FastReport page orientation change in Delphi - delphi

Does anybody know how to design report in FastReport so that when user changes page orientation all column headers and data autofits new page width? I couldn't find any anchor mechanism there. Maybe I can do that during run-time? But then I need to catch page orientation change event somehow. Can anybody help?

I don't know what the question is: Bands are magnetic to page borders by default, so they fit the new page width.
But if you want the frxMemoview objects to move and resize according to the new page size, you should use the beforeprint event of the report to recalculate and move or size the report components.
If you have a report that can be printed both in portrait or landscape, the easiest way to buid this would be a layout for portrait and one for landscape. You could show a printersetupdailog before loading the report and depending on the orientation load the portrait or landscape layout.
This may not be the cleanest way. Building your report runtime in code is another option and recalculating every component in the report is another. But they involve a lot of coding and what if the user selects "Letter" instead of "A4"?
FR dealer in Holland.

You can :
use the Align property of each
make it with Script

Sometimes it is necessary to modify report page settings (for example, to modify paper alignment or size) from a code. The TfrxReportPage class contains the following properties, defining the size of the page:
property Orientation: TPrinterOrientation default poPortrait;
property PaperWidth: Extended;
property PaperHeight: Extended;
property PaperSize: Integer;
The «PaperSize» property sets paper format. This is one of the standard values, defined in the Windows.pas (for example, DMPAPER_A4). If a value to this property is assigned, FastReport fills the «PaperWidth» and «PaperHeight» properties automatically (paper size in millimeters). Setting the DMPAPER_USER (or 256) value as a format, would mean that custom paper size is set. In this case, the «PaperWidth» and «PaperHeight» properties should be filled manually.
The following example shows, how to modify parameters of the first page (it is assumed that we already have a report):
Page: TfrxReportPage;
{ the first report’s page has [1] index. [0] is the Data page. }
Page := TfrxReportPage(frxReport1.Pages[1]);
{ modify the size }
Page.PaperSize := DMPAPER_A2;
{ modify the paper orientation }
Page.Orientation := poLandscape;
TfrxReportPage * Page;
// the first report’s page has [1] index. [0] is the Data page.
Page = (TfrxReportPage *)frxReport1.Pages[1];
// modify the size
Page->PaperSize = DMPAPER_A2;
// modify the paper orientation
Page->Orientation = poLandscape;

On BeginDoc i you can acess the properties from it using (frxPrincipal.FindObject('Page1') as TfrxReportPage).PaperSize := DMPAPER_A4;


Why does TForm.SetBounds only work correctly when TForm.Position is set to poDefault at design time

