How can I fix "Unable to assume control of chrome" in Power Automate Desktop - Tried Everything - power-automate-desktop

There's plenty of advice for dealing with the 'unable to assume control' error for launching a new browser but nothing has fixed it for me. It actually worked a couple of times and not since. Driving me crazy. I've tried:
-Different computers
Reinstalls of PAD
Reinstalls of extensions
Edge instead of Chrome
URL of chrome://version
Updating preferences file
Checking ComSpec variable
Increasing Timeout
Coding retry on error
Looked at Windows update but I haven't had any in the last few days
Any more ideas?


Random NSLAYOUT Error

Out of nowhere without changing anything or uploading to a new version I can't build my app anymore because of some strange error which never occurred before in the past year and I see no way to solve them
I already cleaned my build, restarted Xcode, tried another test device, restarted my Mac and so on, nothing helped.
I even reconnected the outlet...
More over this error first only occurred on my real device, like 1 hour later also on any simulator...
Any idea?

Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1 (Phone only, works on SIM)

I've been trying to instal a few apps that I've been developing to my handset. A few of these apps now give me this infamous error
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
This error ONLY happens when trying to install the app to a physical device, everything works perfectly on the simulator. I've googled a solution to this problem and nothing really helps, a lot of people suggest only running shell scripts at launch. This fix doesn't work for me as it still won't install on the phone and then breaks the simulator version of the app.
I've tried clearing the temp files in derived data and that makes no difference.
I've also checked the signing off the app. I'm using both my personal account and a paid account so signing should not be an issue.
Anyone have any suggestions? its really starting to bug me now!
Seems to be related to permissions on the mac. When you restart xcode & your mac it should prompt you for permissions to access (I think its keychain but not 100%). I had been using an office phone with an unknown password and had just ignored it causing none of my apps to load onto any device.
After checking my certificates, restarting Xcode several times, changing file permission with attr command and so on, all of these couldn't solve that error.
I was like going mad, until I saw there was an update for my macOS (High Sierra), after updating (and drinking coffee), I successfully compiled my project again. It than raised another problem, but I fixed that here:
So, just because I updated my OS, my problem was solved. Yes it took me half a day.
If other solutions didn't work, try this one, it worked for me.

Can't compile iOS-App in Ad-Hoc mode (Xamarin.iOS)

So basically I'm following this official Xamarin guide to release my app in the AppStore.
However no matter what I try (changing signing profiles, different build options) the solution-process crashes every time after 1-2 minutes with different errors that don't explain what exactly went wrong (signing error, user aborted?!, etc.).
After the error is shown I always have to reconnect to the Mac.
What could be the problem?
Tool exited with code: 1. Output: CSSM_SignData returned: 800108E6
errSecInternalComponent mWIDAS_iOS
I tried the publish profiles (Ad-Hoc,AppStore,automatic) and provisioning profile.
Okay solved the problem myself a few days ago. Dumb mistake on my behlaf.
I use the same monitor for the Mac Mini and the Windows PC so I didn't see the popup on the Mac prompting me to accept the use of the keyfile.
After I agreed to it everything worked like a charm.
I resolved this issue by:
Cleaning my solution
Closing VS4Mac
Shut down Macbook Pro
Start Macbook Pro
Reopen my solution
Build iOS head project (I am working in Xamarin.Forms)
And it built successfully this time. I am noticing lots of issues from Windows VS are creeping into VS4Mac by each update. Not sure why this was happening but that resolved my issue

xcode fetching list of team time out, member center dead

Any ideas? It was working an hour ago, now everything is dead and the status page says all is good
try disconnecting any devices you have connected.
I just tried everything SO suggested, reboots, wifi restart, iphone hotspot, nothing helped, so I unplugged my device and suddenly xcode connected and teams were fetched.
Just to say, I've had this issue a few times in the past week.
I'm using Xcode 6.4 with OS X Yosemite (v10.10.2), and from time to time, it just hangs on the "Fetching list of teams" message.
Most of the time, it works fine, but then it'll start to time-out, or throw an error like this:
The solution: reboot my MacBook. It fixes the issue every time.
It's odd. All other applications can happily access the internet, but for just this one part of Xcode, it seems unable to fetch the data it needs, and only a reboot sorts it out. I didn't have this issue before.
And it's hard to identify if this is an issue with Xcode 6.4 or OS X Yosemite, and Xcode demanded that I upgrade to the latest OS before it'd let me update to 6.4 (so I could actually debug an issue with iOS 8.2) so both updates happened on the same 1-2 days.
Bug ? Bug ? Did I say "bug" ? Course not. It's an undocumented feature.
Five hours later
I've just had the same issue again...
However, this time, I turned off WiFi on my MacBook, then turned Wifi back on again.
And the problem went away.
It (almost instantly) managed to load the list of (two) teams that I belong to.
Hope this helps.
I know that is late for answer but maybe my solution could help others.
Step 1:
Go to Xcode --> preferences --> accounts
Step 2:
Select your team name and click in view details
Step 3:
Click in
Final step:
Go to Window --> Organizer and try to upload again your app :D
i resolved this by deleting my accounts and setting them up again. none of the solutions above worked.
This worked for me by disconnecting from my WiFi then reconnecting.
Quit xcode and simulator. Open organizer and click on Upload again. This worked for me.
I tried adding the account again and also reconnected the wifi but it did not work for me but quitting xcode did.
Actually I think it is an issue at Apples server.
I just got through once 30 minutes ago but had set the wrong build version and now I get the same error again. I think we have to wait.
i had same issue when i had changed my account's password.
first time, i just authorized it through new passoword. (it's not working)
and then.
remove all appstore accounts on xcode
add same account with new password.
it work.
Just keep retrying, I suspect the issue is on apple's server side and retry attempts will eventually get through.
You should get the list back within a second or two, so you can cancel the attempt and retry quickly rather than wait for the timeout.
Restarting wifi seems to help some people but not others.
Check your internet connection.
Upgrade XCode, 7.2 fixed this for me.
I noticed that I had some connection problems.
The ethernet cable was not fully plugged in.
On wifi, make sure you have a good signal.
I had same issue, and I resolved it.
I got hint from #jab11
I have external storage for TimeMachine. Around a week ago TimeMachine start to fail backup my disk.
I plugged out external storage not properly When it happens.
So, try like below.
Plug in your external storage if you have one.
Check your partition's health. (In my case, I erased partition which is causing fail to backup)
open Xcode Organiser, then upload your binary.
I hope this help.
For me, I removed all accounts in XCode -> Preference -> Accounts and ADD account again, then it's working well.

Stale Requests on iOS simulator

I am getting stale requests for all my web-service calls when running on iOS simulator, however running on a device runs perfectly fine
I've compared the calls themselves using Charles, and they are getting made exactly the same
This is only happening in one particular computer, I've tried running on simulator on other PC's and they also run fine, using the exact same project settings, through an SVN checkout
I've tried deleting derived data in Xcode, doing a clean, reset content and settings, uninstalling/re-installing Xcode... even creating a new account on the PC and installing a fresh copy of Xcode there, but the problem persists..
Any ideas on what the problem could be?
Greatly appreciated
Really old, but it might help someone... I had manually changed the time on my computer, so the time that was sent in the request from the simulator being received by the server mismatched, causing these stale requests apparently... (re-checking set date and time automatically, fixed this issue)
