While submitting a latex template using Overleaf on Elsevier journal. I got the error "! LaTeX Error: Mismatched LaTeX support files detected."" - latex

I try to submit one manuscript on Elsevier and while submitting they show the below error after building the pdf.
Please note that I was able to submit with the same source files previously. I am generating the manuscript using Overleaf.


Export to word document Nested tables using DocX library in c#, can't open document

I have created word document (.doc and .docx) using DocX library in .net c#. I have used nested tables in this word document. Now the problem is that, whenever I try to open this generated document, it gives warning message like this :
"We are sorry. We can;t open because we found a problem with its contents."
Getting this message if I click on Details button. :
"Ambiguous cell mapping encountered. Possible missing paragraph element. elements are required before every ".
If I do not use nested table and use single table then its working fine and not giving any warning message while opening that word document.
So, can anyone help me here to how avoid such warning problems if I have nested tables in generating word document using DocX library in .Net C#. ?
Thanks in advance.

Can I attach/embed a file to a Latex document and hyperlink it to a word for saving purposes?

I am trying to attach a .condarc file to my Latex journal as an installation guide. I want users for my workshop to click on a hyperlink and be able to save/download the file. Is this possible through Latex in general? What about on Overleaf?
I've looked all over the place, however there seem to only be file specific packages.
I tried using the embedfile and attachfile packages. Here's an example of what I did:
desc={Source of Package 'embedfile'}
]{.condarc }
I did the above because I thought the first step is to get the file embedded somewhere, anywhere. Then I could reference the file in later steps.
Thank you for any guidance!
If you use a pdf viewer that supports attachments (e.g. adobe reader) the following example using the attachfile package will attach the .codarc file to the pdf and produce a text link that will prompt the user for future action:
test \textattachfile[color=1 0 0]{.codarc}{.codarc}
(please be aware that even if a pdf viewer might be technically equipped to open such embedded files, users may have this feature disabled due to security concerns)
Instead of attaching the file, one could also host it somewhere on the internet and put a link into the pdf. This will work for a much larger variety of pdf viewers.

how to submit a latex article to pattern recognition letters journal

the available upload options are
and what i uploaded are
but what i get is not a pdf file after submission, but it's latex tags, it is similar to:
what am i missing? i've uploaded all .sty, .bst, .bib, .tex, .png files in the folder:
How about reading the Guide for Authors on the Elsevier website and/or the prletters-template-with-authorship.pdf file you have there?
Upload only the .tex files and the figures, and include the .bbl directly into the .tex file (typically these submission systems like that better).
Finally, from your screenshot it seems that the journal submission system does not like .pngs. You should convert them to TIFF or EPS (or any other standard format) that is suggested in the submission information to authors.
Hi to all finally i submitted successfully by the following order
don't forget to upload the Highlights as a separate file

Error Generating PDF file w/ Wicked-PDF Ruby Gem

I have a Ruby on Rails back-end service that takes individual PDF documents and combines them into a consolidated PDF - app uses Wicked-PDF ruby gem for generation.
When the PDF is viewed through the browser's default document viewer for PDF, the full document is visible. However, when the document is downloaded and viewed through Adobe Reader or Acrobat, only a part of the document will be fully rendered and then I receive an error "Problem reading this document (14)" with all of the remaining pages turning into small blank thumbnail-like pages, almost like it is corrupted - however, it is not corrupted because it is fully viewable in the browser.
The error has occurred on multiple documents in inconsistent locations, so it seems like it might be related to the particular document being compiled into the full PDF document, but haven't been able to isolate the cause.
Has anyone else encountered this issue w/ the Wicked-PDF package gem?
We identified that the issue was actually in the combine_pdf gem we were using to do the document compilation. The error is caused when two or more documents share the exact same content, ie. they are the same file, regardless of their file name. We are now commparing each document to all others before compilation to ensure that it will not generate an error.

How to add hyperlink to bibliography titles in Jekyll using Jekyll-pandoc and jekyll-scholar bibtex renders?

I am using Jekyll with pandoc and Jekyll-scholar plugins to render bibtex database to appear on my static website. I wonder if there is any easy way to automatically add hyperlinks to all article titles of the rendered bibliography? I have tried to modify some CSL bibtex style template, but it doesn't seem to support hyperlink. I don't have any clue on how to using other methods to make it work.
A page I am working on can be found at http://i2000s.github.io/pubs/. The source code can be found at http://github.com/i2000s/i2000s.github.io/ (the Vita.html file). The configuration of Jekyll-scholar plugin can be found in the _config.yml file with more detailed information of the CSL style and bibtex files I am using. Thanks!