I have noticed something very strange. I am persisting the top, left, width, and height properties of a form when it is closing, and using this information to restore the form's last position when it is once again opened by calling SetBounds using the previously stored information. This works well, but only if the form's Position property is set to poDefault at design time. If set to something else, such as poDesigned, poScreenCenter, or poMainFormCenter, SetBounds does not restore the form's previous position and size.
Here's the strange part. What appears to matter is what the Position property is set to at design time. I can change the value of this property at runtime to poDefault and the call to SetBounds still does not work correctly. I have tried something like the following
if Self.Position <> poDefault then
Self.Position := poDefault;
in both the form's OnCreate event handler, as well as from an overridden constructor (and have set Position to poDefault in the constructor, and called SetBounds in the OnCreate event handler). In all cases, changing the form's Position property to poDefault at runtime does not fix the problem that I've observed with SetBounds. The only consistent pattern that I have found is that SetBounds works as it should only if the form's Position property was poDefault at design time.
There are other things that I've noticed with respect to how SetBounds works when a form's Position property is not set to poDefault at design time. For example, a form whose Position property is set to poScreenCenter at design time will not necessarily appear centered on the screen if you call SetBounds. However, it does not appear in the top-left location defined by SetBounds, nor does it respect the width and height specified in the call to SetBounds. Let me repeat, however, that I am setting the Position property of the form to poDefault before calling SetBounds. I've even stuck a call to Application.ProcessMessages between the two operations, but that doesn't fix the problem.
I have tested this extensively with Delphi 10.1 Berlin running on Windows 10. I have also tested it using Delphi XE6 on Windows 7. Same results.
If you have doubts, create a VCL application with four forms. On the first form place three buttons, and add something like the following OnClick to each button:
with TForm2.Create(nil) do
where the constructor creates TForm2, then TForm3 and TForm4.
On the OnCreate of forms 2 through 4, add the following code:
if Self.Position <> poDefault then
Self.Position := poDefault;
On form2, set Position to poDefault, on form3 set Position to poScreenCenter, and on form4 leave Position set to the default, poDefaultPosOnly. Only form2 will appear at 500, 500, with a width of 500 and a height of 500.
Does anyone have a logical explanation for this result?
poDefault and friends mean "let Microsoft Windows position this form's window when the form would create and show it".
You just created Delphi object - but I wonder if it also has created/shown Windows object (HWND handle and all corresponding Windows internal structures). Especially with themed applications, not ones using standard pre-XP look and feel - they tend to ReCreateHWND when showing, because pre-loading those fancy Windows Themes is relatively expensive operation and only should be done when needed.
I think your default bounds (every property value set in the constructor might be considered a default non-tuned value, to be tuned later after object being constructed) are correctly ignored when you (or TApplication - that makes little difference for the topic) finally do FormXXX.Show.
It is during "make me a window and display it" sequence when your form looks at its properties and tells to MS Windows something like "now I want to create your internal HWND-object and position it at default coordinates/size at your discretion".
And that is absolutely correct behaviour - otherwise WHEN and HOW could TForm apply the Position property??? It just makes no sense to ask Windows for coordinates of a window that does not exists on the screen yet and maybe never would. Windows offers default coords/sizes for the this very second it being asked, looking how many other windows are there and where they are positioned ( and AMD/NVidia video drivers might also apply their correction to it).
It would make little sense, to acquire defaults now, and apply them two hours later when everything would probably be different - different amount of other windows and different positions of those, different set of monitors attached and with different resolutions, etc.
Just consider a "desktop replacement" type of notebook. It was set upon the table connected to large stationary external monitor. Then - let's imagine it - I run your application and it created the tform Delphi object and in the constructor it asked MS Windows for position - and Windows rightfully offered the position at that very secondary large monitor. But then an hour later I unplugged the notebook and walked away with it. Now an hour later I tell your application to show the form - and it will do what? display it with coordinates belonging to that now-detached external display? Outside of the viewport of the notebook's internal display that I only have at the moment? Should this form be displayed in the now "invisible" position just because when I started the application back then that spot was still visible there yet??? Way to confuse users for no gain, I think.
So the only correct behaviour would be to ask Windows for default coords this very second WHEN the form is going from hidden to visible and not a second earlier.
And that means that if you want to move your form - you should do it after it was being show. Place your Self.SetBounds(500,500,500,500); into OnShow event handler. So let the MS Windows materialize your form into default position like required by poDefault in Position property - and move your Window after that. Attempts to move the window that does not exist yet look correctly futile to me.
Either PRESET your form ( in constructing sequence) to explicitly ignore MS Windows defaults and use pre-set cords (via poDesigned value), or let the form ask Windows coordinates, but MOVE it with SetBounds after it got visible via OnShow handler.

How to make Filemaker textbox resizable according to content

I'd like to create a layout to show this table in list view, the point is to make the text field resizable according to content. I have try several method, but all fails. I am using FileMaker 12.
Any help much appreciated.
For Browse mode you can set layout objects to dynamically resize based on the layout size, but not on the object contents. If you need this functionality in Browse mode you will probably need to use a web-viewer.
In Preview mode you can use sliding left and sliding up for reduction of the size of the layout objects, but there is no option to expand.
In Browse and Find modes, if a field isn't set to have a scroll bar, the field will expand while the user is entering data, but only then. It will return to the default size when the user navigates to another field or another record.
In Preview mode, you can make the field larger than it could possibly need and set it to slide up and also reduce the size of the enclosing part. But the user won't be able to interact with the interface of the layout (can't click buttons, change data, etc.).
A workaround might be to use a tooltip. If you set the tooltip to the contents of the field itself, then the user can hover over the field to see any expanded contents.
If you really need exactly the functionality that you mention (which I would define as having field height and enclosing body part expand in list view based on the field's content length while in FileMaker), the only way I could see doing it would be to use custom web publishing to create a web page and use FileMaker's web viewer to show that web page. F 'n' web has an article that might be of some assistance if you go this route.

