add dynamic parameter to url of WKWebView in Xcode / iOs - ios

I have a single page PWA built on and wrapped with PWAbuilder.
In AppDelegate I have this code that gets the dynamic value "userId"
if let deviceState = OneSignal.getDeviceState() {
// Get the OneSignal Push Player Id
let userId = deviceState.userId
print("OneSignal Push Player ID: ", userId ?? "called too early, not set yet")
I now need to add a parameter to the url of my PWA inside WKWebView:
Key = playerid (static word)
Value = "userID" (dynamic value)
Can anyone advise on how to achieve that?
I tried everything I found online and nothing worked


Swift Firebase -How to generate different .childByAutoId keys when using Fan Out

I have a chat system inside my app. When the user presses send to send the message data to different nodes inside the database -it works fine. The issue I'm having is since I'm using fan out I generate the .childByAutoIdkey before the data is sent. The user presses a send button to start the process but it's always the same exact .childByAutoId key so I'm just overwriting the previous message data. If the user pops the vc and comes back to it then a new key is created but obviously that's terrible ux for a messaging system?
How can I generate different .childByAutoId keys every time the user presses send to fan out?
#obj func sendMessageButtonPressed() {
// ***here's the problem, every time they press send, it's the same exact childByAutoId().key so I'm just overwriting the previous data at the messages/messageId path
guard let messageId = FirebaseManager.Database.database().reference().child("messages")?.childByAutoId().key else { return }
var messageIdDict: [String: Any] = [messageId: "1"]
var messageDict = [String: Any]() // has the fromId, toId, message, and timeStamp on it
let messageIdPath = "messages/\(messageId)"
let fromIdPath = "user-messages/\(currentUserId)"
let toIdPath = "user-messages/\(toId)"
var fanOutDict = [String: Any]()
fanOutDict.updateValue(messageDict, forKey: messageIdPath)
fanOutDict.updateValue(messageIdDict, forKey: fromIdPath)
fanOutDict.updateValue(messageIdDict, forKey: toIdPath)
let rootRef = Database.database().reference()
The problem wasn't a new key was not getting generated. #FrankvanPuffelen pointed out in th comments that a new key should get generated every time which is exactly what was happening.
The problem was the fanout was overwriting what was originally written at these 2 paths:
let fromIdPath = "user-messages/\(currentUserId)"
let toIdPath = "user-messages/\(toId)"
It appeared the key was the same because the data kept getting overwritten.
The way I was generating the key works fine

iOS swift extracting permalink from deeplink URL

I am implementing Firebase dynamic links in my iOS project. It is working fine and it is opening my iOS Home screen properly. But now I would like to extract values from url and open appropriate screen based on url.
for example:
in this url I would like to get 'hot-deals-online' and 'smart-tv-carniva' permalink which I will pass to view controller to open that screen on the app
can someone suggest me best approach for this.
Shortest is to access path of URLComponents object:
let url = ""
if let comps = URLComponents(string: url) {
var elements = comps.path.split(separator: "/").map(String.init)
// ["forums", "hot-deals-online", "topics", "smart-tv-carniva"]
// To build an url back, example:
var url = URL(string:!)!
// Result:
P.S. calling .map(String.init) makes in-place conversion from array of substrings to normal String array.

how to observe property changes of Backendless database ? - Swift

I have this code in Swift 3 to get backendless user so I can get his/her properties:
let whereClause = "objectId = '\(userId)'"
let query = BackendlessDataQuery()
query.whereClause = whereClause
let data = Backendless.sharedInstance().persistenceService.of(BackendlessUser.ofClass())
data?.find(query, response: { (result) in
let user = result?.data.first as! BackendlessUser
myLabel.text = user.getProperty("firstName") as! String
The code is working fine but my question is how to observe the property changes ? is there a way if the value of property firstName changed I can update my label automatically ?
The use-case you describe is not really as simple as it may seem, but it's definitely possible.
You can capture any changes in Users table by creating an afterUpdate event handler. From there you could publish a message to some dedicated channel in messaging service.
At the same time, your application should be subscribed to this same channel. This way you could update your UI when the appropriate message is received.

passing data between sirikit intent handler and the app

ios does not let the containing app and the contained extensions to share a common container, so UserDefaults is the proposed solution.
I have tried using UserDefaults with sirikit intent handler assuming the handler behaves as an extension as follows :
inside IntentHandler.swift
let shared = UserDefaults(
shared?.set("saved value 1", forKey: "key1")
shared?.set("saved value 2", forKey: "key2")
shared?.set("saved value 3", forKey: "key3")
inside ViewController.swift in viewDidLoad
let shared = UserDefaults(
if let temp1 = shared?.string(forKey:"key1")
contentLabel.text = temp1
if let value = shared?.string(forKey: "key2")
valueLabel.text = value
if let key = shared?.string(forKey: "key3")
keyLabel.text = key
i can see the strings corresponding to key1 and key2 on my ipad screen but not for key3, peppering the code with synchronizes does not help.
here are my questions :
1) are sirikit handlers different from other extensions? if yes how to pass data to my app? if not am i using UserDefaults incorrectly?
2) is there a better way to handle IPC between the app and its extensions where i just need to pass simple string messages between them.
using swift 3.0 and xcode 8.2.1
Check that you have the App Group enabled for all targets you want to access the group from. Check in project -> your target -> capabilities under "App Groups".
There's something called MMWomhole. It will definitely do the work.

How to Handle Fetched User's Location from FBSDK IOS swift

i got the user Location using FBSDK. Now I do not know how to seperate the information to get each part of information
i am printing it in console and this is what get
id = 110855035610007;
name = "Rawalpindi, Pakistan";
how do i get "Rawalpindi" and "Pakistan" and store them in some variable
according to Docs its returning a Struct i guess so i do not know how to handle that please guide me thanks
First thing, you have to create one responseDictionary and then store response in it.
then you can get this name like,
let str = self.responseDic.valueForKey("name") as? String
Then you can separate this string like,
let arr : NSArray = str!.componentsSeparatedByString(",") as NSArray
Hope this way you will fix it.
