Google Sheets: Average parent scores based on reviews of children - google-sheets

I have 2 sheets, where the scores of the Parents are determined by the scores of the reviews of the children.
1. Parent scores sheet
Column1 | Parent review IDs | col2:TotalScore(avg) | Patience | Creativity
Parent1 | review1,review3 | X | Y | Z
Parent2 | review2,review4 | A | B | C
2. Child review sheet
Column1 | ParentID | col4:Patience | col5:Creativity |
Review1 | Parent1 | 6 | 8
Review2 | Parent2 | 5 | 7
Review3 | Parent1 | 6 | 8
Review4 | Parent2 | 5 | 7
Any tips on how to include the reviews of the children in the formula for the parents based on the review selection in Sheet1,Col2? Alternatively, via Sheet2,Col2? I'm looking for values A,B,C, and X,Y,Z.
I wasn't able to use the LOOKUP or IF formulas properly


Google Sheets Return Any(All) Row Value(s) For MAX-GROUP Query

I am looking to return non-grouped row values from a query of a table sorted by the MAX value of a column, within a group.
| JOE | CAR | BOUGHT | 1/1/2020 |
| JANE | HORSE | BOUGHT | 1/1/2021 |
| JOE | HORSE | BOUGHT | 2/1/2021 |
| JANE | HORSE | SOLD | 3/1/2021 |
| JOE | CAR | SOLD | 1/1/2022 |
| JOE | CAR | BOUGHT | 2/1/2022 |
For the table above, I presented the following code.
The following TARGET TABLE is output I'm looking for:
| JANE | HORSE | SOLD | 3/1/2021 |
| JOE | HORSE | BOUGHT | 2/1/2021 |
| JOE | CAR | BOUGHT | 2/1/2022 |
However, because 'C' is not included in the GROUP, the formula returns an error. "Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: ADD_COL_TO_GROUP_BY_OR_AGG: C"
If I were to omit COL C & D, "ACTION" & "DATE" from the SELECT: =QUERY(A1:D5,"SELECT A,B, MAX(D) GROUP BY A,B",TRUE) , I have the correct record rows, but am missing the STATUS.
| NAME | ASSET | max DATE |
| JANE | HORSE | 3/1/2021 |
| JOE | HORSE | 2/1/2021 |
| JOE | CAR | 2/1/2022 |
OR, when I add COL C as a "PIVIOT": =QUERY(A1:D5,"SELECT A,B, MAX(D) GROUP BY A,B PIVOT C",TRUE)I have the correct record rows, but do not have the 'current' STATUS within the record row.
| JANE | HORSE | 1/1/2021 | 3/1/2021 |
| JOE | HORSE | 2/1/2021 | |
| JOE | CAR | 2/1/2022 | 1/1/2022 |
Still I have not found a method to create my TARGET TABLE.
Am I overlooking a method to include a non-grouped field into a query using MAX()? Or is it impossible within Google Sheets Query without JOIN functions?
(I hope it is obvious that I desire to apply this to a large and dynamic dataset.)
Thank you for your insight. Cheers!
It's not that flexible to work with QUERYs with its aggregation requisites and so on.
You can create a filter, by comparing column D with a "fictional" column created with BYROW: = BYROW(A2:A,LAMBDA(each,MAXIFS($D$2:$D,$A$2:$A,each,$B$2:$B,OFFSET(each,,1))))
That would look like this (I highlighted the matches and added extra rows for reference):
Then, you can set this filter (don't create this column, it's just a visualization of what I did):
=FILTER(A2:D,D2:D = BYROW(A2:A,LAMBDA(each,MAXIFS($D$2:$D,$A$2:$A,each,$B$2:$B,OFFSET(each,,1)))))
This way, you're comparing the dates with the maximum for each category

how to create relationship using cypher

I have been learning neo4j/cypher for the last week. I have finally been able to upload two csv files and create a relationship,"captured". However, I am not fully confident in my understanding of the code as I was following the tutorial on the neo4j site. Could you please help me confirm what I did is correct.
I have two csv files, a "cap.csv" and a "survey.csv". The survey table contains data of each unique survey conducted at the survey sites. the cap table contains data of each unique organisms captured. In the cap table I have a foreign key, "survey_id", which in the Postgres db you would join to the p.key in the survey table.
I want to create a relationship, "captured", showing each unique organsism that was captured based on the "date" column in the survey table.
Survey table
| lake_id | date |survey_id | duration |
| -------- | -------------- | --| --
| 1 | 05/27/14 |1 | 7 |
| 2 | 03/28/13 | 2|10 |
| 2 | 06/29/19 | 3|23 |
| 3 | 08/21/21 | 4|54 |
| 1 | 07/23/18 | 5|23 |
| 2 | 07/22/23 | 6|12 |
Capture table
| cap_id | species |capture_life_stage | weight | survey_id |
| -------- | -------------- | --| -----|---|
| 1 | a |adult | 10 | 1|
| 2 | a | adult|10 | 2 |
| 3 | b | juv|23 | 3 |
| 4 | a | adult|54 | 4 |
| 5 | b | juv|23 | 5 |
| 6 | c | juv |12 | 6 |
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///cap.csv' AS row
WITH as id,
row.species as species,
row.capture_life_stage as capture_life_stage,
toInteger(row.weight) as weight,
row.survey_id as survey_id
MATCH (c:cap {id: id})
MERGE (s) - [rel:captured {survey_id: survey_id}] ->(c)
return count(rel)
I am struggling to understand the code I wrote above. I followed the neo4j tutorial exactly but used my data (
I am fairly confident from data checks, but did the above code create the "captured" relationship showing each unique organism captured on that unique survey date? Based on the visual I can see I believe it did but I don't fully understand each step in the code.
What is the purpose of the MATCH (c:cap {id: id}) in the code?
The code below
MATCH (c:cap {id: id})
is the same as
MATCH (c:cap)
Where = id
It is a shorter way of finding Captured node based on id and then you are creating a relationship with Survey node.
Question: s is not defined in your query. Where is it?

