Neo4j GraphQL auth directive always giving forbidden - neo4j

I'm trying to implement the #auth directive in GraphQL for use with Neo4j as documented here:
With a jwt token that is taken from firebase, and should have all of the necessary fields, including admin roles
The problem is that whenever I try to use one of the generated queries with the admin bearer token it says "forbidden" when the auth directive is attached to it.
The full discussion of this issue between me and ChatGPT, which includes extensive trial and error that was done before writing this question, logs, code snippets etc, can be found here for reference:
Just to summarize some key code parts, I'm trying to follow the setup example like this essentially:
const neoSch = new graphqlNeo.Neo4jGraphQL({
typeDefs: typeDefs,
plugins: {
auth: new neoGraphQLAuth
Here's the schema that it suggested after I gave it some samples, doesn't work:
type Homework {
id: ID #id
title: String!
steps: [Step!]! #relationship(
type: "HAS",
direction: OUT
extend type Homework #auth(
allow: CREATE,
extend type Homework #auth(
allow: READ,
The token itself is getting properly passed in, as discussed at length in the ChatGPT session, I'm not sure what else it is?
Where the secret property is my JSON of a service account taken from firebase, then in my Apollo context I've tried lots of trial and error with no success, in this matter, but here was one implantation I tried:
serv, {
context: async info => {
var rz = {
return rz;
But still I got the forbidden error


Autodesk Simple Viewer - "Could not list models. "

I'm trying to implement the code example in this repo:
While launching in debugging mode, I get an error in the AuthController.cs says:
Could not list models. See the console for more details
I didn't make any significant changes to the original code, I only changed the env vars (client id, secret etc..)
The error is on the below function:
async function setupModelSelection(viewer, selectedUrn) {
const dropdown = document.getElementById('models');
dropdown.innerHTML = '';
try {
const resp = await fetch('/api/models');
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(await resp.text());
const models = await resp.json();
dropdown.innerHTML = => `<option value=${model.urn} ${model.urn === selectedUrn ? 'selected' : ''}>${}</option>`).join('\n');
dropdown.onchange = () => onModelSelected(viewer, dropdown.value);
if (dropdown.value) {
onModelSelected(viewer, dropdown.value);
} catch (err) {
alert('Could not list models. See the console for more details.');
I get an access token so my client id and secret are probably correct, I also added the app to the cloud hub, what could be the problem, why the app can't find the projects in the hub?
I can only repeat what AlexAR said - the given sample is not for accessing files from user hubs like ACC/BIM 360 Docs - for that follow this:
To address the specific error. One way I can reproduce that is if I set the APS_BUCKET variable to something simple that has likely been used by someone else already, e.g. "mybucket", and so I'll get an error when trying to access the files in it, since it's not my bucket. Bucket names need to be globally unique. If you don't want to come up with a unique name yourself, then just do not declare the APS_BUCKET environment variable and the sample will generate a bucket name for you based on the client id of your app.

Error 400: invalid_scope ""

The documentation for the new google hangouts chat says that you need to authorize the scope to do pretty much anything.
Here's the error:
While generating an authentication URL using their OAuth2 client I get the message that the scope is invalid. I don't have that problem if I use or some other scope like the one for google plus.
When I try to google things on in the API Explorer no combination of the URL or parts of the URL work either.
Here is my code to fetch the URL, seems to work just fine for everything else:
var {google} = require('googleapis');
var OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2;
var oauth2Client = new OAuth2(
var scopes = [
"", //Works
"" // Does not work
var url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: scopes,
In case others are running across this problem I think I've figured this out. Google doesn't seem need this auth scope enabled by a domain user because it's already authorised on the domain when your testing your bot. The "authorisation" of these scopes are dictated by users in a domain adding/removing bots from spaces.
I'll go into a bit of detail if you're confused.
When you create a bot in the console for an organisation your bot is added to the domain and can be added to spaces by users. If then go over to to the credentials and create a service account you can use that json file credentials to access the API as your bot. The code below gets a list of the people in a space.
var { google } = require('googleapis');
var chat ="v1");
var key = require('./google_service-account-credentials.json');
var jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
[''], // an array of auth scopes
jwtClient.authorize(function (err, tokens) {
auth: jwtClient,
parent: "spaces/AAAAD4xtKcE"
}, function (err, resp) {
If you try to get a list of members on other spaces (and other domains) the bot will fail with the exact same error message:
"Bot is not a member of the space."
I assume if you list your bot on the marketplace and it gets added to different domains and spaces google's API makes sure that your bot can do what it's trying to do on a space by space basis. It would be annoying have to setup some authentication flow after a bot has already been added for it to do its job. This is also probably why the current REST api doesn't let you list spaces under domains, it's not the paradigm this API works under.
It may have to do with one of the following:
The scope is created for service accounts. Make sure you are accessing the REST API with a service account.
Make sure that the bot is added to the room or space and has access to what you want it do.
Make sure the Service account is part of the bot project that you are using for the bot.

