The HubsSideBar keep working even if i disable it - microsoft-edge

I want to block the Edge sidebar on both Edge and Edge Dev browsers. I need to block it because I have trouble managing my time, so I use Cold Turkey to block most of the sites that distract me, but it doesn't work on the sidebar. (I have windows 11 pro 22623.1255, edge dev 111.0.1660.12, and edge 110.0.1587.46.).
I have installed gpedit.msc and the policy from the site Edge for Business. I have copied the msedge.admx file to the PolicyDefinition folder and everything inside the "it-iT" folder to the corresponding "it-IT" folder (I'm from Italy). I have gone back to gpedit.msc and disabled the Hubsidebar for both user and computer configurations (twice each), but it still works on both browsers. Someone can explain to me why Group policy doesen't work?


Microsoft Edge Chromium and an App-V'ed plugin

I'm experiencing the combination of a locally installed Microsoft Edge Chromium Enterprise Edition and Microsoft App-V. I try to App-V a browser plugin for a locally installed Microsoft Edge Chrome Enterprise.
I have an App-V bubble and Internet Explorer is started with this bubble in the background using the /appvve command-line option.
My first suggestion was:
Replace the file path to iexplore.exe to the new file path of msedge.exe, eg.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --site-per-process -url /appvve:[App-V PackageID]_[App-V PackageVersionID]
This works only when MS Edge has no running instances already.
The --site-per-process option should help isolate the process of Edge Chromium.
When Microsoft Edge is already opened, there is some magic: the bubble is active for some seconds and after that the App-V bubble is closed.
ProcessExplorer of SysInternals does a great work: it tells me a secondary process of Edge Chromium is started with the bubble on the background.
Then the subprocesses of the secundary started instance are brought to the primaraly started instance and when this all is done, the secondary started instance - including the App-V bubble - is closed.
The webpage is opened, but the connection to the App-V bubble is lost.
The same happens when MS Edge-with-app-v is running bubble-a and you want start a secondary instance with bubble-b.
Could anyone tell me how to tell MS Edge to really isolate its processes and how it could work with multiple loaded App-V bubbles?
The only way I have successfully got around this is with the --no-sandbox, --app, and --user-data-dir switches.
For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --no-sandbox --user-data-dir"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\AppV --app="" /appvve:[App-V PackageID]_[App-V PackageVersionID]
This opens up the page in an App window and uses its own directory so the process isn't merged with existing or new instances of Edge that launch in the default directory.
I found this kept crashing until --no-sandbox was introduced. however, I'm a little on edge as the Sandbox helps keeps this secure. I'm also wondering how the Sandbox is interfering with App-V.
This is a workaround, but I do think MS will need to investigate this further as clearly the --site-per-process isn't separating each tab, at least not how we would expect.
While I have not tried to virtualize this under App-V, I am aware that others have done so, for example NickIT.
Off hand, I would guess that RunVirtual is what you are looking for.

Edge PWA not applying desktop shortcut name and icon when using Group Policy

When we configure a PWA app in Edge for it works perfectly creating a desktop shortcut with the name "Outlook" and the outlook icon as dictated by the sites PWA.Json config.
If we use the Edge group policy (Configure list of force-installed Web Apps) to achieve the same result we end up with a different icon on the desktop and the shortcut is labeled as "". Not very user friendly at all. Feels like an Edge bug however we do get the same issue with Google Chrome.... Noting they are both based off of chromium.
Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions on how to resolve?
use "fallback_app_name": "your Text" at the end for example
[{"create_desktop_shortcut": true, "default_launch_container": "window", "url": "","fallback_app_name": "Outlook Online"}]
to change to a friendly name. I too am suffering though from the Shortcut icon not actually displaying.. works fine if installed directly though edge