Scroll bar in LibreOffice dialog

I am trying to make an image picker component in LibreOffice.
I have a dialog that is dynamically filled with images. When the user clicks on one images, it should be selected and the dialog should be closed.
The problem is that the number of images is variable. So I need to enable scrolling in the dialog (so that the user can navigate through all images).
There seems to be some properties on the dialog object (Scrollbars, Scroll width, Scroll height, etc)
However, I cannot find a way to use them anywhere.
Any ideas?
The scrollbar is one of the Controls available through the dialog box editor. That is the easier way to put a ScrollBar on a dialog box. Just insert it like any other control. There is a harder way via DialogModel.addControl but that seems non-essential to answering this question.
If you add a scrollbar to the dialog box and run the dialog box, you will find it does nothing by default. The functionality (apparently) must be written into a macro. The appropriate triggering event is the While Adjusting event on the ScrollBar object, although it does not trigger the macro simply with the "Test Mode" function in the dialog editor. Running the dialog box through a macro triggers the While Adjusting event when the scroll arrows are triggered, when the slider area is clicked to move the slider, and when the slider itself is dragged. The Object variable returned by the scrollbar event contains a property .Value which is an absolute value between 0 and the EventObject.Model.ScrollValueMax, which allows you to manipulate the other objects on the page manually based on the position of the slider.
Yes, that's right, manipulate objects manually. The sole example I found, from the LibreOffice 4.5 SDK, does precisely this. Of course, it is not as bad as it sounds, because one can iterate through all of the objects on the page by reading the array Dialog.getControls(). In any event, the secret sauce of the example provided in the SDK is to define Static variables to save the initial positions of all of the objects you manipulate with the scrollbar and then simply index those initial positions based on a ratio derived from the scrollbar Value divided by the ScrollValueMax.
Here is a very simple working example of how to scroll. This requires a saved Dialog1 in the Standard library of your document, which contains an object ScrollBar1 (a vertical scrollbar) and Label1 anywhere in the dialog. The ScrollBar1 must be configured to execute the macro ScrBar subroutine (below) on the While Adjusting event. Open the dialog by executing the OpenDialog macro and the scrollbar will move the Label1 control up and down in proportion to the page.
Sub OpenDialog
oVariable = DialogLibraries.Standard.Dialog1
oDialog1 = CreateUnoDialog( oVariable )
End Sub
Sub ScrBar (oEventObj As Object)
Static bInit As Boolean
Static PositionLbl1Y0 As Long
oSrc = oEventObj.Source
oSrcModel = oSrc.Model
scrollRatio = oEventObj.Value / oSrcModel.ScrollValueMax
oContx = oSrc.Context
oContxModl = oContx.Model
oLbl1 = oContx.getControl("Label1")
oLbl1Model = oLbl1.Model
REM on initialization remember the position of the label
If bInit = False Then
bInit = True
PositionLbl1Y0 = oLbl1Model.PositionY
End If
oLbl1Model.PositionY = PositionLbl1Y0 - (scrollRatio * oContx.Size.Height)
End Sub
The example provided by the SDK does not run on my setup, but the principles are sound.
There appears to be a second improvised method closer to the functionality one might expect. This method uses the DialogModel.scrollTop property. The property appears to iterate the entire box up or down as a scroll based on the user input. There are two problems using this methodology, however. First, unless you put the scrollbar somewhere else, the scroll bar will scroll away along with the rest of the page. You will need to adjust the location of the scrollbar precisely to compensate for/negate the scrolling of the entire page. In the example below I tried but did not perfect this. Second, the property seems to miss inputs with frequency and easily goes out of alignment/ enters a maladjusted state. Perhaps you can overcome these limitations. Here is the example, relying on the same setup described above.
Sub ScrBar (oEventObj As Object)
Static scrollPos
oSrc = oEventObj.Source
oSrcModel = oSrc.Model
scrollRatio = oEventObj.Value / oSrcModel.ScrollValueMax
If IsEmpty(scrollPos) = False Then
scrollDiff = oEventObj.Value - scrollPos
scrollDiff = oEventObj.Value
End If
scrollPos = oEventObj.Value
oContx = oSrc.Context
oContxModl = oContx.Model
oContxModl.scrollTop = scrollDiff * -1
oSrcModel.PositionY=(scrollRatio * oContx.Size.Height/5) * -1
End Sub
This (sort of) will scroll the contents of the entire dialog box, within limits and with the caveats noted above.

