Neo4j TransactionMemoryLimit - neo4j

I am running Neo4j (v4.1.5) community edition on a server node with 64GB RAM.
I set the heap size configuration as follows:
During the ingestion via bolt, I got the following error:
{code: Neo.TransientError.General.TransactionMemoryLimit} {message:
Can't allocate extra 512 bytes due to exceeding memory limit;
used=2147483648, max=2147483648}
What I don't understand is that the max in the error message shows 2GB, while I've set the initial and max heap size to 31GB. Can someone help me understand how memory setting works in Neo4j?

It turned out that the default transaction memory allocation for this version was OFF_HEAP. Meaning that all the transactions were executed off heap with 2GB max. Adding the following setting in Neo4j resolved the issue:
I'm not sure why OFF_HEAP is the default setting while Neo4j manual recommends ON_HEAP setting:
When executing a transaction, Neo4j holds not yet committed data, the result, and intermediate states of the queries in memory. The size needed for this is very dependent on the nature of the usage of Neo4j. For example, long-running queries, or very complicated queries, are likely to require more memory. Some parts of the transactions can optionally be placed off-heap, but for the best performance, it is recommended to keep the default with everything on-heap.


How can I increase the memory used by Oracle 19c DB

I Recently created a 19c Enterprise DB on a Windows server with 54GB of memory. I allocated 48GB to the DB. Today I increased the physical memory to 116GB. I would like to increase the memory utilization to 106GB.
When investigating the memory parameters I found the SGA_LIMIT and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET set to 0. pga_aggregate_target was set to 12205M. Following guidance from Oracle documentation i made the following changes;
alter system set memory_max_target = 104G scope=spfile;
restart the DB
alter system set SGA_TARGET = 0 scope=both;
alter system set PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = 0 scope=both;
Task manager showed the memory utilization at 41GB. So I ran a few queries with large sorts like;
select * from table_with_over_30M_rows order by 1,2,3,4;
select * from table_with_over_30M_rows t1 inner join other_table_with_45M_rows t2 on;
This caused the Task Manager memory utilization to increase to 48GB. I have allowed users back on and the memory utilization has not increased above 48GB.
I believe there something limiting the memory. I have checked all the parameters I can think of and nothing sticks out. My questions;
What should I look for regarding parameters?
How can I try to force additional memory to be consumed?
What other troubleshooting steps can I take?

Why does Prometheus consume so much memory?

I'm using Prometheus 2.9.2 for monitoring a large environment of nodes.
As part of testing the maximum scale of Prometheus in our environment, I simulated a large amount of metrics on our test environment.
My management server has 16GB ram and 100GB disk space.
During the scale testing, I've noticed that the Prometheus process consumes more and more memory until the process crashes.
I've noticed that the WAL directory is getting filled fast with a lot of data files while the memory usage of Prometheus rises.
The management server scrapes its nodes every 15 seconds and the storage parameters are all set to default.
I would like to know why this happens, and how/if it is possible to prevent the process from crashing.
Thank you!
The out of memory crash is usually a result of a excessively heavy query. This may be set in one of your rules. (this rule may even be running on a grafana page instead of prometheus itself)
If you have a very large number of metrics it is possible the rule is querying all of them. A quick fix is by exactly specifying which metrics to query on with specific labels instead of regex one.
This article explains why Prometheus may use big amounts of memory during data ingestion. If you need reducing memory usage for Prometheus, then the following actions can help:
Increasing scrape_interval in Prometheus configs.
Reducing the number of scrape targets and/or scraped metrics per target.
P.S. Take a look also at the project I work on - VictoriaMetrics. It can use lower amounts of memory compared to Prometheus. See this benchmark for details.
Because the combination of labels lies on your business, the combination and the blocks may be unlimited, there's no way to solve the memory problem for the current design of prometheus!!!! But i suggest you compact small blocks into big ones, that will reduce the quantity of blocks.
Huge memory consumption for TWO reasons:
prometheus tsdb has a memory block which is named: "head", because head stores all the series in latest hours, it will eat a lot of memory.
each block on disk also eats memory, because each block on disk has a index reader in memory, dismayingly, all labels, postings and symbols of a block are cached in index reader struct, the more blocks on disk, the more memory will be cupied.
in index/index.go, you will see:
type Reader struct {
b ByteSlice
// Close that releases the underlying resources of the byte slice.
c io.Closer
// Cached hashmaps of section offsets.
labels map[string]uint64
// LabelName to LabelValue to offset map.
postings map[string]map[string]uint64
// Cache of read symbols. Strings that are returned when reading from the
// block are always backed by true strings held in here rather than
// strings that are backed by byte slices from the mmap'd index file. This
// prevents memory faults when applications work with read symbols after
// the block has been unmapped. The older format has sparse indexes so a map
// must be used, but the new format is not so we can use a slice.
symbolsV1 map[uint32]string
symbolsV2 []string
symbolsTableSize uint64
dec *Decoder
version int
We used the prometheus version 2.19 and we had a significantly better memory performance. This Blog highlights how this release tackles memory problems. i will strongly recommend using it to improve your instance resource consumption.

