Nexus - authentication password: must not be blank - docker

our Nexus (Nexus3 3.38.0) is currently down and just keeps on restarting, we use docker to run nexus as a container and when we check the container logs, we get this error:
javax.validation.constraintViolationExceiption: attributes[httpclient].authentication.password: must not be blank
We got this error logs after shutting down nexus and restarting docker service.
we suspect it might be due to one of the proxy repository password field that became blank (which we usually update using curl by a jenkins job)
Can you please suggest if:
There is any workaround for this issue
Since we can’t open into nexus portal, can we fix this using backend / config files?
Is there any way to disable / delete docker proxy repository using nexus data / config files?
Any other suggestion which might help us here


How to connect via http instead of default https on nifi docker container

I am currently running latest versions Nifi and Postgresql via docker compose.
as of 1.14 version update of Nifi, when you accesss the UI on web it connects via https, thus asking you for ID and Password every time you log in. Its too cumbersome to go to nifi-app.log file and look for credentials every time I access the UI. I know that you can change the setting where it keeps https as the default method but I am not sure how to do that in a docker container. Can anyone help me with this?
You could use some env like AUTH in the documentation
You can find the full explanations here

Jenkins integration in Gitlab, "Jenkins url can't be blank"

When I try to link a jenkins project to my gitlab project, I have the following error :
Here is the form and the error message.
The jenkins project "test" does exists and the credentials are good.
The issue is probably not about the credentials but that gitlab seem to not be able to read the fields.
I tried with both chrome and Firefox.
I also tried to use webhook, but for services hosted on the same network, doc says it may be hazardous. So I'd rather use the first method.
Some information about my environment:
Linux Centos 7
jenkins and gitlab are built by docker-compose
hosted on localhost
jenkins and gitlab use different ports (8080 and 8081)
I found only one thread on the internet about it here but no answer were given.
Any ideas?
This is my first post, I hope I did not make any mistake.\

unable to docker push images in artifactory

I'm having problems pushing images to my docker repo in Artifactory. Pulling the images works as expected, but pushing them gives me an error. I can see the progress bar pushing the image, but somehow it times out w/ a "I/O Timeout"
My setup consists of an Artifactory instance running in my k8 cluster and I have a F5 in front of it for SSL offloading. I followed these instruction for using the repository path method.
On the http settings I've tried using the nginx/http reverse proxy or just using the embedded tomcat. I either the the "I/O timeout" or a "503 Service Unavailable" (when using the embedded).
I know network wise everything is ok, since I can push other items. i.e, files, npm etc... It's a bit frustrating that I'm able to pull but not push. Has anyone seen this before??
Do the docker push command again with artifactory UI open ( Admin -> System logs -> Request log )
You should see a few requests coming in with '/api/docker' in the path. What's the return code and full path shows in request log?
The docker registry push would require docker login. You may need to get credentials for the docker registry so that you push. Say if you have saved password in a file
docker login --username=yourhubusername
And then try push.

Login Issue with Weblogic in Docker

I created a Weblogic generic container for version 12.1.3 based on the official Docker images from Oracle at
Command: -g -s -v 12.1.3
This creates the image oracle/weblogic:12.1.3-generic
Using a modified version of sample dockerfile for 1213-domain, I built the Weblogic container.
Note: changed the base image to be generic, instead of developer
docker build -t 1213-domain --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD="admin123" -f myDockerfile .
Pushed the built image to Amazon ECR and ran the container using the AWS ECS. Configured the port mappings as 0:7001, set memory soft limit as 1024, nothing else changed in default ECS settings. I have an application load balancer in the front, which receives traffic at 443 port and forwards to the containers. In the browser I get a login page for Weblogic, when I enter username as weblogic and password as admin123, I get the error:
Authentication Denied
Interestingly when I go to the container and connect to the weblogic using WLST, it works fine.
[ec2-user#ip-10-99-103-141 ~]$ docker exec -it 458 bash
[oracle#4580238db23f mydomain]$ /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Jython scans all the jar files it can find at first startup. Depending on the system, this process may take a few minutes to complete, and WLST may not return a prompt right away.
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
wls:/offline> connect("weblogic","admin123","t3://localhost:7001")
Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid weblogic ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server "AdminServer" that belongs to domain "mydomain".
Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.
Any hints on what can be going wrong?
Very interesting indeed. :) .. You are sure there is no special characters or so when you entering the username and password. Try typing the same if you are coping.
Also as backup, since you are able to login to WLST you can try two option.
Resetting the current password of weblogic or try adding new username and password.
below link will help

Getting HTTP ERROR 404 with Jenkins

I am getting below error when trying to access jenkins pipeline url. I tried clearing the browser cache, tried different browsers etc but no luck. the same pipeline url works fine for other users but not for me. any ideas why it throwing 404 error for me? many thanks!
Problem accessing /job/jenkins/job/test/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.z-SNAPSHOT
After loging in as an administrator, use the url http://localhost:8080.
It initially takes to the url that says jenkins in it's name, which will not work. The URL you want to access is http://localhost:8080
Also if you have a different port binded you can try to call the url as http://[ip]:[port]/jenkins
If you get such error like it was mentioned above you should access through the URL "http://localhost:8081/jenkins/", but not only "http://localhost:8081".
Btw my port is 8081 because of the circumstance that my 8080 port is already used.
Have a good day!
There can be probably one of these reasons :
You do not have the access to the job.
You do have access to the job but you are not logged in . Try to login to jenkins in another window and check remember me on this computer , then open that url.
You are trying to access it from another server which is not whitelisted from the jenkins master server ,i.e it is not allowed access.
These are the best guesses I coud get .If these do not work then someone needs to manually check the url you are entering and other environment related issues themselves.
There is a common mistake that most of the people making.(while running jenkins.war from CMD)
Please ensure that your tomcat server is 'up and running' locally.
Follow these steps.
try restarting your jenkins service with $sudo service jenkins restart
I have faced the same issue and identified JIRA and Jenkins are installed on same port 8080. Jenkins service is starting first because of that JIRA was not working. Then I have edited Jenkins.xml file with port 8081 and restarted the services it was working fine.
When I ran jenkins.war from CMD, I faced the same issue. Practically when you run jenkins.war from CMD, localhost:8080 is where jenkins is available. But if you run the startup.bat file, then the path you have set, say, localhost:8080/jenkins will work.
If you are using a hook this error occurs. This is a known issue in GIT showing 404 error. Way around of the above said problem is to use the NIC ID instead of using "localhost".
I used a docker container to start jenkins locally for a test purpose.
Here is the cmd: docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins reffered to official documentation:
After started the container, I browsed into http://localhost:8080 and got
Problem accessing /job/jenkins/job/test/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.z-SNAPSHOT
I just removed exposing the JNLP port which is 50000
And the command to start docker was: docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkins
And now, I was able to browse the application at http://localhost:8080 without not found error.
