How to switch locations between local/server - environment-variables

Sorry I have not too much experience coding, I have developed an application currently working in a server, the topic is, each time that I need to upgrade or edit something in the app I have to change the locations from the server to my local PC locations to test, I donĀ“t know how to configure them in order to avoid changing them manually. I have read about web.configbut is not very clear for me or if this is the correct way to achieve it. could you please tell me which is the best or correct way? as I have to be swithcing 6 locations. langage is C# .net in Visual Studio
part of my code is something simple like this with my local path:
var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(#"C:\Users\sds.admin\Documents\Customer_Automation\Inputs\knime Customers\eSTORE in-out,") //C:\Users\fernando\Documents\Local in-out
I have not tried anything to solve it


Electron Remote Upgrade Issue

I have a working Electron app which I wrote about two years ago. I'm not an employee of a company, but just some guy that wrote an app that a few people use to make the world a better place. Anyway, I need to make some changes to the app but my computer crashed a while back so I downloaded my old code from Github onto my new computer and started to get to work. But immediately I found the app wouldn't work in the new 17.0.0 version of electron because the REMOTE module in Electron was deprecated and then removed in previous versions. I tried to follow the instructions here... to replace REMOTE with the new #electron/remote module. I've had several problems, my most recent is:
JavaScript Error: Uncaught Exception: TypeError BrowserWindow is not a constuctor at app.createWindows (C:...\main.js:89:17).
I use the remote functionality (properties?) over 50 times in my app, including .dialogue, .getGlobal, .getCurrentWindow, and .BrowserWindow.getAllWindows
I'm not including my code here because I'm not really looking for a a coding solution (unless that's the easy/best/only thing I should do and you can give me a solution from the information I've written) but more general advice on what direction I should go to solve this problem. I'm a good programmer in a language that is not Electron, or JavaScript, or NodeJS! So, with the right instruction I can get by, but please be easy on me. (For example I get lost in the instructions for #electron/remote around the API Reference section.) Thanks for any help you can provide.
Some big changes have been made to Electron over the past couple of years, especially with the use of remote. I would hate to say it but it looks like you are in for a bit of work to get it operational again.
You will want to look at ipcMain, ipcRender and contextBridge.
The inclusion of webPreferences: {preload: ""} in your new BrowserWindow() method plus the use of the above Electron methods will place you in a good starting position for safe, quick, thread seperated code.
See Context Isolation and Inter-Process Communication for more info.
PS: If you need a quick bit of code to get you going / give you an idea then let me know.

Reading an app setting value from iOS Settings-MyApp using Ionic

I want to create a app specific setting(app preference) in iOS(iPad) and read that in my Ionic(v5) code. I have seen plugins like this but not working with the cordova-9 as it was not updated. Looks like this project is abandoned.I was able to create a setting bundle during the build and place it under the settings->Myapp (key-value) but from the program reading is not working.
My requirement is very simple. I need to externalize the back-end server IP/name as it might change sometimes. I was thinking if I can create a property under Settings->MyApp->Server then I can edit it in the Settings and read it while starting the app.
Is there a different approach that I can follow?
Please let me know if you have any pointers.

Cant create new team project in TFS 2010

I have an old setup with a tfs2010 and sql2008 and the current Collection is holding 3 team Projects. Now i want to create a new team project but for some reason i cant. it seems that it has something to do with the SQL Reporting that dosent excists. i get an error TF218027.
Ive been going through the setup and im wondering a bit
What exactly does the TFS use the reportServer for (MSDN dosent seem to want to tell me)
is there any way to create a Team project without the reporting
Will it damage my excisting data if i create and connect to a new sql reportServer
Hope someone will take the time to give an answer
I have already tried the different approtaches discussed on different threads and im primarily looking for information on the 3 questions written above
Try the steps below:
In browser go to: http://application-tier/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx
Press Folder settings button in the toolbar
Press New Role Assignment button in the toolbar
Specify user name in Group or user name field, check Content Manager role and press OK.
So for the people that actually read the question the answer is.
Keeps track of agile work progress
yes and its actually easy. go to the reporting service and stop it and then tell TFS not to report under reporting
Since it was never running the answer here is No

How to fix lost connection to Access Database after Deploying ASP website to IIS?

I am fairly new to ASP, so if anything doesn't make sense, or you think, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?", it's becasue I really didn't know.
So the issue is that I created a Website using Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web. It was an ASP.NET MVC. I have spent over a week, working on this, doing testing and getting everything to work and look correctly. So I started the process of deploying it. I followed a couple guides, and felt like I did everything correctly.
Right now I am only trying to test my website on , and my first screen shows up. This screen is a "login" screen of sorts and is supposed to connect to my Access Database to check to see if a user should be admited to the next screen. But clicking the "Submit" button doesn't even open the Database. All of this works fine when I run it in Visual Studio.
What can I do to get this working?
Some steps I have tried and failed at:
-Changing location of the Access DB
-I started to try to install configure and convert my Access Database to SQL Server, but I haven't been able to get that to work either.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. If you need code examples or IIS settings, I will get them to you as fast as I can, but please help me because I don't want to have lost over a week of work.
Edit: After taking the suggestion from HansUp, it lead me to some other search terms that lead me to I am using a 64-bit machine, and my application pool in IIS was not set to run 32-bit applicaions which when using Access ODBC drivers that are 32-bit casue a problem.
Set the IUSR account to Read/Write for the DB file and folder where the DB file is located.
Then, seeing as I was using a 64-bit machine, and the Access ODBC drivers that were being used were 32-bit, I had to set "Enable 32-bit Applications" to "true" in IIS, for the Application Pool that my site was using.
This is a link to where I found the 64-bit 32-bit solut

aegis-dss-tools and aegis-manifest-dev : where?

I'm trying to write a little python application, and to start i simply drop the .py into the device and execute from there.
Now I am at the point where i probably need some credentials for accessing the tracker.
I dont want to create an aegis manifest at this point, since im still in early development, or in the worst case i would like to create a flying manifest for my script and thats it.
I found out (actually in the nokia sdk docs) that what i need is something called aegis-su (in aegis-dss-tools) or aegis-manifest (for the worst case), from aegis-manifest-dev
problem: i searched all google, and i cannot find these packages anywhere..
can someone help me?