Aggregation queries on millions of nodes

I'm trying to query ~8 million nodes in a neo4j database. I can do queries which hit the index for exact matches easily enough, but is there a performant way to do aggregations?
MATCH (r:Resident) RETURN r.forename, count(r.forename) ORDER BY count(r.forename)
This query just sits there until I eventually restart my server. I've read the performance guides and I'm watching vm_stat and it seems to be quickly running out of pages free. I've tried tuning the memory / JVM heap settings to various things, but I'm not sure I completely know what I'm doing ;) I've got an 8 GB MacBook Air with an SSD drive in case that's helpful for suggesting settings. Also, here's my stats on my DB from webadmin:
10,236,226 nodes
56,280,161 properties
10,190,430 relationships
2 relationship types
14,535 MB database disk usage
I inserted 8M nodes with just 1 prop, and got this query down to ~20s without changing the default settings (after warming up the cache--first time took 90s), which is comparable to other databases like postgres (which I also tested).
Some things you could try to do:
raise the sizes on the appropriate files mmio settings (as per the file sizes in data/graph.db/) in conf/ (at the top)
increase the node cache size in
increase the heap init/max in neo4j-wrapper.conf
make sure you have enough RAM left over

All queries are slow with neo4j

I have written a variety of queries using cypher that take no less than 200ms per query. They're very straightforward, so I'm having trouble identifying where the bottleneck is.
Simple Match with Parameters, 2200ms:
Simple Distinct Match with Parameters, 200ms:
Pathing, 2500ms:
At first I thought the issue was a lack of resources, because I was running neo4j and my application on the same box. While the performance monitor indicated that CPU and memory were largely free'd up and available, I moved the neo4j server to another local box and observed similar latency. Both servers are workstations with fairly new Xeon processors, 12GB memory and SSDs for the data storage. All of the above leads me to believe that the latency isn't due to my hardware. OS is Windows 7.
The graph has less than 200 nodes and less than 200 relationships.
I've attached some queries that I send to neo4j along with the configuration for the server, database, and JVM. No plugins or extensions are loaded.
Pastebin Links:
Database Configuration
Server Configuration
JVM Configuration
[Expanding a bit on a comment I made earlier.]
#TFerrell: Your comments state that "all nodes have labels", and that you tried applying indexes. However, it is not clear if you actually specified the labels in your slow Cypher queries. I noticed from your original question statement that neither of your slower queries actually specified a node label (which presumably should have been "Project").
If your Cypher query does not specify the label for a node, then the DB engine has to test every node, and it also cannot apply an index.
So, please try specifying the correct node label(s) in your slow queries.
Is that the first run or a subsequent run of these queries?
You probably don't have a label on your nodes and no index or unique constraint.
So Neo4j has to scan the whole store for your node pulling everything into memory, loading the properties and checking.
try this:
run until count returns 0:
match (n) where not n:Entity set n:Entity return count(*);
add the constraint
create constraint on (e:Entity) assert e.Id is unique;
run your query again:
match (n:Element {Id:{Id}}) return n
It seems there is something wrong with the automatic memory mapping calculation when you are on Windows (memory mapping on heap).
I just looked at your messages.log and added up some numbers, so it seems the mmio alone is enough to fill your java heap space (old-gen) leaving no room for the database, caches etc.
Please try to amend that by fixing the mmio config in your conf/ to more sensible values (than the auto-calculation).
For your small store just uncommenting the values starting with #neostore. (i.e. remove the #) should work fine.
Otherwise something like this (fitting for a 3GB heap) for a larger graph (2M nodes, 10M rels, 20M props,10M long strings):
Here are the added numbers:
auto mmio: 134217728 + 134217728 + 536870912 + 536870912 + 1073741824 = 2.3GB
stores sizes: 1073920 + 1073664 + 3221698 + 3221460 + 1073786 = 9MB
JVM max: 3.11 RAM : 13.98 SWAP: 27.97 GB
max heaps: Eden: 1.16, oldgen: 2.33
taken from:
neostore.propertystore.db.strings] brickCount=8 brickSize=134144b mappedMem=134217728b (storeSize=1073920b)
neostore.propertystore.db.arrays] brickCount=8 brickSize=134144b mappedMem=134217728b (storeSize=1073664b)
neostore.propertystore.db] brickCount=6 brickSize=536854b mappedMem=536870912b (storeSize=3221698b)
neostore.relationshipstore.db] brickCount=6 brickSize=536844b mappedMem=536870912b (storeSize=3221460b)
neostore.nodestore.db] brickCount=1 brickSize=1073730b mappedMem=1073741824b (storeSize=1073786b)

Neo4j In memory configurations, multithreading, and slow writes

How do I improve performance when writing to neo4j. I currently have neo4j set up on a server and I am currently running it in embedded more. I believe my configurations are storing all the content of my graph database in memory based upon configurations I've found online
Please let me know if this is incorrect. The problem that I am encountering is that when I try to persist information to the graph database. It appears that those times are not very quick in comparison to our MYSQL times of the samething(ex. to add 250 items would take about 3sec and in MYSQL it takes 1sec) . I read online that when you have multiple indexes that that can slow down performance on persisting data so I am working on that right now to see if that is my culprit. But, I just wanted to make sure that my configurations seem to be inline when it comes to running your graph database in memory.
Second question to this topic. Okay, if my configurations are good and my database is indeed in memory, then is there a way to optimize persisting data just in case this isn't the silver bullet. If we ran one thread against our test that executes this functionality, oppose to 10 threads, its seems like the times for execution bubbles up
ex.( thread 1 finishes 1s, thread 2 finishes 2s, thread 3 finishes 3s,etc). Is there some special multithreaded configuration that I am missing to improve the performance when mulitple threads are hitting it at one time.
Neo4J version
My Jvm configs are
-Xms25G -Xmx25G -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseSerialGC
My Machine Specs:
File system type ext3
You cache arguments are invalid.
These can only be used with the GCR cache. Setting the cache isn't going to put everything in memory for you at start up, you will have to write code to do this for you. Something like this:
GlobalGraphOperations ggo =;
for (Node n : ggo.getAllNodes()) {
for (String propertyKey : n.getPropertyKeys()) {
for (Relationship relationship : n.getRelationships()) {
Beware with the strong cache, if you have a lot of nodes/relationships, eventually your cache will become large and performing GC against it will cause long pauses in your system.
My recommendation would be to use the memory mapped files, as this is an OS handled and will be outside of heap space. It doesn't provide near the speed of caching, but it will provide a speed up if you have to read from the neo store.
