I am attempting to trigger an action within a dynamic island by pressing a button, but the button is not functioning and no action is being executed.
dynamicIsland: { context in
DynamicIsland {
// Expanded UI goes here. Compose the expanded UI through
// various regions, like leading/trailing/center/bottom
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.leading) {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.trailing) {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.bottom) {
** Button {
//Print here
} label: {
Text("Press Me")**
} compactLeading: {
I have tried testing in a new project, but I am still encountering the same problem with the button not firing any action.
So I have a view with List, also this view has side menu. I added tapGesture to my VStack to dismiss side menu when it's open, but then I face issue, tapGesture is blocking onDelete method of List. Any ideas how to fix that??
Here is code example:
VStack {
List {
//list elements here
.onDelete {
// delete action here
.onTapGesture {
// action here
Also, if while deleting I swipe once till the end, it's working. But if I swipe just a little and try to press Delete button nothing happens.
Replace your .onTapGesture with the simultaneousGesture modifier.
.simultaneousGesture(TapGesture().onEnded {
// action here
I'm trying to present a list, of witch the first item is a NavigationLink, because its configuration needs some extra options to be defined. All other operations can be run w/o special parameters.
(Code stripped down a bit):
let operations = ["start", "stop", "set_marker", "save_map", "get_status"]
NavigationView {
VStack {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Header")) {
List(operations, id: \.self) { operation in
if operation == "start" {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(operation: operation)) {
} else {
Button(action: {
switch operation {
case "stop":
}) {
The thing compiles fine and displays fine too. At runtime I can click all "plain buttons" and it works. For the "start" entry I can open the second window just once. After return the "start" button does not react anymore. Any ideas?
Disregard. Seems to be an issue on emulator and in preview only.
I'm creating a list with custom rows in SwiftUI. When I tap one of them, I want the row to turn light gray until another tap is detected.
This doesn't happen with simple non-custom lists either.
Here's my list:
ForEach(blocks){ block in
BlockRow(block: block)
.onDelete(perform: delete)
.onMove(perform: day.move)
When I tap on one of the items, nothing happens. If I create a simple list with storyBoards, I get the behavior I want:
Hey so you asked this 3 months ago so I hope you got an answer somewhere or figured it out since then, but to get to the good stuff to make a button tappable I was able to get it working using this,
List {
Button (action: {
//Whatever action you want to perform
}) {
//Code to present as the cell
I would maybe try the following based on your code,
List (blocks) { block in
Button (action: {
//perform button action
}) {
//How the cell should look
BlockRow(block: block)
In my Vaadin 7 application I have to add Delete button, but this button should be only accessible to an authorized person.
I have added the button with a following code:
if (canRemove()) {
Also I have added a listener to this button:
button.addClickListener(e -> {
//some logic
Do I need to add one more condition inside of this listener:
button.addClickListener(e -> {
if (canRemove()) {
//some logic
or this condition is redundant and I can avoid it ?
Summarizing the comments on the question:
It's redundant, no button, no click event. Alternative is hiding the button like button.setVisible(isAuthorized(user)) if not authorized.
In my application I have a main.qml which has a navigation pane that goes to homepage.qml and from there to profilepage.qml. When I come back from profilepage to homepage I need to trigger a function in home page. I noticed that whenever I pop back I get a call onPopTransitionEnded in the main page. Since homepage is pushed from main.qml there is no navigation pane on homepage and I cant access onPopTransitionEnded on homepage. Below are the sample structures of my 3 qml views.
NavigationPane {
id: nav
peekEnabled: false
onPopTransitionEnded: {
console.log("POP PAGE from main");
//I tried to access the function using the homepage id but didnt work
menuScreenPage.reloadView(); // This doesnt work, shows error unknown symbol menuScreenPage
Page {
id: mainPage
Container {
//some code
onCreationCompleted: {
//Some code and then push to homepage
Page {
id: menuScreenPage
objectName: "menuScreenPage"
function reloadView() //This is the function that is needed to be called on page pop from profile page
//some code
Container {
//some code
Button { //a button to push to profile page
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
onClicked: {
console.log("I was clicked!")
Page {
id: newProfilePage
objectName: "newProfilePage"
Container {
//some code
Button { //a button to pop to home page
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
onClicked: {
console.log("I was clicked!")
So is there a way that I can access the function of homepage.qml from main.qml? Or is there any other function like onPopTransitionEnded which I can access on homepage.qml itself when I pop from profilepage? Please advice.
Seems that you created unnamed object with this line:
If you want to access it later, you should save it in some property, for ex.
property var myHomePage: null
myHomePage = homePageDefenition.createObject()
nav.push(myHomePage )
Keep in mind that "menuScreenPage" is local name (id), it works only inside homepage.qml and nobody can access it beyond that file.
You can even use such code:
page.reloadView(); // Use local variable "page" instead of internal id "menuScreenPage"