What are linked list element's in hashed page table? - memory

So in hashed page table, the virtual address's page number is first hashed and then using the hashed value the entry in the
hash table is found. after that the value is compared with the first element's page number and if there is a match, the
corresponding frame is added with the offset and physical address is found.
what i don't understand is, why do we have a linked list?
Hashed page table
what are the other element's other then the actual element.


Page table number to virtual address

In my class where I am supposed to count used and modified pages in the given table and the command only gets the page table number as input from the user.
However, I know how to count used and modified pages, but I will need the virtual address which I don't know how to calculate.
Any ideas?

How to load pictures from a list asyncron, to show the text first

I want to load a list with thumbnail pictures from the internet. In order to have a good user experiance, I want to load and display the text of the list first, and want to load the pictures from the list in a background thread. When a picture is downloaded I want to show it in (refresh) the correspondig row of the list.
Actually, I don't know where to start. Can I use a TClientDataset component to load the text first and load the pictures in a background thread and insert it with .Locate() .Edit .Post to the dataset?
You can use a TClientDataSet for requesting the data directly, except the picture. Thus, the fetching of the main data should be fast enough.
You should load the picture as a calculated field then. Documentation says (with my own emphasis):
A calculated field displays values calculated at runtime by a
dataset's OnCalcFields event handler. For example, you might create a
string field that displays concatenated values from other fields.
To create a calculated field in the New Field dialog box
Enter a name for the calculated field in the Name edit box. Do not enter the name of an existing field.
Choose a data type for the field from the Type combo box.
Enter the size of the field in the Size edit box, if appropriate. Size is only relevant for fields of type TStringField, TBytesField, and TVarBytesField.
Select Calculated or InternalCalc in the Field type radio group. InternalCalc is only available if you are working with a client dataset. The significant difference between these types of calculated fields is that the values calculated for an InternalCalc field are stored and retrieved as part of the client dataset's data.
Choose OK. The newly defined calculated field is automatically added to the end of the list of persistent fields in the Field editor list box, and the component declaration is automatically added to the form's or data module's type declaration.
Place code that calculates values for the field in the OnCalcFields event handler for the dataset. For more information about writing code to calculate field values, see Programming a calculated field.
In OnCalcFields event handler you then need to implement asynchron loading of the picture.

Delphi data aware combo edit control with ability to enter arbitrary text?

I want to enable the user to enter a contact name in an data-aware edit control (combobox, edit) with autosuggest items bound to an sql table.
What I want to achieve is this:
a combo bound to Contact_Name field of a datasource,
an edit bound to Contact_Tel of same datasource
an edit bound to Contact_Email of same datasource
The combo dropdown should be bound to a sql datasource and display person name, phone number and email. The user can pick one of the existing options or type an arbitrary name (new contact person).
When the text of the contact person combobox changes, then
- if the text matches one of existing options, two other edit controls are filled with the phone number and email of the option selected, or
- if the text is not in list, the other two edit controls are cleared.
The set up that I currently have is
a dbLookupComboBoxEh bound to a field of a dataset + a listsource with key and listfields + style = csDropDownEh.
The problem is that it works fine when the user types in a value that is contained in the list source, but once I type in something that is not on the list the control simply gets cleared and doesn't remember the value any more.
Is there a control that combines a data-bound drop down with suggested values AND ability to enter ARBITRARY text?

Auto Populate TextBoxes of Entity Form In MS CRM 2011 on basis of lookup field using jscript

I want to auto populate the text boxes on basis of lookup field result in an entity form
There are two entities
Account Holder with fields (Name,Address,account number -primary key, etc etc)
Expense claim with fields (Name,Address,Account number - lookup, expenses etc etc)
Now I want that in selecting account number through a lookup the name, address these fields should get populated themselves.
Please help me by providing the exact jscript code to attain the desired.
In brief:
On Form load event, you can asynchronously retrieve parent's record by using OData endpoint and jQuery then parse the retrieved record and set your desired text fields.
Check this question, it will give you the right path
Dynamics CRM 2011 form jscript to retrieve lookup data

<t:datatable> Column value changes - JSF

JSF-2.0 - specific row's(eg: 1st row) column value (eg: 2nd column of a row) need to be changed on change of other column value (eg: 1st column of a row)
I don't know if it is your question but if I understand correctly you probably could render the other column contents based on their id's. I do though think that you need the whole id of the rendered component including the row number of the id. Otherwise just render the whole table.
PLease confirm if this was the question and if this actually functions...
