I'm desperate, I need to convert some jpg images into an animated gif.
I've tried ffmpeg, but the result has a terrible quality.
Also tried imagemagick, and the result looks great but it weights 511 KB !!
Anyone please can tell me what to use or how to use the before applications to get a final animated gif with a normal quality and a normal weight for a gif??
As I said I'm desperate, I need to finish this asap :(
Thanks a lot
Not looking too deeply into the details, this link might have what you are looking for: http://www.somethinkodd.com/oddthinking/2005/12/06/python-imaging-library-pil-and-animated-gifs/, in particular the first link in the comment by Almar on June 16, 2009.
This approach uses the Python and the Python Imaging Library. If you're not handy with either, then it sounds like this approach is going to take longer than you're hoping.
By the way, you might want to ask this question on superuser ... stackoverflow is for programming questions, superuser is more generally about 'doing stuff with computers'.
FIJI or ImageJ do this pretty well. See my answer to an identical SO question here.
I am researching about mask r-cnn. I want to know how to pretrain my image(knife,sofa,baby,.....) using resnet50 in mask-rcnn. I struggle to find that in github, but I can't. Please help me anybody who know how to handle it.
Try this implementation of Mask RCNN on github here.
You can follow Mask_RCNN github repo. It has both resnet50 and resnet100 (might be wrong here). It is a beautiful implementation I would say. The base model is from FAIR (Facebook AI Research). There is a demo file which you can check before starting your work.
If it works well, you can see my answer, it will help you to train the model with your custom data. The answer is a bit long, but it lists all the steps.
Something which I personally like about this implementation is:
It is easy to setup. Won't bother you much about the dependencies. Having a python virtual environment does the wonders.
It falls back automatically from a CPU version to GPU and vice versa.
It is having good support from its developers. It is getting commits frequently.
The code is very customisable. So If you want to do some changes, it's pretty easy. Some booleans and numbers changes up and down and you are done...!!!
I know how to apply two effects to images -- blurring and making them grayscale. However, I would like to expand my knowledge further and learn more things of this nature.
I decided to Google them but found out that I do not even know what they are called.
I would like to ask: How do I progress further into image processing?
Image processing is a very big area with many applications.
These applications go from medical imaging, data compression and many
commercial applications like the ones you find in photoshop.
Without knowing where you are going to apply image processing, I assume
that you want to learn for the sake of curiosity :).
Today we have lots of online courses that make learning more easy.
I did an image processing course by Guilhermo Sapiro on the coursera
website that helped a lot https://www.coursera.org/course/images .
The course has already ended but the video classes are also available
on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWCB3pKi2ko ( One about histogram equalization
you can see others on the related videos)
Another source is the amazing book by Rafael gonzales calle Digital Image Processing.
If you're looking for a website solution this is a good guide to how to use the css filter effect: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/filters/understanding-css/
If you're looking for something else, I think more detail on your application is needed.
i need an advice on how to approach this problem. I have some picture data: *.jpg, *.bmp ... and i need to extract the data from it. The data is alphanumeric text. I work in delphi.
You will have to head for a OCR (Optical Character Recognition) library. This is a pretty complex procedure, I believe you wouldn't be asking this question if you knew any way to implement this by yourself.
A quick Google yielded this result, maybe it's of help for you:
Look here:
Take a look at my answer about NeuroVCL OCR here. There is a lot of useful info and sample Delphi OCR DCU components.
I want to use LaTex to write equations faster and if it is possible to export the result as a png or jpg so that it can be used on a website.
Wikipedia (and its opensource wiki engine) uses LaTeX for that, maybe there are some resources available (at least in the code, as it is opensource).
Your question is very broad. You could start with Amazon's List of Latex Books.
You might want to investigate the StackExchange site mathoverflow.net solution - you can read about here. It uses jsMath which supports a lot of LaTeX syntax.
Assuming you already know a little LateX and your primary goal is to get images, a good high-level tool is mathTeX; there are even public servers that will convert to images for you.
If you want to do everything yourself, all the tools use dvipng at bottom.
I like both MathBin.net and Roger's Online Equation Editor. The latter lets you control the quality of the output. See also this question.
try this: http://hausheer.osola.com/latex2png
Here is a small symbol reference for LaTeX. If you are looking for something more as a general introduction, you can look at "The Not So Short Introduction To LaTeX2e". If you use Inkscape, there is built in support for rendering LaTeX and there are also extensions that do the same. You can read some commentary about it here. There are also things like LaTeX to HTML converters; However, at the time I was looking at them, they were somewhat limited in what formulas they could display.
I taught myself LaTeX using the wikibook. It's fairly comprehensive as an initial guide. I've since bought The LaTeX Companion, which is a more advanced guide to in depth typesetting in LaTeX
I use http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/AoPS_L_TeXer.php when I need a quick equation for a web site.
There are packages that will automatically produce images from LaTeX source, but these are often either buggy or used incorrectly. Many people install them on their blogs, for example, and the images show up if you visit the blog directly but they don't show up if you view the page via a blog reader. I'm not saying these problems can't be fixed. They can, but it often takes a few tries.
I prefer just to make a gif and stick it in the page. It's low tech and reliable.
One more tip: it's a good idea to put the LaTeX source in the alt tag of the image. This helps people using screen readers. It helps you too if you need to modify the equation later.
Detextify is a great site that lets you draw a symbol, and it will pop up a list of latex commands that may match your drawing. It's quite accurate! http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html
Are there any good image, photo browser or carousel controls for Delphi?
I would prefer something free if available.
It's not free, but TMS Software GUI Motions seems to be quite stunning:
PicShow Components at Delphi Area looks like it will do what you want. I haven't tried it myself, only remembered it.
A quick google search yields some results that may suit your needs:
Some Planet Source code contributions
Wilsons Image Viewer (Delphi 5 I believe)
although some of the code may be dated, the examples can set you on the right track and give you a place to start.
Just found a good one. But seems its no longer updated :(
But its exactly what I need and free.
Ok TMS Software GUI Motions it much better. And I think I will buy it but for now this one will do fine …