Automated way to create a confusion matrix in Google Sheets?

I have a table of this form in Google Sheets:
| item_id | prediction | actual |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 | 0 |
| 4 | 0 | 1 |
| 5 | 0 | 0 |
| 6 | 1 | 1 |
And I'd like to know if there's an automated way to get this kind of summary, with the counts of items that fit the criteria specified in that row/column combination:
| | prediction=0 | prediction=1 | total |
| actual=0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| actual=1 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
| total | 2 | 4 | |
I've been doing this somewhat manually in Google Sheets by using COUNTIFS, but I'm wondering if there's a built-in way? I tried using pivot tables, but couldn't figure out how to get the calculated fields to show the data I want.
A coworker figured it out - you can get this by creating a pivot table with the correct columns and rows, and setting the value to item_id summarized by COUNTUNIQUE.

How to copy a whole row as a template and replace one columns value in Google Sheets

I have a sheet which im using to build product data. I need to handle some custom SKU's and id like to have them stored in a string like "XYZ,ABC,FGH" in an alternate sheet.
The generic products are generated in the other sheet for various sizes automatically. I would like on the end of this list to be able to take one of these automatic rows as a template and replace the SKU with one of the custom SKU's if they exist in the other config sheet.
So for example:
SKU'S | Name | Width | Height | Weight | Quantity
PARENT| X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 0
M1 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 1
M2 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 2
M3 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 3
M4 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 4
M5 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 5
Then append:
Keeping the existing columns the other products use.
The X's are just a representation for the other columns I want to copy (ive added some further columns as example data). The only thing I want to change is the SKU. Its a duplicate apart from the SKU (which I want to replace) and the Quantity. The consistent one to copy and use as the template would be the row with PARENT as the SKU.
The result is to just be a new row underneath M5 row. These are additional rows to just be tagged onto the end except for a change in the SKU.
The import is a lot of duplication to the database which is the product attributes like width, height, depth, weight, etc. This is set in a sheet I made with the name VARS. So I would create a simple field in VARS for 'Custom Additional SKUs' in say VARS!$B$10 with the value 'ABC,XYZ,FGH'. These would then use the same columns as the SKU's in say a sheet called INVENTORY.
The end result would be something like:
SKU'S | Name | Width | Height | Weight | Quantity
PARENT| X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 0
M1 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 1
M2 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 2
M3 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 3
M4 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 4
M5 | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 5
ABC | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 0
XYZ | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 0
FGH | X | 10 | 20 | 100 | 0
Final solution based on feedback to help others.
Based on the great input from pnuts I went with the following in column A underneath:
In column B:
=IF(ISBLANK(A7),"",QUERY(SKU!A2:F2,"select B,C,D,E,F",0))
Works like a charm!
Maybe try:
and next to the above something like:
=QUERY(SKU!A:F,"select B,C,D,E,F where A='PARENT'",0)
copied down to suit.

Count occurrences of words from multiple columns

I have a spreadsheet like this, where the values A-E are the same options coming from a form:
| Opt1 | Opt2 | Opt3 |
| A | A | B |
| B | C | A |
| C | C | B |
| A | E | C |
| D | B | E |
| B | E | D |
I want to make a ranking, showing the most chosen options for each option. I already have this, where Rank is the ranking of the option and number is the count of the option:
| Rank | Opt1 | Numb |
| 1 | A | 2 |
| 1 | B | 2 |
| 3 | C | 1 |
| 3 | D | 1 |
+------+------+------+ (I have 3 of these, one for each option)
I want to do now a summary of the 3 options, making the same ranking but joining the options. It would be something like:
| Rank |Opt123| Numb |
| 1 | B | 5 |
| 2 | A | 4 |
| 2 | C | 4 |
| 4 | E | 3 |
| 5 | D | 2 |
The easiest way to do this would be getting the data from the three ranking tables or from the original three data columns?
And how would I do this?
I already have the formula to get the names of the options, the count and ranking, but I don't know how to make them work with multiple columns.
What I have (the F column is one of the data columns):
Column B on another sheet:
=SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER('Form Responses'!F2:F;NOT(ISBLANK('Form Responses'!F2:F)))); RANK(COUNTIF('Form Responses'!F2:F; UNIQUE(FILTER('Form Responses'!F2:F;NOT(ISBLANK('Form Responses'!F2:F))))); COUNTIF('Form Responses'!F2:F; UNIQUE(FILTER('Form Responses'!F2:F;NOT(ISBLANK('Form Responses'!F2:F))))); TRUE); FALSE)
Column C:
=ArrayFormula(COUNTIF('Form Responses'!F2:F; FILTER(B2:B;NOT(ISBLANK(B2:B)))))
Column A:
Merge cols:
merges 2 cols, not very clean, but works. (Same as here Stacking multiple columns on to one?)
Full formula:
=SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","));NOT(ISBLANK(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),",")))))); RANK(COUNTIF(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),",")); UNIQUE(FILTER(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","));NOT(ISBLANK(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","))))))); COUNTIF(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),",")); UNIQUE(FILTER(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","));NOT(ISBLANK(TRANSPOSE(split(join(",",D2:D,E2:E),","))))))); TRUE); FALSE)
The transpose could be done after the sort.
