Centering cell entries in ctable - latex

Is there an easy way to center the cell entries in this table. The confidence interval look alright, but the estimate itself seems left-justified in the cell.
\ctable[ caption={compldich}, label=z, pos=!tbp, ]{lll} {} {\FL\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Univariate}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Multivariate}\NN
(Intercept)&&2.96 \NN
Age&-0.011 &-0.01\NN
& (-0.146,0.431)& (-0.177,0.464)\NN
HISSA&-1.299 &-1.385 \NN
Ethan&-0.089 &-0.404\NN
&(-0.374,0.195)& (-0.722,-0.086)\NN

Shouldn't {lll} be {lcc} ?


hdashline with starting and ending markers latex

Can we have use hdashline with starting and ending markers? Something like
One possibility is to use tikz:
some text
\noindent\tikz{\draw[<->,dashed] (0,0) -- (\textwidth-0.4pt,0);}
some text
If you need this in a table, you can use the nicematrix package (inspired by this answer )
custom-line =
command = arrowrule ,
tikz = { dashed, <-> }
some & text\\
some & text\\

Create side-by-side environments in Latex

I am trying to create three environments that are beside one another and do not fill the entire page as seen in the attached image. Within each environment, I am trying to add the cvref function, attached is the necessary cls code.
\ProvidesClass{altacv}[2018/07/27 AltaCV v1.1.4, yet another alternative class for a résumé/curriculum vitae.]
%% v1.1.3: Choice of round/square photo
%% v1.1: Optionally load academicons
%% Patch to make academicons compilable with XeLaTeX
\msg_redirect_name:nnn { fontspec } { font-not-found } { none }
% \RequirePackage{marginfix}
\newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}
\newcommand{\weblinks}[3]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}{\href{#2}{#3}}\hspace{2em}}}
\item[\small\normalfont\mailsymbol] #3
\item[\small\normalfont\phonesymbol] #4
% \medskip
%% For removing numbering entirely when using a numeric style
% \setlength{\bibhang}{1em}
% \DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumberwidth}{\makebox[\bibhang][l]{\itemmarker}}
% \setlength{\biblabelsep}{0pt}
% v1.1.2: make it easier to add a sidebar aligned with top of next page
It is called in the following snippet:
\cvref{test}{test}{\href {mailto:test}{test}}{test}
\cvref{test}{test}{\href {mailto:test}{test}}{test}
\cvref{test}{test}{\href {mailto:test}{test}}{test}
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I tried a tabular environment, but it won't let me use the cvref function within the cells.
Using minipages, I get the following result:
your fullwidth environment does not adjust the \textwidth. However you can use .33\linewidth to automatically get the width of the minipages
the cvref macro internally used a description, that's why it does not obey your attempts to center or left align. You can use the following redefinition to get a similar result, which will obey your alignment:
% \begin{description}[font=\color{accent},style=multiline,leftmargin=1.25em]
{\color{accent}\small\normalfont\mailsymbol} #3\par
{\color{accent}\small\normalfont\phonesymbol} #4\par
% \end{description}
% \medskip
\cvref{test}{test}{\href {mailto:test}{test}}{test}
\cvref{test}{test}{\href {mailto:test}{test}}{test}
\cvref{test}{test}{\href {mailto:test}{test}}{test}

Biblatex: website citation is italicized and uses title instead of author when removing "n.d."

I'm trying to cite a website using the authoryear style with BibLaTeX.
author = "{Oxford Nanopore Technologies}",
title = "Oxford Nanopore Technologies Github",
url = ""
This gives me
which is fine except I want to remove the "n.d.", so then I do this to remove it:
And then my citation changes, so 1) it prints the title instead of the author, and 2) the citation is italicizes (which is probably because it's printing the title instead of author).
Any idea why this is happening and how I can prevent it?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: for
You could change the translation for "n.d." for the online type:
author = "{Oxford Nanopore Technologies}",
title = "Oxford Nanopore Technologies Github",
url = ""
nodate = {\ifboolexpr{test{\ifentrytype{online}}}{\unspace}{n\adddot d\adddot}},

Makro defined at beginning of row is only available in first column

I am trying to create a new environment where I can add different rows, where each row contains a short makro:
% function to add rows
cell 1: \type &
cell 2: \type \\
Unfortunately, this gives an "undefined control sequence" error and the makro is not available in the second column:
How can makros be available in the whole row?
I finally found a solution following It's as simple as replacing def with gdef (minding that the definitions are now global):
% function to add rows
cell 1: \type &
cell 2: \type \\

How to change Warsaw theme's frametitle height in Latex?

I am making some changes in Warsaw theme. I want to increase the height of the frametitle. I have used the following code, because I did not want the navigation part from the the headline. Now I need to increase the height of the frame title without increasing the font size. Please see the commands I used:
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=0 ex,dp=0ex]{palette quaternary}%
You could adjust the frametitle template. I marked the line to change with % <-
\advance\beamer#leftmargin by -12bp%
\advance\beamer#rightmargin by -12bp%
\advance\beamer#tempdim by \beamer#leftmargin%
\advance\beamer#tempdim by \beamer#rightmargin%
\vspace{2cm}% <- change here to whatever you want
\rightskip0.3cm plus1fil\leavevmode
\advance\beamer#tempdim by 2pt%
\usebeamercolor{frametitle right}
\hbox to\textwidth{\hskip-\Gm#lmargin\pgfuseshading{beamer#topshade}\hskip-\Gm#rmargin}
