In a Google Sheets Combo Chart graph, how do I shift the right vertical axis to align to zero - google-sheets

I have created a Combo Chart in Google Sheets.
It is located here and you may view it in Google Sheets:
I've also marked up what I'd like to do with the green time series line. I'd like to shift the right vertical axis to align to the x axis zero (both left and right).
So, essentially, I'd like to do something like this... where the green line is pulled upwards so that the left vertical axis AS WELL AS the right vertical axis are set at zero (0):
Ideas how to alter the right vertical ?


Remove unnecessary horizontal/vertical spaces in highchart bubble chart

I am using highchart to show bubble chart. Everything is working fine except in many cases there are lot of horizontal space(below min cirlce and above max cicle) and vertical space(left of lowest x and right of highest y). Because of this issue my chart sometimes seems very crowded even though there are some free space left in chart. I tried setting min/max of x/y axis but then it then clipped top/left circle. Is there any way i can instruct highchart to use all space in chart to draw bubbles.
I have created sample script at
In this demo you can see extra vertical space. X axis is showing fine. In some other cases there are extra space along x axis.

Core Plot horizontal bar chart on negative y-axis

I have a requirement to draw Core Plot horizontal bar chart with everything on the negative y-axis. I.e. the first index should appear at -1, like below:
I have figured out how to draw horizontal Bar Chart. But figuring out how to draw them in an "inverted" manner (to let user scroll downward with the tallest bar on top). My thought:
1) Convert the Y-index to negative
2) offset the Y-axis to the top of the graph instead of bottom
Is there any better way to do it?
I have found a historical article that's similar to my request (core-plot iOS reversed Y axis).
I have got what I needed after using this:
CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat(-yMax-1) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat(yMax)
P.S. you need to add the -1 to the Location parameter (-yMax-1) otherwise the horizontal bar at index 0 will not be shown clearly.

How to change the axis of Dual axes Graph

How can we change the y axis of each line chart and colum chart .
I attached the sample.I want to change the y axis data of line to right side and change the colum data to left side.
How can we make it possible
You can look into changing the opposite property for the axis.
Note, for highstock the default value is the opposite of for highcharts

Highchart Spline with inverted axis categorie text left align

I have used Spline with inverted axes, in that i need categories alignment left side.
"Is committed to advancing the future of technology" at present it is right aligned, now i need left aligned.
Please help me on this.
or example
In the above link i need Monday et.. should be left aligned.
Yes, it's possible, but you will need to specify:
xAxis.labels.align to left
See together:
Note that leftMargin and x are fixed values, so it won't resize in a default way, like does by default.

How to position labels for plotbands on y axis in Highcharts

This Link is a similar example from which i'm working on. I'm trying to place the labels for plot bands on y axis. But as you can see the labels are overlapping on the chart which isn't that good. If i wanna color the labels with the same color of the corresponding plotbands, the label doesn't show up. Is there a way to place it completely outside without overlapping?
Thanks in advance.
A possible solution is to add right margin to the chart, and move the labels over.
Add a marginRight to the chart, and on each label, use x to determine its starting x position.
x: 90 on each label. the fiddle.
I think it's not possible to do it yet.
If you add labels to the plotbands it will overlap them.
You can align your labels but if you set x more than your chart width, it will not appear on your chart.
