Search by record id with ultrasphinx - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to search by record id with ultrasphinx on Rails 2.3.8
In my model i tried the following:
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
is_indexed :fields => [{:field => 'id', :as => 'offer_id'}]
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
is_indexed :fields => ['id']
And I search with => "1691")
It doesn't return any results, while searching for other indexed fields does.

Wow. a blast from the past.
Whilst I shifted to ThinkingSphinx after starting off with UltraSphinx, are you sure that you shouldn't be using
class Offer > ActiveRecord::Base
is_indexed :fields => ['id']
maybe try that for now and then figure out how to do the AS after.


Filtering a relation in Rails

I have this relation in my Product model:
has_many :features, :class_name => 'ProductFeature', :source => :product_feature, :include => :feature
So I can do Product.features
which works fine. But I want to be able to filter that by fields in the feature table, when and if necessary. For example in pseudo code:
find all product features where feature is comparable
compare is a bool field on the feature.
I have been trying for 2 hours solid and cannot figure it out (without writing a new query completely). I can't figure out how to access the feature table's fields from the Product.features relation, as it seems it can only filter on product_features fields.
This is what I have come up with so far:
def features_compare
features.feature.where(:compare => true)
But it just says feature is not a valid method, which I understand.
I have updated my model so the relationships are clearer:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :insurance_type
has_many :product_features
has_many :reviews
attr_accessible :description, :name, :company
class ProductFeature < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :feature
delegate :name, :to => :feature
attr_accessible :value
class Feature < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :compare
I want to be able to query the product_features that belong to a product and feature where is true. Something like this:
def features_compare
product_features.where(:compare => true)
This throws an error because compare in in the Feature model, not ProductFeature. I have tried the following in product_feature.rb:
delegate :compare, :to => :feature
but I didn't help.
I will adding a bounty to this in a few hours so please please help me!
find all product features where feature is comparable is just
ProductFeature.joins(:feature).where(:feature => {:compare => true})
You can make that a bit more reusable by introducing a scope:
#in product_feature.rb
scope :with_feature_like, lambda do |filter|
joins(:feature).where(:feature => filter)
ProductFeature.with_feature_like(:compare => true)
#all the product features of a certain product with at comparable features
some_product.product_features.with_feature_like(:compare => true)
Finally, if you want all products with product features with comparable features, you want something like:
Product.joins(:product_features => :feature).where(:feature => {:compare => true})
which of course you can also turn into a scope on Product.
This seems like a has_many :through relationship. Try changing this:
has_many :features, :class_name => 'ProductFeature', :source => :product_feature, :include => :feature
to this:
has_many :product_features
has_many :features, :through => :product_features
As long as your ProductFeature model has this:
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :feature
And you have the appropriate columns on product_features (product_id, feature_id), then you should be able to access that product's features and all the attributes on both Product and ProductFeature.
See here:
EDIT: Here's how to filter by feature fields.
Product.joins(:features).where(:features => {:name => "Size"})
#product.each |p| { p.features.where(:comparable => true) } is probably your best bet here, but I'm open to being enlightened.

Thinking-Sphinx Grouping Error

I have have the meeting model which belongs to the project:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :meetings
class Meeting < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
define_index do
join project
indexes agenda
indexes :as => :project_name
I attempt to search with grouping:"stuff", :group_by => 'project_id', :group_function => :attr)
I get the following error:
group-by attribute 'project_id' not found
Any suggestions?
Many Thanks.
This is just a wild guess based on the examples in the ThinkingSphinx docs (, but perhaps you need to include the attribute to be grouped by in the indexing.
Try adding has project_id to your define_index.

