Linked list general questions python - linked-list

so we can create variables that contain lists , strings, booleans, etc, do we ever code the actual linked list?
2.if there was a linked list with 4 nodes, and I wanted to print the value of the tail, how would I code that? do I start it like this:
def init(self,key,val):
2b. and if I wanted to print a value the head, how would I code that?
no particular problem, just a general question


Use array of strings as argument for pluralization in .stringsdict

We're trying to make a typing indicator that displays one or two names depending on how many people are typing at a time. So the use cases are:
Person1 is typing
Person1 and Person2 are typing
Several people are typing
I know it's possible to pass an array of strings mapped to [CVarArgType] as the arguments for String(format:, arguments:), but am wondering if/how it's possible to handle that array logic in the Localizable.stringsdict file to achieve the result described above. Maybe with something similar to this?
Do I need to know the exact count of the array arguments for something like this to work?

sorting a linked list of strings by first letter

I am having trouble sorting a linked list of strings with strings that all start with A, B, C. So it would just be a linked list where all strings starting with ‘A’ come before all strings starting with ‘B’, and all of those come before all the strings starting with ‘C.’ The list does not need to be sorted any more than that, and it doesn’t need to preserve the relative orders of the strings that start with the same letters. It also needs to be in O(N) time.
The way I thought of doing it was making an empty linked list and then going through the given linked list looking for all strings that start with A, then add that to the empty list. Then go through the given list again for strings that start with B, then add that to the empty list. I'm not sure if this is O(N) time though.
This solution would require three O(N) traversings of the list, so it will still be O(N). The problem with it is that it creates a new list, and the requirements seem to imply inplace sorting.
An inplace approach could be to go over the list, and move any items starting with A to the beginning and any items starting with C to the end. E.g.:
for item in list:
if[0] == 'A'
elif[0] == 'C'
item in this pseudocode snippet is the node object of the list - is the data contained in it.
This solution assumes your list has prepend and append methods. If it doesn't, though, it shouldn't be too difficult to implement them.
You're close. Start with 3 empty lists, and distribute strings into those in a single pass through the original list. Keep a pointer to the last element of the 'A and 'B' lists (the first elements inserted) so that catenating the lists together doesn't require retraversal to find their ends.

Delphi - What Structure allows for SAVING inverted index type of information?

Delphi XE6. Looking to implemented a limited style of search, specifically an edit field for the user to enter a business name which would get looked up. I need to allow the user to enter multiple words, or part of multiple words. For Example, on a business "First Bank of Kansas", user should be able to enter "Fir Kan", and it should return a match. This means an inverted index type of structure. I have some type of list of each unique word, then a (document ID, primary Key ID, etc, which is an integer). I am struggling with WHAT type of structure to make this... I have approximately 250,000 business names, which have 43,500 unique words. Word count will vary from 1 occurrence of a word to several thousand (company, corporation, etc) I have some requirements...
1). Assume the user enters BAN. I need to find ALL words that start with BAN. I need to return BANK, BANKER, etc... This means that whatever structure I use, I have to be able to find BAN and then move to the next alphabetic entry... and keep moving to the next until I find a value that does NOT start with BAN. This eliminates any type of HASH structure, correct?
2). I obviously want this to be fast. HASH is the fastest, but I can't use this, correct? See requirement 1.
3). Each entry in this structure needs to be able to hold a list of integers. If I end up going with a LinkedList, then each element has to hold a list of Integers.
4). I need to be able to save and load this structure. I don't want to have to build it each time I use it.
Whatever I end up with, it appears to have to be a NESTED structure, a higher level list (LinkedList?) with each node being an Integer List.
What am I looking for? What do commercial product use? Outlook, etc have search capabilities.
Every word is linked to a specific set of IDs, each representing a business name, right?.
I recommend using a binary tree data structure because effort for searching is normally log(n), which is quite fast. Especially, if business names are changing at runtime, an AVLTree should do well, although it's quite some work to implement it by yourself. But there should be many ready-to-use units on binary trees all over the internet.
For each successful search for a word in your tree data structure, you should take their list of IDs and aggregate those grouped by the entered word they succeeded for.
As the last step you take all those aggregated lists of IDs and do an intersection.
There should only be IDs left which are fitting to all entered words. Those IDs are referencing the searched business names.

Merge sorting with linked chains in java

I am looking for a template of sorts for merging two linked chains that have already been sorted. I'm still fairly new to Java, and this seems to be a pretty challenging task to accomplish with the limited knowledge I have. I have an understanding of how to merge sort an array, but when it comes to linked lists I seem to be drawing blanks. Any help you all could give me, be it actual code or simply advise on where to start, would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time!
If the two linked list are already sorted, then it is so easy to merge those two together. I am gonna tell you the algorithm but you need to write the code yourself since it seems like a school project. First you make a new linked list, and then assign the head of the new list to be the min of list1Head and list2Head, then you just walk the two list, each time picking the min of the current node of the two list and append to the new created list, make the current to be .Next if it got picked. If one of the list doesn't have more nodes, then append the rest of another list directly to the new list. Done
Can't you look at the first element in each list and take the smallest. This is the start of the new list. Remove this from the front ofwhichever list it came from. Now look at the first element again and take the smallest and make it the second element in the new list. Then just repeat this process zipping the two lists together.
If you want to avoid creating a new list the just find the smallest then look at the thing is pointing at and the beginning of the other list and see which is smaller. If you are not already pointing at the smaller one the update the pointer so it is. Then rinse and repeat.

Best Possible algorithm to check if two linked lists are merging at any point? If so, where? [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Linked list interview question
This is an interview question for which I don't have an answer.
Given Two lists, You cannot change list and you dont know the length.
Give best possible algorithm to:
Check if two lists are merging at any point?
If merging, at what point they are merging?
If I allow you to change the list how would you modify your algorithm?
I'm assuming that we are talking about simple linked lists and we can safely create a hash table of the list element pointers.
Q1: Iterate to end of both lists, If the respective last elements are the same, the lists merge at some point.
Complexity - O(N), space complexity - O(1)
Put all elements of one list into a hash table
Iterate over 2nd list, probing the hash table for each element of the list. The first hit (if any) is the merge point, and we have the position in the 2nd list.
To get the position in the 1st list, iterate over the first list again looking for the element found in the previous step.
Time complexity - O(N). Space complexity - O(N)
As Q1, but also reverse the direction of the list pointers.
Then iterate the reversed lists looking for the last common element - that is the merge point - and restoring the list to the original order.
Time complexity - O(N). Space complexity - O(1)
Number 1: Just iterate both and then check if they end with the same element. Thats O(n) and it cant be beaten (as it might possibly be the last element that is common, and getting there always takes O(n)).
Walk those two lists parallel by one element, add each element to Set of visited nodes (can be hash map, or simple set, you only need to check if you visited that node before). At each step check if you visited that node (if yes, then it's merging point), and add it to set of nodes if you visit it first time. Another version (as pointed by #reinier) is to walk only first list, store its nodes in Set and then only check second list against that Set. First approach is faster when your lists merge early, as you don't need to store all nodes from first list. Second is better at worst case, where both list don't merge at all, since it didn't store nodes from second list in Set
see 1.
Instead of Set, you can try to mark each node, but if you cannot modify structure, then it's not so helpful. You could also try unlink each visited node and link it to some guard node (which you check at each step if you encountered it while traversing). It saves memory for Set if list is long enough.
Traverse both the list and have a global variable for finding the number of NULL encountered . If they merge at some point there will be only 1 NULL else there will be two NULL.
