latex table caption - latex

Why the table caption is like this ?enter image description here
How can I make it normal..


automatically adjust the size of a minipage

I'm trying to get a way to automatically adjust the size of a minipage.
I am creating a report which will have several "paragraphs" that have a floating image on the left and some text on the right of that image and eventually below it if there is enough text. The both of them ( image + text ) make together a "semantic block".
First I did that :
\emph{image caption with no "figure1"}
Text related to this image\\
Text related to this image\\
Text not related to this image\\
and of course the text not related to the image was considered like the other lines of text, printing on the right of the image.
So i tried to wrap it all :
\emph{image caption with no "figure1"}
Text related to this image\\
Text related to this image\\
Text not related to this image\\
but it really isn't convenient and the height is fixed.
If there is a better way to do it not using minipage that would be great too.
In the end i plan to make it into a \newenvironment taking 2 parameters : image name and text so I can use it easily in the article.
EDIT: fixed a typo in 2nd code

Toc LOF alignment issue in lyx

I'm doing my thesis in latex and using Lyx editor to achieve it. I want to place my TOC and LOF at the center of the page. I used
but this is pushing toc caption to right.
How do I center lof in the same way?
You should insert content before the Table of Contents/ToC title as well as after:
<titlefont> represents any font switches you're interested in making. For adjustments to the List of Figures/LoF (List of Tables/LoT), use \cftloftitlefont and \cftafterloftitle (\cftlottitlefont and \cftafterlottitle).

Delphi 6 TListView and SubItemImages Not Transparent

I have a ListView where each row is displaying an alternate row color (e.g., white row, then light green row, then white row).
An imagelist has been assigned to the listview so that it display images down the left hand side.
The problem I have is when I use the imagelist and set the subitemimage to display an item in one of the other columns the image does not appear transparent.
How can I make these subitem images transparent?

Putting two or three images in two column article in one row

I'm using aps article based LaTeX template and I would like to put two pictures next to each other (with captions) in a two column article, so that they would span across the both columns.
I've used minipage inside figure option (works in one column article) but I cannot get the desired result. I'd like it to look like this:
how I wish that it look
So the example has only one caption, but that's irrelevant. I'd like to put two pictures next to each other so that they would be on top of the page.
Any suggestions? Thanks : )
I assume you're using RevTeX. As #thouis said, you use the \figure* environment to span a figure across the entire page. To put more than one figure, use the subfigure package. It looks something like
\subfigure[<subfigure caption here>\label{subfigure label}]{\includegraphics[scale/width]{<filename>}}\quad
\subfigure[<subfigure caption here>\label{subfigure label}]{\includegraphics[scale/width]{<filename>}}\quad
\subfigure[<subfigure caption here>\label{subfigure label}]{\includegraphics[scale/width]{<filename>}}
\caption{<main figure caption here>}
\label{main figure label}
You can adapt this for the \figure* environment.
\figure*{} doesn't work? This is the usual way to create multi-column spanning figures.

show icon only in the column header of a ListView

I want to show a icon (up or down) when i sort a column (asc or desc) of a ListView, so I assingned the SmallImages property to a ImageList (with two icons for up and down). My problem is that when I enter data, the firtst icon in the ImageList is shown in every line of the ListView.
You can set the ImageIndex on each of the TListItems to -1 to stop them showing images, but you will still have the gap where the image should be.
with ListView1.Items.Add do
Caption := 'Foo';
ImageIndex := -1;