Go offline in Edge like in Chrome

I am doing a POC in PWA and service worker, i hosted to application in localhost and tested in Chrome everything seems to working fine even the indexed db is getting listed properly.
to test the offline functionality :
in Inspector > Network Tab > Offline ( check the option )
When am in Edge i didn't see this option so tried disconnecting the network but still because it reading from localhost everything is working directly and reading from server.
To check the Indexeddb and all i installed the MS Edge DevTools preview, still am not able to see the DB and Store
Is there any way to test this in Edge
At present, Offline mode is not available in MS Edge.
If you want to see index db then you can open the developer tools and go to the debugger tab.
It looks like below.
You also not need to install developer tools additionally because by default it comes with Edge. You can directly use it.
You can try to check on your side. Let us know if you still have problem in finding the index db in Edge, We will try to provide further suggestions.

Service Worker: files are updated on the server but old version showing in browser

I am building a static app with PouchDB on Google AppEngine.
When I open the site in a browser window, it is showing a version I uploaded several hours ago.
If I open the site in an incognito window, the updated version is displayed (therefore I don't think it is actually an error in the console).
I put a new version number in app.yaml
I have migrated all traffic to the new version.
I have cleared my cache, deleted cookies, checked my application data, everything. I even reinstalled Chrome and Firefox.
I updated my Python version and my Google AppEngine Launcher yesterday; the problem pre-dated that update.
Also: just discovered that if I go to the URL of the updated version
http://4.[app-id], it displays the correct, updated version.
This is happening in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
Edit: probably should have mentioned that my site uses Service Workers and IndexedDB. I assume my service workers are caching the previous version, but I would have thought that Ctrl + F5 would clear the cache and show the new version.
I think it must be the Service Workers caching the pages (which is, after all, what they are supposed to do). This is actually really annoying when you are developing though.
A guy called Rich Harris has documented this behaviour and some workarounds on a Github Gist.
Reloading the page doesn't behave as you'd expect
If you make a change to your service worker, then reloading the page
won't kill the old one and activate the new one (it detects the change
by requesting the service worker file each time and comparing the old
and the new byte-for-byte), leaving you somewhat confused as to why
your changes haven't taken effect. This is because the old window is
never actually closed, meaning there's never a time to swap them out –
you need to kill the tab completely then reopen it.
Or you can have the browser do that for you by going to the
Application tab in devtools (in Canary, not stable Chrome yet), going
to the Service Workers section, and checking 'Update on reload'.
UPDATE (13 Nov 2017): This functionality is now available in Chrome, so you don't even need to download Canary.
And here's which bits of the application cache to clear:

SATO Label Printer - Inconsistency Between Printers

We use SATO CL412e printers to print labels (3x7), with the label coming from a local SSRS report. Until recently, this setup worked without issue. A few months ago we modified the label, and implemented (new implementation) at one site (Site A). Then a few weeks ago, we pushed the change out to another site (Site B) that had previously been using this label (old version). Since we did this, the label at Site B is... weird.
The barcode is quite clearly not right, and all the normal characters are squished together, and perhaps bolded. Theoretically, we have proved that it is not the application (which recently changed as well) or the label report because it works fine at Site A, as well as from a different printer (same model, same drivers, etc.) at Site B.
Yesterday the drivers at Site B were updated to match Site A, which resulted in no change. This morning we found a few settings in the web interface that were different. I have not heard yet, but I seriously doubt it will have an effect.
What am I missing? To date, this exactly configuration works on three printers, and fails on one. I am at a complete loss as to what to check next. What could possibly cause this behavior?
It has been discovered that this happens only through RDP. When we use a Citrix connection to the same server, we have no problem. It has been suggested that maybe this is a problem with the Internet Explorer settings. Any basis to this, and what settings?
RDP has a feature which connects your local printers to the remote server. This can mean the printer you get when connected with RDP is different than the printer when you are locally working on that server, or using Citrix. It's possible your local workstation has the same printer defined with different settings.
In your RDP connection dialog, click "Settings" and click the "Local resources" tab. Then clear the "Printers" checkbox to prevent this behavior.