jwt authentication in iOS client nodejs server via third party authenticator

I am trying to wrap my head around using json webtoken (jwt) based authentication on a server coupled to using a third party (say google) to authenticate the user. Originally I've managed to build my own login and jwt handling scheme with jsonwebtoken on my nodejs server, but we need a client running on an iOS system to interact with it and started looking around for a solution where we don't have to code so much client code (requesting new token when expired etc.) and thought that we would use a third party library to do this for us.
The thing is I did not find anything that would do this for us. I found libraries that could handle connecting the client to a google api for the client, I found user identification handled by google, but didn't find anything that would handle actually getting a jwt that the server would except as a genuine user.
My question is essentially this: we have an iOS client and a nodejs server and would like to use google to authenticate our users and have the client call api-s on our nodejs server, with as much of the authentication process handled by some third party library (google's?), how should we get around to this?
As a note, I've seen passport but that seems to operate with sessions only, and I would have to solve the jwt handling by myself were I to use that.
The iOS part is not ready, but I managed to use google to authenticate and authorize without a session in the browser. The idea is, that the client logs in to google (see here for web app) and google graciously also gives you a token with the login, which will be good for the server. On the nodejs side I used passport and the google-id-token strategy (see on github). There are quite a few strategies for google out there, but this one works. Although, this has a shortcoming, it can't accept the token in the header, but I fixed that in a pull request (see here).
Since I had a bit of a problem of how to use the User.findOrCreate part of all the passport examples, I'll put in my code here that covers a full working example:
var passport = require('passport');
var GoogleTokenStrategy = require(passport-google-id-token)
passport.use(new GoogleTokenStrategy({
clientID: config.googleAuth.clientID,
clientSecret: config.googleAuth.clientSecret,
function(parsedToken, googleId, done) {
User.findOne({ '': googleId }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
var testuser = new User({
givenName : parsedToken.payload.givenName,
familyName : parsedToken.payload.familyName,
nameunderscore :' ').join("_"),
admin: false,
settings: {save_folder:"default"},
'' : googleId,
'' :,
}); {})
return done(err, user);
User comes from mongodb in a separate js:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', new Schema({
name: String,
nameunderscore : String,
givenName: String,
familyName: String,
admin: Boolean,
settings: {
save_folder: String
email: String,
google: {
id: String,
email: String
And this is how I added the passport strategy to a router (note that session is set to false):
var apiRoutes = express.Router();
apiRoutes.use(passport.authenticate('google-id-token',{ session: false }));
Now every call to any route in apiRoutes must send on id_token with a valid google token to get access.

Connecting to github with Ember.js and Torii (oauth2)

I'm trying to use the github-oauth2 provider in Torii, but I'm stumped on how I'm supposed to se tup some of the callbacks. I'll trace the code I'm using, as well as my understanding of it, and hopefully that can help pinpoint where I'm going wrong.
First, in my action, I'm calling torii's open method as it says to do in the docs:
this.get('torii').open('github-oauth2').then((data) => {
And, of course, I have the following setup in my config/environment.js:
var ENV = {
torii: {
// a 'session' property will be injected on routes and controllers
sessionServiceName: 'session',
providers: {
'github-oauth2': {
apiKey: 'my key',
redirectUri: ''
The redirectUri is for my Rails server. I have the same redirectUri setup on my github app, so they match.
Here's what I have on my server. It's likely this is where the problem is. I'll get to the symptoms at the end.
def github
client_id = 'my id'
client_secret = 'my secret'
code = params[:code]
#result ="{client_id}&client_secret=#{client_secret}&code=#{code}")
#access_token = #result.parsed_response.split('&')[0].split('=')[1]
render json: {access_token: #access_token}
So I post to github's access_token endpoint, as I'm supposed to, and I get back a result with an access token. Then I package up that access token as json.
The result of this is that the torii popup goes to the rails page:
Unfortunately, what I was hoping for was for the torii popup to disappear, give my app the access_token, and for the code to move on and execute the code in my then block.
Where am I going wrong?
Many thanks to Kevin Pfefferle, who helped me solve this and shared the code to his app (gitzoom) where he had implemented a solution.
So the first fix is to clear my redirectUri, and to set it on github to localhost:4200. This made the app redirect so that it's an Ember app that it's redirected to.
The second fix was to create a custom torii provider
import Ember from 'ember';
import GitHubOauth2Provider from 'torii/providers/github-oauth2';
export default GitHubOauth2Provider.extend({
ajax: Ember.inject.service(),
fetch(data) {
return data;
open() {
return this._super().then((toriiData) => {
const authCode = toriiData.authorizationCode;
const serverUrl = `/github_auth?code=${authCode}`;
return this.get('ajax').request(serverUrl)
.then((data) => {
toriiData.accessToken = data.token;
return toriiData;
Not sure why this then triggers but the then I was using before didn't. Anyways, it grabs the data and returns it, and then the promise I was using before gets the data correctly.
this.get('torii').open('github-oauth2').then((data) => {
//do signon stuff with the data here
So there we go! Hopefully this helps other folks who are stuck in the future.

