How to hide the Property name -

It's a lot that I used MVC but I need to create a widget using Abp.IO,
What I currently got is
But I want to hide this SenzaAgente and ConAgente, I think this is generated since I use abp-input and it get the value of the property, does exist a way of hiding it and gaining the space (The SENZA Agente on the left should be on the same line of the number)
The code I used is
<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
<td>% RINCARO</td>
<td>SENZA Agente</td>
<td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
<td>CON Agente</td>
<td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>

You can use suppress-label="true" attribute
<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
<td>% RINCARO</td>
<td>SENZA Agente</td>
<td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
<td>CON Agente</td>
<td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="#Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>


tablesorter data-math-filter returns no results when given a valid css selector

I'm using Mottie's tablesorter plugin with the Math extension. I have a conditionally formatted table - the categories of conditional formatting are indicated in a data-color attribute on the data cell.
In the footer, I have several rows that summarize the values of the conditional formatting. The footer cells are decorated with data-math-filter="[data-color='color1']".
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<td data-color='red' style='background-color:red'>
<td data-color='blue' style='background-color:blue'>
<td data-color='green' style='background-color:green'>
<td data-color='red' style='background-color:red'>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="red"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="red"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="green"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="green"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="blue"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
<td data-math-filter='[data-color="blue"]' data-math='col-sum'></td>
My reading of the docs leads me to believe that the math function will filter for the data-elements - but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried a bunch of different CSS filters - nothing seems to work.
What am I doing wrong?

how to add table with nested values

I want to display terms attribute using thymeleaf. I tried like
<tr th:each="term: ${contractMap.contractTerms}">
<tr th:each="termRow: ${term.rows}">
<tr th:each="atr: ${termRow.attributes}">
<td th:text="${atr.value}"></td>
</tr ></table>
But it is not working.

How to set the highchart and the table horizontally?

This is what my highchart looks like atm
I kinda want the chart to be on the right side while the table to be on the left
this is my html:
<div id="words" style="width:70%;float:left;">
<table border="1" class="highchart" data-graph-container-before="1" data-graph-type="column">
What should i do to achieve such output?
If you can change HTML, then simply put table before Highcharts container and set proper styles (float, width). For example you can also use two divs:
<div style="float: left; width: 30%;">
<table border="1" class="highchart" data-graph-container-before="1" data-graph-type="column">
<div id="words" style="width:70%;float:left;"></div>

Thymeleaf - Suggested approach when tabular data table returns zero records (empty list)?

<table id="identification-data" class="pure-table">
<tr th:each="row : ${identificationData}">
<td th:text="${row['Name']}">Brian Smith</td>
<td th:text="${#calendars.format(row['Date of Birth'], 'MM/dd/yyyy')}">10/11/1971</td>
<td th:text="${row['Gender']}">Male</td>
If the collection ${identificationData} is empty - is there a thymeleafy way to show a message like "no data found"?
I could do something on the controller side like:
if (identificationData.isEmpty()){
model.addAttribute("identificationDataNotFound", Boolean.TRUE);
model.addAttribute("identificationData", identificationData);
The most "thymeleafy" way that I can think of is to conditionally render a <tbody> containing the "No data found" message if the list is empty. You can use the utility object #lists to check if the list is empty in the UI (saving you one more boolean model attribute)
<tbody th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(identificationData)}">
<tr th:each="row : ${identificationData}">
<tbody th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(identificationData)}">
<td colspan="3">No Data found</td>

Bind list of maps to a table in dart

I have defined the following data model in dart file:
#observable List alist = toObservable([{'rel':'self', 'name':'John'},
{'rel':'Father', 'name':'tom'},
{'rel':'Mother', 'name':'jane'}]);
and table in html as follows:
<table id="summaryTable">
<th>Ralationship to Me</th>
<th>Update History</th>
<th>Remove Relative</th>
<tr repeat = "{{p in alist}}">
<button on-click="{{updateClicked}}">Update</button>
The table is not getting populated. What should be changed?
It's hard to tell as you didn't provide much code but at least the template is missing in
<tr template repeat="{{p in alist}}">
