32, scan not working properly

I'm currently working on a project using a PIC32 and the wifi module ATWINC1500. I won't be able to give all the code but I'm on a test function that I can share.
First, here is some settings and configuration I'm using:
Processor : PIC32MZ1024EFE064
Harmony version : 2.06
Wifi Module : ATWINC1500
Real Time OS : FreeRTOS
What I'm trying to do is to connect the Wifi module to an existing Access Point using the Infrastructure mode. I'm able to get the number of access point around me but when I try to read information from those access points, information are empty, void or incorrect.
Here is my code:
bool WIFI_Test_Infrastructure(void)
//Wait for WINC1500 to be initialized
if(isWdrvExtReady() == false)
return false;
//Start a scan or wait for result
IWPRIV_GET_PARAM param_scan = {
.scan = scanner
iwpriv_get(SCANSTATUS_GET, &param_scan);
IWPRIV_SCAN_STATUS status = param_scan.scan.scanStatus;
//Process StateMachine while scanning
if(status == IWPRIV_SCAN_IDLE)
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
//Disconnect wifi from everything
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
return false;
else if(status == IWPRIV_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS)
return false;
else if(status == IWPRIV_SCAN_NO_AP_FOUND)
iwpriv_execute(SCAN_START, &dummy_param);
return false;
else if(status == IWPRIV_SCAN_SUCCESSFUL)
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
//Read liste of wifi access point
uint16_t wifi_number_AP;
wifi_number_AP = m2m_wifi_get_num_ap_found();
tstrM2mWifiscanResult result;
int i;
for(i=0; i<wifi_number_AP; i++)
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
winc1500_scan_result_read(&result); //ISSUE HAPPENED HERE
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
memcpy((void *)scanResult.bssid, (void *)result.au8BSSID, sizeof(scanResult.bssid));
return true;
return false;
So what happened here:
First, you need to know that this function is called by a Thread Manager, that's why it returns false or true. I'm checking the state in which the scan is.
I'm able to reach the SCAN_SUCCESSFUL part and the number of access point detected is correct.
I labeled the line where the issue is happening. When I'm reading the result information of an access point, it is quite empty. Here is what I see in Debug Session (and it is the same result for all of access points):
I have been waiting for weeks before asking this. Hope someone can help or at least give me hints on things to check.
If I missed information, do not hesitate to ask me.
Thanks in advance!
The solution was simply a story of stack. I have two other tasks: SYS and TCP/IP. I needed to increase the size of their stack because they were managing several functions about scanning. So there was an overriding somewhere.

CORTEX_M4_0: error occurs in GPIO code in debug mode

I am having this error whenever I try to debug my program using Code Composer Studio V 9.1.0 :
CORTEX_M4_0: Trouble Reading Memory Block at 0x400043fc on Page 0 of Length 0x4: Debug Port error occurred
I am using a Texas Instruments TM4C123GXL launchpad, and it connects to my laptop via a USB cable. I can successfully build my program, but the errors show up whenever I try to debug my program. My program is supposed to use SysTick interrupts to continuously vary the voltage on an Elegoo membrane switch module to allow the program to see which button I've pressed. I'm not 100% sure I've correctly initialized the GPIO input and output ports, but the errors occur before the program even starts and reaches my main loop.
Here is a screenshot of some code and my errors:
Here is some code:
void SysTickInit()
NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R = 0x0C3500; // delays for 10ms (800,000 in hex) '0x0C3500' is
// original correct
NVIC_ST_CTRL_R = 0x07; // activates the systick clock, interrupts and enables it again.
void Delay1ms(uint32_t n)
uint32_t volatile time;
while (n)
time = 72724 * 2 / 91; // 1msec, tuned at 80 MHz
while (time)
void SysTick_Handler(void) // this function is suppose to change which port
// outputs voltage and runs every time systick goes
// to zero
if (Counter % 4 == 0)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R &= 0x00; // clears all of port A ( 2-5)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R |= 0x04; // activates the voltage for PORT A pin 2
else if (Counter % 4 == 1)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R &= 0x00; // clears all of port A (2-5)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R |= 0x08; // activates voltage for PORT A pin 3
else if (Counter % 4 == 2)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R &= 0x00; // clears all of port A (2-5)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R |= 0x10; // activates voltage for PORT A pin 4
else if (Counter % 4 == 3)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R &= 0x00; // clears all of port A (2-5)
GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R |= 0x20; // activates voltage for PORT A pin 5
void KeyPadInit()
SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= 0x03; // turns on the clock for Port A and Port B
while ((SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R) != 0x03) { }; // waits for clock to stabilize
GPIO_PORTA_DIR_R |= 0x3C; // Port A pins 2-5 are outputs (i think)
GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R |= 0x3C; // digitally enables Port A pins 2-5
GPIO_PORTA_DIR_R &= ~0xC0; // makes Port A pin 6 and 7 inputs
GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R |= 0XC0; // makes Port A pin 6 and 7 digitally enabled
GPIO_PORTB_DIR_R &= ~0X03; // makes Port B pin 0 and 1 inputs
GPIO_PORTB_DEN_R |= 0x03; // makes PortB pin 0 and 1 digitally enabled
I found out why my error was occurring. I went to my professor and he had a custom-built device to check if my pins on my launchpad were working. It turns out some of the pins I was using on Port A and B drew too much current, and according to the custom-built device, became busted. In other words, this error came about because the IDE detected that some of my pins weren't operational anymore.
In my case I had to disable the AHB (advanced high-performance bus) in the GPIOHBCTL register to read the GPIO_PORTx register. If you want to read the register when the AHB is activated you must read the GPIO_PORTx_AHB register.
Access to GPIO_PORTA_AHB register when AHB is activated - it works
Access to GPIO_PORTA register when AHB is activated - it fails
The Solution is to enable The clock getting into the peripheral using the RCC Section