How to get a full list of repositories that a user is allowed to access?

I have found bitbucket api like:{teamname}
But this link return 301 status (moved permanently to !api/2.0/repositories/{teamname}).
Ok, but this one returns status 200 with zero repositories.
I provide two parameters as user and password, but nothing seems changed.
So, can anybody answer how to get full list of private repositories that allowed to specific user?
Atlassian Documentation - Repositories Endpoint provides a detail documentation on how to access the repositories.
The URL mentioned in bitbucket to GET a list of repositories for an account is:
If you use the above URL it always retrieves the repositories where you are the owner. In order to retrieve full list of repositories that the user is member of, you should call:
You can apply following set of filters for role based on your needs.
To limit the set of returned repositories, apply the
role=[owner|admin|contributor|member] parameter where the roles are:
owner: returns all repositories owned by the current user.
admin: returns repositories to which the user has explicit
administrator access.
contributor: returns repositories to which the user has explicit write access.
member: returns repositories to which the user has explicit read
You can make use of Bitbucket REST browser for testing the request/response.(discontinued)
You should not use the API from the domain.
Instead, you should always use
Now one reason you might be getting an empty result after following the redirect could be because some http clients will only send Basic Auth credentials if the server explicitly asks for them by returning a 401 response with the WWW-Authenticate response header.
The repositories endpoint does not require authentication. It will simply return the repos that are visible to anonymous users (which might well be an empty set in your case) and so clients that insist on a WWW-Authenticate challenge (there are many, including Microsoft Powershell) will not work as expected (note, curl always sends Basic Auth credentials eagerly, which makes it a good tool for testing).
Unfortunately, from what I see in the documentation, there is no way to list all private repositories which the user has access to.
"Returns a paginated list of all public repositories." according to the doco.
"Returns a paginated list of all repositories owned by the specified account or UUID." according to the doco.
So, getting all private repositories not necessarily owned by the user is either not possible, or I haven't found the right endpoint, or the documentation is inacurate.
None of the answers above worked for me, so this is what I did. We'll use the Bitbucket REST API.
You can't use your normal credentials. I created an API Password. I'm not sure how to get to this page via your browser, but go here:
Create an App Password, then cut and save the password that Atlassian generates for you.
curl --user your_username:your_app_password
I piped that to jq and saved it to a file.
your_workspace you get from looking at the URL of any of your repositories.
The maximum pagelen appears to be 100. If you have more than 100 repos, then you might have to do this:
curl --user your_username:your_app_password
The JSON isn't too bad. You want the "values" array. From there, look at links.clone, which might have two entries like this:
"clone": [
"href": "",
"name": "https"
"href": "",
"name": "ssh"
That's a cut & paste from my results with personal info changed. Also useful are two other fields:
"full_name": "WORKSPACE/repo",
"name": "Repo",
Expanding on blizzard's answer, here's a little node.js script I just wrote:
import axios from 'axios';
import fs from 'fs';
async function main() {
const bitbucket = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
auth: {
username: process.env.BITBUCKET_USERNAME!,
password: process.env.BITBUCKET_PASSWORD!,
const repos = [];
let next = 'repositories?role=member';
for(;;) {
console.log(`Fetching ${next}`)
const res = await bitbucket.get(next);
if(res.status < 200 || res.status >= 300) {
return 1;
if(! break;
next =;
console.log(`Done; writing file`);
await fs.promises.writeFile(`${__dirname}/../data/repos.json`,JSON.stringify(repos,null,2),{encoding:'utf8'});
main().catch(err => {
