Can we modify $\createdAt in an Appwrite document? - appwrite

I would like to create documents in my appwrite database, but I would like to know if when creating the document we could modify the $\createdAt?
I tried changing createdAt in data when creating my document, and I searched on other sites but couldn't find anything.


Query from xlsx google sheet to new sheet

The original working sheet is .xlsx and I would like to query that file into my personal working sheet. However the importrange doesn't seem to work and it returns 'You don't have permission to access that sheet'. Can anyone share how to fix this.
I.e the original working file belongs to another (not mine) and I'm not allowed to do any change especially change the file from .xlsx to gsheet file.

Download embeded google sheets

as I'm not a web developer by any means, this is me just asking a question for that I have not found a solution for.
I have a google sheet with multiple pages/sheets within it. the file is embeded in an iframe inside a webpage and I pulled the url and can open it directly using the url. the following link is just an example as I can't share the actual link since I am not allowed to:{key}/pubhtml?widget=true&headers=false
I have tried this:{key}
and is not working I get an error:
Sorry, unable to open the file at present.
Please check the address and try again.
the file is not meant for anyone to download nor share. Furthremore, since it is continuosely manually updated by author and I need to keep track of updates, taking screenshots is not efficient since the file is too big.
is there any way I can download the actual sheet to my device (so I can compare file updates over the long run)
Thank you.
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to download a Google Spreadsheet.
You are the owner of Google Spreadsheet.
The Spreadsheet is published as the Web publish. So the URL of Spreadsheet is
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, the Google Spreadsheet cannot be directly downloaded as the Google Spreadsheet. It seems that this is the current specification. In this case, it is required to export the Google Spreadsheet as other mimeType. For example, it's XLSX format, PDF format and CSV format. But the URL of cannot directly export. So, in this answer, as a workaround, I would like to propose to use the URL for exporting Google Spreadsheet as other mimeType.
When your URL is used, the URL for exporting is as follows.
Modified url:
In this case, when you access to above URL using browser, your Spreadsheet can be exported as a XLSX file.
When output=xlsx is modified to output=pdf and output=csv, you can export as a PDF file and a CSV file, respectively.
When you want to export the specific sheetm please use the sheet ID like gid=0. The URL is as follows.
When you want to make users downloading the Spreadsheet, you can add the tag a as follows.

Can I Use the Microsoft Graph API to get the id of folder within a sharepoint document library?

Is it possible to use the microsoft graph api to get the id of a folder within a sharepoint document library? If so, how?
I can see in the documentation that I can get the path of a folder and/or file, and make queries based on this path. But what I would like is to get an id, so if the folder and/or file ever changes name, I can still query that specific folder and/or file. Is this possible?
Specifically, I am creating an internal dashboard for my employees. We have a Folder in a sharepoint document library called "Contacts". Within this "Contacts" folder we have n number of subfolders such as "John Doe," "Jane Doe," etc. If an employee is viewing the information for John Doe within our internal employee dashboard, I'd like to display the any child folders and/or files of John Doe.
Again, all I can find in the graph api documentation is how to query based on the relative path. I'd like to be able to use the API to get an id for any folder and/or file, as well as to return any child objects of any folder using the id (and not the relative path). How can I do this?
Yes it is possible. You should use the below query{siteid}/drives/{document libraryid}/items/{folderid}/children.
If you want to get the folder id use this call{siteid}/drives/{document libraryid}/root/children and get the id of the folder

read write file properties with PropertyHandler Shell Extension

I'm trying to create PropertyHandler shell extension.
What's the best way for embedding properties like (Title,Author,.....) to use the same file in multi computers or devices?
StgCreateStorageEx ? way or there is other ways to do it?
because StgCreateStorageEx dealing with NTFS files only and i'm not sure if the file hold these properties with it if i open it in other device with same PropertyHandler
Is there any way to save properties inside the my file ?
The StgCreateStorageEx function creates a new storage object using the IStorage interface. This allows storing multiple data objects within a single binary file, see for example So, technically, you can save almost anything in this file including embedded properties.
I don't think that this is limited to NTFS: The old Microsoft Office .doc format (and many other Microsoft products) use this storage format and work also with FAT32.
If you want to use this binary file format is a completely different question. As you did not provide any information about the content and format of your file, I cannot recommend anything. One alternative would be to store the content of your file in an xml file. Properties like Title and Author then could be added easily.

Microsoft Graph API SharePoint Files Search

I try to search for files on SharePoint Document Library (e.g. the default 'root'). I created a few test-files by uploading them or create new Office files online and made some search-requests, e.g.'{query}') and until yesterday everything worked fine.
Now I started to edit files on SharePoint or created/uploaded new ones and with this edited or new files, I have the problem that I get no result when I search for them. "old" files, I created when I started I find although, as long as I don't edit them.
To get access I registered an App inside the AAD and gave it the needed permissions (
Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All, Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All
and a direct access to a specific file with{item-id}/ works also well.
Search will read data from indexed data, but crawling and re-indexing of a library need to take some time. So you the code return null for the new files:'{query}')
The following code get the library data directly but not based on the indexed data, so it works well.{item-id}/
