How to use LaTeX snippet in markdown file - latex

Is there any way to use LaTeX workshop's snippet in markdown file?
(e.g. #a -> \alpha)
I want to use these snippets:
I wander if I could export snippets or could call those in .md.
I have searched on the internet and official document, but could not find any.


Get Latex structure of a document

I'm looking for a way to get a generic structure (as JSON) for a latex document:
Directly from texlive
As a Python module (For example:
As a Node module (For example:
Is there a preferred way to do that to be sure to support most of things of Latex?
Thanks for your help,

Converting code listings from mediawiki to latex using pandoc

Is there an easy way to say pandoc converter I wish to replace all my source codes in mediawiki article convert to an lstlisting environment on its Latex output?
At this moment, all my <source lang="c"> some code... </source> environments are converted into something like this
\NormalTok{ some code \textless{}\textless{} }\DecValTok{1}\NormalTok{ \CommentTok{// set... \end{Highlighting}
Not only the code is completely unreadable but also my Latex distribution is not able to translate the code and is missing probably some packages.
I wish to have simply \begin{lstlisting} some code \end{lstlisting} at the output with no additional changes to the code itself.
And I don't speak Haskell, believing there should be an easier way...
Solution was very simple. There is a --listings command line option solving this problem as Sam Carter pointed out.

Can I Include a URL Link Within a Chunk of Code in a Github Markdown Document?

I'm looking to propose some small tweaks/improvements to my employer's coding standard written in Github markdown (*.md).
I've prepped by reviewing a couple of references this markdown language's formatting conventions.
From my readings I see that I can add URLs in at least two different ways:
Standard HTML:
Markdown style links:
...and code markdown is written as:
Markdown style:
Implicit code denotation via 4 space indent.
However, I've been unable to find a reference on whether you can include a hyperlink inside a block of code (i.e. to the location of that object's source in your repository).
i.e. I want to do something like:
_myQObject: <a title="QML Source for MyQObject" href="URL_TO_SOURCE">MyQObject {}
That does not work, however, and I've been unable to find documentation explicitly stating whether this is possible or not.
How can I include a link to a URL within a chunk of formatted Github markdown?
Is this possible?
For reference the basic style guides I've reviewed are:
Github Guides: "Mastering Markdown"
Adam-P's "Markdown Cheatsheet"
How can I include a link to a URL within a chunk of formatted Github markdown?
As far as I know this is not possible.
The original Markdown specification says:
With a code span, ampersands and angle brackets are encoded as HTML entities automatically, which makes it easy to include example HTML tags.
Regular Markdown syntax is not processed within code blocks. E.g., asterisks are just literal asterisks within a code block. This means it’s also easy to use Markdown to write about Markdown’s own syntax.
I haven't seen anything in the GitHub Markdown docs to suggest that they have added support for links in code blocks, and nothing I've tried has worked.
I also haven't seen this feature in any other Markdown implementations.
This is a late reply, but for people who come here hoping for a solution, there is a way to add links inside preformatted blocks. If you use an HTML block with <pre> ... </pre> instead of using the code block formatting sequence (i.e., don't use fenced code blocks or indented code blocks), you can then use <a> elements inside the preformatted text block. E.g.
myQObject: MyQObject {}
You lose the automatic syntax highlighting provided by "proper" code blocks, so there is a tradeoff.

Individual function docs in LaTeX using doxygen

I'm writing a manual of sorts in LaTeX for some software. I'm constrained to use the article class. I must include docs of individual c++ classes in the manual. I'm looking at doxygen for this, but I've never used doxygen (if there's a better way, let me know).
I can get doxygen to produce a nice LaTeX (--> pdf) file of my entire project. But what I'd like to do is somehow extract the LaTeX source for each class and drop it into my LaTeX manual source at the appropriate place.
I've tried putting all the preamble stuff from refman.tex (generated by doxygen) in my preamble, and then later in the document using \input to include the tex file of an individual class. After cleaning up a few conflicts, I get to one that I don't know how to get past. The doxygen-generated doxygen.sty file makes reference to \chaptermark, but I believe that this is a macro defined in the book class.
So 1.) Am I going about this all the wrong way? 2.)Is it possible to force Doxygen to produce code in the article class? 3.) Anything else?
You can make doxygen produce a document that uses the article document class by setting COMPACT_LATEX to YES in your doxygen config file.

How to include LaTeX snippets directly in Doxygen comments?

I would like to be able to edit LaTeX parts of some Doxygen comments externally with some suitable editor. I would use that only for complex environments. To do that, I figured I can have LaTeX-only files and include them from Doxygen. I did create Doxygen aliases for \begin and \end to make the syntax compatible.
(For example, I know how to set-up Emacs/AUCTex for working with LaTeX snippets that have no preamble and document structure.)
Is there a way to include the contents of a .tex file inside a Doxygen comment? I look for something analogous to \htmlinclude, but for TeX files. Is there some way to emulate the functionality, given my requirements for having a TeX-only external source?
You may use something like
\input <file>
where <file> is the path to the file to include, either absolute or relative to the directory in which the latex documentation is generated.
Have you tried the \verbinclude command? This command includes any file verbatim in the documentation (in contrast to \include, which is used to include source files).
From the doxygen manual:
\verbinclude <file-name>
This command includes the file <file-name> verbatim in the documentation. The command is equivalent to pasting the file in the documentation and placing \verbatim and \endverbatim commands around it.
Files or directories that doxygen should look for can be specified using the EXAMPLE_PATH tag of doxygen's configuration file.
Edit: I just had a thought that you may wish to strip the preamble from your .tex file before including the rest of the file in the documentation. you could do this using the \dontinclude command which, together with the \line, \skip, \skipline, and \until commands allows you to include specific lines/blocks of a particular file. See the example in the \dontinclude documentation.