How linux driver can delegate functions to another driver (shared hardware)

I'm writing a custom IR transmitter driver for lirc on an embedded board. The board has a i2c-to-gpio extender (FXL6408).
The problem is that only one GPIO pin is needed for my driver (and hence LIRC) and the other pins are needed for use by other applications. Something like this:
I've read LWM, LDD3, and tons of sites about i2c-slave, i2c adaptors, buses, pinctrl, gpio, stacking etc but its not clear how to do what I want:
my-driver needs to control a single pin on the GPIO extender while still allowing other applications to control the other 7 pins via /dev/i2c-0.
Following this SO suggestion was promising but i2c_new_dummy failed, returning NULL:
i2cAdaptor = i2c_get_adapter(ECP_I2CBUS); // 1 means i2c-1 bus
if (i2cAdaptor == NULL)
printk("ecp_gpio: Could not acquire i2c adaptor\n");
return -EBUSY;
i2cClient = i2c_new_dummy(i2cAdaptor, ECP_I2CDEV); // 0x43 - slave address on i2c bus
if (i2cClient == NULL)
printk("ecp_gpio: Could not acquire i2c client\n");
return -EBUSY;
if ( (rc = i2c_smbus_write_byte(i2cClient, 0xF0)) < 0)
printk("ecp_gpio: Error writing byte - error %d", rc);
return -EIO;
What is the correct way to hook up the plumbing to achieve what I want?
OS Info:
# uname -a
Linux ecp 4.4.127-1.el6.elrepo.i686 #1 SMP Sun Apr 8 09:44:43 EDT 2018 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
After trying many different things, I found one that works. I don't know if it is "the right way" to do it, but it does work.
Instead of trying to create a dummy client, just call the i2c_xx functions directly. So the code looks like:
i2cAdaptor = i2c_get_adapter(ECP_I2CBUS); // 1 means i2c-1 bus etc
if (i2cAdaptor == NULL)
printk("ecp_gpio: Could not acquire i2c adaptor\n");
return -EBUSY;
union i2c_smbus_data data;
data.byte = 0xF0;
if ((rc = i2c_smbus_xfer(ecpHardware.i2cAdaptor, ECP_I2CDEV, 0, I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, 0x05, I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA, &data)) < 0)
printk("ecp_gpio: i2c_smbus_xfer failed: %d\n", rc);
return -EIO;
data.byte = 0xE0;
if ((rc = i2c_smbus_xfer(ecpHardware.i2cAdaptor, ECP_I2CDEV, 0, I2C_SMBUS_WRITE, 0x05, I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA, &data)) < 0)
printk("ecp_gpio: i2c_smbus_xfer failed: %d\n", rc);
return -EIO;

usage of pcap_compile to set the filter with netmask as zero

I am implementing a sniffer with the help of winpcap. Now I am getting packets and updating UI with background worker. Now I am trying to apply a filter on the packets, so I decided to use pcap_compile() and pcap_setfilter() API's . But pcap_Compile() needs a netmask so I was using the following code
for(pIf=pIfList,i=0; i<num-1; pIf=pIf->next,i++);
// Open the device.
if((pPcap= pcap_open(
pIf->name, // name of the device
65536, // portion of the packet to capture
PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, // promiscuous mode
1000, // read timeout
NULL, // authentication on the remote machine
err // error buffer
)) == NULL)
printf("\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n",pIf->name);
//goto Exit; //one function is nedded*/
gPcap = pPcap;
if (pIf->addresses != NULL)
/* Retrieve the mask of the first address of the interface */
net=((struct sockaddr_in *)(pIf->addresses->netmask))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
/* If the interface is without an address we suppose to be in a C class network */
//compile the filter
if (pcap_compile(gPcap, &fcode, "type ctl subtype rts", 0, net) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to compile the packet filter. Check the syntax.\n");
/* Free the device list */
return -1;
//set the filter
if (pcap_setfilter(gPcap, &fcode) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"\nError setting the filter.\n");
/* Free the device list */
return -1;
I am getting netmask value as zero. and I used different filter expressions like "type mgt", "type ctl",type data", " ip" etc.. but the filter action is not working, it is giving all the packets. I am not understanding why the filter is not working. could you suggest me?
I am using a following API to get the packets:
status = pcap_next_ex( pPcap, &header, &pkt_data);
if(status == 0)// Timeout elapsed
goto restart;
The above code I am running in a infinite loop.
could you suggest me why my filter is not working?
