Monaco editor - Embed full Intellisense for common languages - ios

In my Swift iOS app, I am using Monaco editor through a webView (the monaco library is embedded in the source and minified).
I have the full Intellisense for Javascript and Typescript.
The basic Intellisense is working for other language however I would like to have the full Intellisense for the main languages like Python, Java, CPP, Go, Kotlin and Swift.
How can I do that?


fable websharper borelo SAFE which should I use?

I'm trying to use F# to develop a chrome extension and found that there are some framework : fable, websharper, borelo and SAFE in
I don't know how to choose . Can Anyone help me to make the choice?
For a Chrome extensions in particular I would probably recommend Fable.
Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler and should be compatible with what Chrome expects for extension development. If you want/need to use existing JS packages e.g. from npm this is probably the way to go.
Bolero uses WebAssembly to run .Net in the browser which seems likely to introduce more compatibility issues. Though there are examples using WebAssembly. It would also, in principle, give you access to many .Net libraries to integrate with your extension.
I've not used WebSharper. My understanding is it also provides F# to JS compilation so it may be suitable.
SAFE isn't a separate technology. It is essentially a template which combines F# + Fable in the browser and F# + .Net on the server for writing full stack apps in 100% F#.

Use emmet(ZenCoding) with Visual Studio for Mac (not VS Code)

I'm making an Asp.Net Core MVC application using Visual Studio for Mac.(Not VS Code)
I want to use Emmet with Razor Page(*.cshtml file.) coding, but I can not use it even by pressing the Tab key.
I feel like I was able to use it before. (It is not certain.)
Is there a setting to enable Emmet somewhere?
Visual Studio for Mac does not have support for Emmet and there is no extension available that you can install.
Visual Studio for Mac has support for code snippets. If you open the Preferences dialog, select Text Editor - Code Snippets, you should find some snippets available for Razor files, and other files.
Code snippets are available in the completion list and you need to press tab - tab to select and then expand the snippet. However this does not match all the features that Emmet supports.

What are the ways to generate language server for Xtext based Eclipse plug-in project?

We have our own language developed over Xtext. This project is Xtext Project and Eclipse Plug-in.
For this language, we have our own custom Content Assist, error navigation. All these components are configured in UI module of the plugin project.
Can you please help me to understand how these components can be used in Language Server protocol?
Can configuration in any way(mwe2 or any other way) so that it will use my custom content assist and error navigation in Language server instead of Xtext provided?
They are not used at all. All the is used by the language service resides in the mydsl (runtime) and mydsl.ide (eclipse independent ui part) projects.
Thus you have to implement content assist again in the ide project extending
There are plans to unify both extension points

How to add angular support for Notepad ++?

I am building hybrid apps using Ionic framework. I came across to Notepad++ as an editor, but I found out it supports HTML and JS but there is no default support for Angular. Is there any way I can add support for angular.
Note: I am new to this Ionic (hybrid) development and I am unaware of any good editors for Ionic. If anyone has any experience or knowledge of some great editors for windows out there like eclipse for Java, I welcome that suggestion also.
I can't answer how to add support in Notepad++. I used it once upon a time but there are so many other great options out there that have some level of support.
WebStorm ( This is probably the best IDE for JavaScript. It has built in Ionic and Angular support.
Text Editors - There are several plugins to add Angular and Ionic support for each.
Atom (
Sublime Text (
Brackets (
Notepad++ manage JavaScript correctly but you've to add some plugins if you want a better code.
This link gives me the basics plugins and personnaly, I would add emmet plugin

Metro style Apps with F#?

In the Build 2011 keynote and demos, they were always talking about C++, C#, Visual Basic and JavaScript. Can't I build Metro style Apps with F#? Or is it safe to say that if it works with C#, then it works with F# as well?
Or is it eligible to say if it works with C# then it works with F# as well?
Yes, that's how it is supposed to work. In addition to javascript and C/C++, any CLS compliant language that runs on top of the CLR will have access to the WinRT API.
Unfortunately in the VS 2011 Express edition you don't get tooling support but I guess this will be added progressively or to other editions:
Don talks about this a little around 7:40 into his talk.
I had the same question and created a blog post: Create a Metro App in F# (NOT)
There are a few issues:
You cannot reference ordinary .NET dll’s (even in C#). They have to
be have recompiled with a “reference” to the WinRT. Because of this
you cannot reference the F# dll. I think this will be solved when F#
3.0 get released (source: Understanding F# slide from Don Syme at
The ability from F# to create Metro apps. This has to be
built by the F# team. This is an open question. This is the all-F#
approach (In WPF it is today possible but not recommended).
Tool support for creation Metro front-end projects. This will be not the case for the
F# 3.0 release. (source: Understanding F# slide from Don Syme at
Using Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview (Full, not Express), I was able to reference and run F# code from a C# Metro style application with the following caveats:
You will get a build warning saying that the project can't be referenced, even though Visual Studio will still allow you to add it.
You must remove all references to all DLL's in the F# project, including FSharp.Core.
By following these steps it is possible to run F# code from a C# Metro style application, but it is nearly impossible to write any useful code in F# without references to the core language libraries. Let's hope they update the libraries to be WinRT compatible soon.
The question has been answered here:
Windows 8 and F#
Although you cannot create and design Metro apps directly in F#, you can still create so called Portable library in F# with all Models and ViewModels and use it in another Metro projects. It's not ideal, but it works.
I ported my stock chart library for .NET3.5-4.0 to Portable library,it works quite well on Metro with C# Metro application and some my Metro UI bridge.
I'm convinced that I can use F# to make Metro application in many parts.