Rewrite SQL query with tire

I'm trying to rewrite a query with tire.
This is the model that I have:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bookmarks, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :followed_venues, :through => :bookmarks, :source => :bookmarkable, :source_type => 'Venue'
A user can follow venues. And I need to search for venues that are followed by a certain users.
So far I've been doing it with ActiveRecord:
#user.followed_venues.where(["venues.title LIKE ?", "%"+params[:q]+"%"])
This is obviously not ideal, so I added elasticsearch to my app with tire.
How would I search for venues with tire, filtering by the user that is following them?
I'm going to post an answer to my own question.
So it's quite easy to just search venues. Standard {...} The problem is how to filter by user that follows venues. Instead of using the Venue model for searching, I decided to index bookmarks.
This is my bookmark model
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :bookmarkable, :polymorphic => true
def to_indexed_json
:title => bookmarkable.display_name,
:user_id => user_id
After this I have the user_id and the venue name in the index. Now search becomes as simple as this: :load => {:include => 'bookmarkable'}, :page => page, :per_page => per_page do
query do
fuzzy :title => { :value => query.downcase, :min_similarity => 0.6, :prefix_length => 2}
filter :terms, {:bookmarkable_type => ["Venue"], :user_id => []}
Now this is not a complete solution. And I hope i'm even using filter :terms correctly. The result that I get back now is an array of bookmarks actually. But it's easy to load the actual venues for them, and maybe wrap it in a WillPaginate collection for better pagination on the frontend.
Any problems with this solution? How would it compare to what phoet suggested with putting user ids to the venue index?
i would create a document for each venue and then add a field with an array of all the user-ids that are following.
are you really sure, that this is a proper task for elasticsearch?
i guess it would be way easier to just search the index for the name of the venue and then look up the data you need in your relational database.

find_with_ferret , multiple model not working

I have 2 models A and B.
class A < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :b
acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title,:description]
In a_cotroller, i wrote:
#search=A.find_with_ferret(params[:st][:text_search],:limit => :all).paginate :per_page =>10, :page=>params[:page]
The above title and description search is properly working.
class B < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :a
Now,I want to perform a text search by using 3 fields; title, description(part of A) and comment(part of B). Where I want to include the comment field to perform the ferret search.Then,what other changes needed.
The documentation of find_with_ferret indicates that you simply code :store_class_name => :true to enable search over multiple models. While this is true there is a little more to it. To search multiple do the following:
#search = A.find_with_ferret(
:limit => :all,
:multi => [B]
).paginate :per_page =>10, :page=>params[:page]
Notice the multi option. This is an array of the additional indexes to search.
Now to get his to work you have to rebuild your indexes after adding :store_class_name => :true to the index definitions.
class A < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :b
acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => :true, :fields => [:title, :description]
You can simply include Bs fields in the index definition:
class A < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :b
acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :description],
:additional_fields => [:b_content, :b_title]
def b_content
def b_title
This makes everything simple, but doesn't allow to search the B model independently of A.

Dynamic fields with Thinking Sphinx

I'm building an application where I have products and categories. Category has_many properties and each property has a list of possible values. After a category is set to the product all properties show up in the form and the user can set that property to one of the properties possible values.
My question is:
Is it possible for Thinking Sphinx to filter the products through a property and property value ex:
:with => {:property_id => property_value}
If it's possible, what is the best way to implement this? If not is there any other library out there to solve this problem?
/ Ola
One approach is to store the property_id as multi-value attribute.
class Product < ActivRecord::Base
has_one :category
has_many :properties, :through => :category
KVP = "###"
define_index do
has properties("CONCAT(`properties`.`key`, \"%s\", `properties`.`value`)" %
KVP, :as => :category_key_value
def search_with_properties keys, with_attr={}, p={}
wp = (with_attr||{}).dup
values ={|k, v| "#{k}#{KVP}#{v}"} unless p.empty?
wp = wp.merge({:category_key_value => values}) unless values.empty?
search keys, :with => wp
class Category < ActivRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
has_many :properties
class Property < ActivRecord::Base
belongs_to :Category
#key E.g: region
#value E.g: South West
Now you can issue following search commands:
Product.search_with_properties("XYZ", nil, :region => "South West")
Try this:
Add the following to your define_index:
has properties(:id), :as => :property_ids
Then you can use :with / :without like:
:with => {:property_ids => property_value}
Does this answer your question:
