MIP C++ SDK Integration in iOS Project - ios

I am looking for steps to be followed to integrate MIP C++ SDK into iOS project.
Added include folder to project.
Looking for steps how to map libs in bin folder to diff environments


Create Kotlin multiplatform mobile project from cli

How to create a Kotlin multiplatform mobile project via command line in linux?
I installed Kotlin command-line compiler (kotlinc).
And Gradle build tool.
I add gradle and kotlin bin directory to my PATH.
Now, I would like to create an example multiplatform project. Is there any template I can use to set up the project structure?
For Gradle, I found good tutorial, such as to build CLI applications, but not mobile. On the Kotlin side, I found a nice tutorial by using the GUI.

Yocto SDK ROS1 melodic meta-ros build

we are starting to integrate the ROS layer to our Yocto build system of the company. Since our process is to provide a SDK to our application developers which can cross compile their applications suitable to the target boards which we are supporting, we are facing a problem to integrate the catkin toolchain into the Yocto SDK. We are using the ROS1 melodic version in the meta-ros branch dunfell. Using the popultate_sdk to our target it didn’t integrate the catkin toolchain at all. We bbappend the catkin recipe with the extension BBCLASSEXTEND=“native nativesdk” which builds the toolchaininto the SDK, but we are facing the issue that the paths to the catkin toolchain are not working if we source the environment script of the SDK as described in the Yocto manual. But anyway I am not sure if this is the correct way to integrate the catkin toolchain into the SDK.
So basically:
Is there a documentation/manual to integrate the catkin toolchain into the Yocto SDK? Are there any solutions? Did somebody tried it and get a positive result?
Which recipe are you trying to use the catkin_tools to build with?
when you add
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
this results in two different recipes being built that any other recipe can depend on.
Including the BBCLASSEXTEND would mean that the catkin-%.bb recipe then creates the nativesdk-catkin and catkin-native targets. These targets are used in other recipes as such:
DEPENDS = "catkin-native"
and like all recipes being DEPEND upon, they will show up in either ${RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE} or ${RECIPE_SYSROOT}

Build OpenCV static libraries for iOS

I'm trying to build OpenCV static libraries from source code for iOS.
How can I do this?
OpenCV provides a python script to build an iOS framework, but it builds an iOS framework (which is not what I want, because it takes 350 MB).

How to build the Java wrapper for OpenCV 3.0?

I am using OpenCV 3.0 in my Java application through the opencv-300.jar and opencv_java300.dll. They come with the standard installation. But some extra modules are not in the standard installation. So I build an OpenCV 3.0 with the opencv-contrib repo.
But the build generates about 40 binaries. How can I generate something like opencv-300.jar and opencv_java300.dll for Java adoption? Do I need to turn to SWIG or something?
We can build OpenCV + extra modules with VS2013.
Extra modules can be downloaded from: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/releases
Run "cmake-gui.exe" in VS2013 command prompt.
Click the "Configure" button.
Select VS2013 as the generation templaet.
Modify the config entries as necessary.
Click "Generate" to generate the VS2013 project files.
Open the generated project files and build.
(*) http://answers.opencv.org/question/66571/how-to-build-the-java-wrapper-for-opencv-30/

iOS phonegap 2.3 No dmg file for cordovaframework?

Currently i am trying to use latest phonegap package of version 2.3.0 , created the cordova project using create script, this created the cordova project, but its adding whole code of cordova inside the project , this is increasing my code size and may be build size also.My question is where i can find an dmg file to install cordova.how to install cordova using phonegap 2.3.0 package. so that i can use it as framework inside my xcode project, as it was their in below 2.0 versions (phone gap).
since versión 2.0 there is no .dmg file or installer for Cordova/Phonegap. The newest zip file you download has several folders that correspond to each platform supported by Phonegap.
Each folder has a "create" file (inside the "bin" folder) that is used to create a mobile platform project (for example: ios/bin/create creates an xcode project).
Phonegap website has a pretty good detailed "Getting started guide" for each platform (http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.3.0/guide_getting-started_index.md.html). It may look complicated, but it is pretty simple once you tried and succeed :)
There is no better place to start than this website.
