directx 12 Unordered Access View with counters - directx

I was writing my renderer but I run into some kind of problem. Is D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE_UAV type of root parameter does not support UAVs with counters? That seems so, because I wanted root parameter with this type and not descriptor_table, but that seems UAV with counter only support if root parameter is descriptor table. Is this true? I am asking because I haven't found any specific info about this in documentation. Thanks.

A quote from the docs:
"A UAV in the root cannot have counters associated with it."


Distributed Hash Tables. Do I need shortcuts (even in a large system)?

I am learning about DHT and I came upon shortcuts. It seems they are used to make the routing faster and skip going directly back-the-chain for better performance. What I don't understand is: Suppose we have a circular DHT made out of 100 servers/nodes/HT. You get some key data to server/node/HT 10 and it must be sent to server/node/HT 76. When the destination is reached, and the value is taken couldn't I just provide the IP of the requester (server 10) and then it will directly send the value to 10, which seems to make shortcuts useless?
Thank you in advance.
Edit: Useless for returning the value. Not getting to it.
You're assuming a circular network layout and forwading-based routing. Both of which only apply to a subset of DHTs.
Anyway, the forward path would still go through all the nodes, any of which might be down or have transient network problems. As the number of hops goes up so does the cumulative error probability. Additionally it increases latency, which matters on a global scale because at least simple DHT routing algorithms don't account for physical proximity.
For the return it can also matter if reachability is asymmetrical, e.g. due to firewalls.

What is the `node_dim` argument referring to in the message passing class?

In the PyTorch geometric tutorial for creating Message Passing Networks they have this paragraph at the start when explaining what the class does:
MessagePassing(aggr="add", flow="source_to_target", node_dim=-2): Defines the aggregation scheme to use ("add", "mean" or "max") and the flow direction of message passing (either "source_to_target" or "target_to_source"). Furthermore, the node_dim attribute indicates along which axis to propagate.
I don't understand what this node_dim is referring to, and why it is -2. I have looked at the documentation for the MessagePassing class and it says there that it is the axis which to propagate -- this still doesn't really clarify what we are doing here and why the default is -2 (presumably that is how you propagate information at a node level). Could someone offer some explanation of this to me please?
After referring to here and here, I think the thing related to it is the output of the 'message' function.
In most cases, the shape of the output is [edge_num, emb_out], and if we set the node_dim as -2, it means that we will aggregate along the edge_num using indices of the target nodes.
This is exactly the process that aggregates the information from source nodes.
The result after aggregation is [node_num, emb_out].

Understanding State Groups in Context in Drake

I've created a diagram with an LQR Controller, a MultiBodyPlant, a scenegraph, and a PlanarSceneGraphVisualizer.
While trying to run this simulation, I set the random initial conditions using the function: context.SetDiscreteState(randInitState). However, with this, I get the following error:
RuntimeError: Context::SetDiscreteState(): expected exactly 1 discrete state group but there were 2 groups. Use the other signature if you have multiple groups.
And indeed when I check the number of groups using context.num_discrete_state_groups(), it returns 2. So, then I have to specify the group index while setting the state using the command context.SetDiscreteState(0, randInitState). This works but I don't exactly know why. I understand that I have to select a correct group to set the state for but what exactly is a group here? In the cartpole example given here, the context was set using context.SetContinuousState(UprightState() + 0.1 * np.random.randn(4,)) without specifying any group(s).
Are groups only valid for discrete systems? The context documentation talks about groups and but doesn't define them.
Is there a place to find the definition of what a group is while setting up a drake simulation with multiple systems inside a diagram and how to check the group index of a system?
We would typically recommend that you use a workflow that sets the context using a subsystem interface. E.g.
plant_context = plant.GetMyMutableContextFromRoot(context)
Figuring out the discrete index of a state group for a DiagramContext might be possible, but it's certainly not typical.
You might find it helpful to print the context. In pydrake, you can actually just call print(context), and you will see the different elements and where they are coming from.

using butterworth filter in a case structure

I'm trying to use butterworth filter. The input data comes from an "index array" module (the data is acquired through DAQ and I want to process the voltage signal which is in an array of waveforms). when I use this filter in a case structure, it doesn't work. yet, when I use the filters in the "waveform conditioning" section, there is no problem. what exactly is the difference between these two types of filters?
a little add on to my problem: the second picture is from when i tried to reassemble the initial combination, and the error happened
You are comparing offline filtering to online filtering.
In LabVIEW, the PtbyPt-VIs are intended to be used in an online setting, that is - iteratively.
For each new sample that is obtained, it would be input directly into the VI. The VI stores the states of the previous iterations to perform the filtering.
The "normal" filter VIs are intended for offline analysis and expects an array containing the full data of the signal.
The following whitepaper explains Point-by-Point-VIs. Note that this paper is quite old, so it should explain the concepts - but might be otherwise outdated.
If VoltageBuf is an array of consecutive values of the same signal (the one that you want to filter) you only need to connect VoltageBuf directly to the filter.

Scott Amblers High-low (object identification) strategy implementation and DORM

I refer to Scott Amblers's Choosing a Primary Key: Natural or Surrogate? page.
High-low strategy. The basic idea is that your key value, often
called a persistent object identifier (POID) or simply an object
identified (OID), is in two logical parts: A unique HIGH value that
you obtain from a defined source and an N-digit LOW value that your
application assigns itself. Each time that a HIGH value is obtained
the LOW value will be set to zero.
I am interested in DORM (The Delphi ORM by Daniele Teti) and would like to know if somebody has already implemented the high/low strategy for it.
Any input are welcome.
Edit 1:
To narrow the scope of the question:
I want to use Firebird as the RDMS backend
I likely have to implement IdormKeysGenerator similarly to dorm.adapter.Firebird.TFirebirdTableSequence.
Edit 2:
HIGH value is persisted on the Server
LOW value allocation is the client responsability.
I think an usual allocator will do for the LOW value (Implemented as a class).
Currently DORM support only surrogate keys (integer or string). In the internal roadmap is scheduled the natural (multi field keys) key support. Some internal structures are ready to support the multiple fields keys, but still is not implemented. The high-low strategy is not planned, but should not be so difficult to do.
P.S. As is every Open Source project, feel free to contribute :-)