Scaling a TFrame

What is the correct procedure for Scaling a TFrame in C++Builder?
I am developing in PixelsPerInch=120 (aka. Windows font size 125%), but want my forms to work in PixelsPerInch=96 also (aka. default).
My main form loads fine: the VCL code to create a TForm includes a check of whether the design PPI differs from runtime PPI and it scales everything correctly at that point.
However when loading a TFrame, no automatic scaling occurs. So far as I have been able to discover, I have to manually call Frame1->ScaleBy(M, D);.
This mostly works however it has a bug (which I will describe below) so the result is a frame that is not scaled correctly.
What is the proper way to create a Frame and have it scale on load, like a Form does?
I am currently using the following:
// class member
TFrame *f;
// called just before Application->Run()
f = new TFrame(fMain);
int M = fMain->PixelsPerInch;
int D = 120; // Matt's development
if ( M != D )
f->ScaleBy(M, D);
and then when I want to activate the frame, `f->Parent = fMain->Panel1;
(*f)->ScaleBy(M, D);
I have also tried writing f->Parent = fMain->Panel1; before calling ScaleBy, based on the theory that the Frame has controls using ParentFont and so on, so it might be better if this info is available during scaling; however this introduces other bugs.
The bug is that when calling ScaleBy on a Frame or a Form which has a TLabel which has AutoSize=true and ParentFont=false and Anchors including akBottom, then the Label is displayed much higher up on the window than it should be (maybe even off the top of the window).
I have tracked down the problem: the TControl.ChangeScale function includes a call to ScaleMargins, and the Margin property has an on-set trigger that ends up calling AlignControls for the parent form, which will move any controls with AutoSize=true.
By stepping through Vcl.Controls.pas, I see that my Label scales correctly at first , however when the next control (a radio group, it happens to be) is processed, the AlignControls is triggered, which changes my Label's Top.
The AlignControls function apparently can't handle the TLabel with the parameters I just described when called part-way through a rescaling operation.
I haven't firmly nailed down why, but I think it is because the parent Form or Frame has not yet been scaled (the ScaleControls function scales all the children before scaling the self), so it uses the form's old Height to calculate the actual Top that results from doing alignment to the bottom.
This effect is not triggered when loading the Form the first time, because the scaling code checks for csLoading component state and disables a whole lot of reactionary effects, including the call to AlignControls.
I haven't figured out why the bug is only triggered when ParentFont=false.
My current workaround is to include a line in the FormResize handler that manually realigns the Labels in question with another label that has ParentFont=true (and thus doesn't suffer from the bug).

How to implement variable height detail band in QuickReports

Delphi 7 and QuickReports. Does anyone know how to implement a variable height detail band so that the area for a detail band is dynamically adjusted to best fit the loaded data from the query? Is this at all possible with QuickReports? If not, do you know of any product that facilitates this?
Components used: TQuickRep, TQRBand, and the particular control that will hold the variable size content is TQRExpr
The key piece of info not included in the answer is how to assign the expression to a TQRExprMemo since it doesn't have an expression property like TQRExpr. The answer to that is to enclose the expression in { } (eg. "{expression}") and assign it to the Lines property.
Set RemoveBlankLines to True, AutoStretch to True, AutoSize to False.
I always use a TQRExprMemo. Set AutoSize to True, AutoStretch to True, and IIRC there's a property to delete/suppress blank lines. I've used this frequently to produce mailing labels, address blocks on letters, and so forth.
