Disable docker SNAT for external connections - docker

I have a docker container that runs a TCP server which is attached to a custom docker network that I have set up. The container is exposed with an external port mapping.
There is also a TCP client outside the container that is trying to access the TCP server through the exposed port. The TCP client binds to a specific source port, say 5000.
My problem is that due to the docker network SNAT, the container running on docker sees the remote port as one that is generated by the network gateway (say 6000), rather than the original source port (5000).
Is there a way to modify the network behavior so it doesn't apply SNAT for these external connections?


container port mapping concept confusion

I know I can map host port to container port in Docker command or in Dockerfile or in docker-compose.yml. I have no problem there, I know how to do that too.
For example, I have the following container:
$ docker container ls
84.. "python app.py">5000/tcp
I know it means the host port 5000 is mapped to container port 5000.
My question is only on the part. I have done some study, it is said that means map port 5000 of all interfaces on host.
I understand the 5000 port on host, but I don't get "all interfaces on host", what does it mean exactly? Could someone please elaborate for me? Does it mean all network interfaces on the host? What "all interface" this "" refers to exactly?
Your physical hardware can have more than one network interface. In this day and age you likely have a wireless Ethernet connection, but you could also have a wired Ethernet connection, or more than one of them, or some kind of other network connection. On a Linux host if you run ifconfig you will likely have at least two interfaces, your "real" network connection and a special "loopback" connection that only reaches the host. (And this is true inside a container as well, except that the "loopback" interface only reaches the container.)
When you set up a network listener, using the low-level bind(2) call or any higher-level wrapper, you specify not just the port you're listening on but also the specific IP address. If you listen on, your process will be only reachable from the loopback interface, but not off-box. If you have, say, two network connections where one connects to an external network and one an internal one, you can specify the IP address of the internal network and have a service that's not accessible from the outside world.
This is where comes in. It's possible to write code that scans all of the network interfaces and separately listens to all of them, but is a shorthand that means "all interfaces".
In Docker, this comes up in three ways:
The default -p listen address is On a typical developer system, you might want to explicitly specify -p to only have your service accessible from the physical host.
If you do have a multi-homed system, you can use -p to publish a port on only one network interface.
Within a container, the main container process generally must listen to Since each container has its own private localhost, listening on (a frequent default for development servers) means the process won't be accessible from other containers or via docker run -p.

Dockerized Telnet over SSH Reverse Tunnel

I know that the title might be confusing so let me explain.
The is my current situation:
Server A -
Server B -
Server B opens a reverse tunnel to Server A. This gives me a random port on Server A to communicate with the Server B. Let's assume the port is 1337.
As I mentioned to access Server B I am sending packets to
Our client needs a Telnet connection. Since Telnet is insecure but a requirement, we decided to use telnet OVER the ssh reverse tunnel.
Moreover, we created an alpine container with busybox inside of it to eliminate any access to the host. And here is our problem.
The tunnel is created on the host, yet the telnet client is inside a docker container. Those are two separate systems.
I can share my host network with the docker with -network=host but it eliminates the encapsulation idea of the docker container.
Also binding the docker to host like that -p screams that the port is already in use and it can't bind to that (duh ssh is using it)
Mapping ports from host to the container are also not working since the telnet client isn't forwarding the traffic to a specific port so we can't just "sniff" it out.
Does anyone have an idea how to overcome this?
I thought about sharing my host network and trying to configure iptables rules to limit the docker functionality over the network but my iptables skills aren't really great.
The port forward does not work, because that is basically the wrong direction. -p means "take everything thats coming in on that host-port, and forward it into the container". But you want to connect from the container to that port on the host.
Thats basically three steps:
The following steps require atleast Docker v20.04
On the host: Bind your tunnel to the docker0 interface on the host (might require that you figure out the ip of that interface first). In other words, referring to your example, ensure that the local side of the tunnel does not end at but <ip of host interface docker0>:1337
On the host: Add --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway to your docker run command
Inside your container: telnet to host.docker.internal (magic DNS name) on the port you bound in step 2 (i.e. 1337)

Forward docker exposed port to another port on the same container without publishing it to the host

I have a container exposing a web app through the 3000 port and another one witch access it by docker dns.
I want to access this container using the 80 port without modifying the web app and without direct exposing it to the host (aka --publish). Basically internally forward the 80 port to the 3000 port.
Is it possible to do it using docker without modifying the container to have socat or something?
No, Docker doesn’t have this capability. The only port remapping is when a port is published outside of Docker space using the docker run -p option, and this never affects inter-service communication. Your only options here are to change the server configuration to listen on port 80, or to change the client configuration to include the explicit port 3000.
(Kubernetes Services do have this capability, and I tend to remap an unprivileged port from a given Pod to the standard HTTP port in a Service, but that’s not a core Docker capability at all.)

Can't set udp source port in docker

I am using Docker 18.06.1-ce-win73 on windows 10 and trying to perform the following udp operation:
Docker port 10001 --------------> host port 10620
It is mandatory for the application running on the host to receive packets from the port 10001.
Inside the docker container, using python I bind on the IP ('', 10001) and use the socket to send my packets to the host IP on port 16020.
I have also started the container with the argument -p 10001:10001/udp.
Unfortunately, when receiving the packet on the Host application, the origin port is not 10001 but a random one.
Is it possible to force docker to use a specific source port when using UDP from inside the container ?
You can control the container source port, but when you communicate outside of docker, even to your host, the request will go through a NAT layer that will change the source to be the host with a random port. You may be able to modify the iptables rules to work around this NAT effect.
However, if you really need control of the source port like this, you may be better off switching to host networking (--net=host or network_mode: host depending on how you run your containers), or change to a networking driver like macvlan that exposes the container directly without going through the NAT rules.

Docker network settings and iptables NAT

I have a server running inside a docker container, listening on UDP port, let's say 1234. This port is exposed in Dockerfile.
Also, I have an external server helping with NAT traversal, basically, just sending addresses of the registered server and a client to each other, and allowing to connect to a server by the name it sent during registration.
Now, if I run my container with -P option, my port is getting published as some random port, e.g. 32774. But on the helper server I see my server connected to it from port 1234, and so it can't send a correct address to a client. And a client can't connect at all.
If I run my container explicitly publishing my server on the same port with -p 1234:1234/udp, a client can connect to my server directly. But now on the helper server I see my server connected to it from port 1236, and again it can't send the correct port to a client.
How can this be resolved? My aim is to require as little addition configuration as possible from people who will use my docker image.
EDIT: So, I need either to know my external port number from inside the container to send it to the discovery server, which, as I understand, not possible at the moment, right? Or I need to make outgoing connections from the container and my port to use the same external port as configured for incoming connections - is that possible?
The ports are managed by docker and the docker network adaptor. When using solely -P then the port is exposed docker internally and accessible through docker linking. When using "1234:1234" then the port is mapped on a host port and directly available for a client and also available for linking.
Start the helper server with a link option "--link server container/name". The helper server will connect to host "server" on port 1234. The correct ip address will be managed by docker.
Enable docker to change your iptables configuration, which is docker default. Afterwards the client should be able to connect to both instances. Note that the helper server should provide the host ip and not the docker container ip address. The docker container ip address does only work inside the host where the docker network adapter is running.
