How to re-run cypress test case failures through Jenkins pipeline? - jenkins

I am running my cypress through Jenkins and Bamboo. Recently, I got so many failure based on issues out RDMS. I had to re run all the failures based on the tests spec name through Jenkins.
Is there any way to re-run my failed specs / tests through Jenkins for my Cypress automation framework ?

Please watch Gleb Bahmutov Cypress v12.5.0 Debug Tab, at 1:18 "Run failures" button.
This Debug Tab is new to Cypress 12.5.0.
The changelog states
Released 01/31/2023
Easily debug failed CI test runs recorded to the Cypress Cloud from your local Cypress app with the new Debug page.
The documentation is here Debug


Issue while running test suites running parallel in Cypress with Jenkins

my team integrated test suites developed in Cypress with Jenkins. They are planning to run all 10 test suites in parallel using Jenkins CI/CD pipeline with a single server node which is 32 GB machine. But when running in parallel all 10 test suites in parallel it is failing with below error.
Fatal server error:
(EE) Server is already active for display 111
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X111-lock
and start again.
Can anyone please let me know how to resolve this issue?

How to trigger a build in Jenkins After the success of other build but running in Bamboo

I am building two functional selenium test scripts from Jenkins that I want to trigger the test to run automatically once the build release of the project is done.
The project is running on Bamboo, I am looking for any way that Bamboo can notify Jenkins about the result "in my case must be success" and then my get test scripts to run automatically
Any help will be appreciated
Add task in your Bamboo build to run wget or curl command which will trigger Jenkins build:

Jenkins build successful despite failed JBehave steps

For GUI testautomation we have set up a Maven project using JBehave (v4.0.4) as a BDD framework. The stories are executed with a JUnitReportingRunner and run continously in a Jenkins (v1.630) master slave environment.
I recently noticed that in some cases, the Jenkins build is marked as successful despite some failed steps. The XUnit test report correctly indicates that there is a failed test while the Jenkins build does not. We haven't configured any thresholds concerning the build status. Therefore one failed test should cause the build to fail (and it does most of the time).
This problem is very annoying since we heavily rely on the Jenkins mail notifications. Any pointers on how to solve it are very much appreciated.

Configure Jenkins to Execute tests in UFT

I am running UFT Test Suite manually on the host machine, however i now have the requirement to run the smoke tests as soon as the new build is delivered in jenkins. For that i need to run the test suite automatically using Jenkings. Can someone help me in the direction, how this can be achieved? I have never used Jenkins before.
Looks like theres a plugin for Jenkins which enables integration with HP UFT. Take a look at the Jenkins wiki page for instructions about how to install and use it.
As you didn't mention that you are using ALM so I am assuming that you have some kind of driver script in vbs which runs your test suite. You do not necessarily require any plugin in jenkins to run your UFT suite(however you can also check the suggestion given in the previous answer). Create a job in jenkins and call your vbs file (driver file) or a bat file which kicks off your execution your test machine.
Your test execution machine can be configured as jenkins slave. Only thing which you need to take care off is to remove the settings which can let go your jenkins slave machine which is your uft execution machine in standby mode or locked user mode(uft scripts will fail otherwise). You can handle this by configuring windows settings(if admin allows) or by using some small scripts to move mouse after some intervals.
Your test execution job in jenkins(master) machine can be made dependent on the job which goes to success when new build is available. As soon as new build is available - that job goes to success then your Test job gets notified and connects to UFT execution machine(slave) and starts running your test.
I am trying to integrate ALM with jenkins but not working
Started by user admin
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace C:\JENKINSHOME\workspace\CLRP_AUTO_RN
[CLRP_AUTO_RN] $ C:\JENKINSHOME\workspace\CLRP_AUTO_RN\HpToolsLauncher.exe -paramfile props05092020010832244.txt
Timeout is set to: -1
Run mode is set to: RUN_PLANNED_HOST
Unable to retrieve test set folder: Node not found.
Node not found.
Starting test set execution
Test set name: CLRP Smoke Test Automation Run, Test set id: 104
Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))
Could not create scheduler, please verify ALM client installation on run machine by downloading and in installing the add-in form: http://almserver:8080/qcbin/TDConnectivity_index.html
Build step 'Execute Micro Focus functional tests from Micro Focus ALM' changed build result to FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE

Plugin to Rerun failed tests on Jenkins

Is there a plugin for Jenkins CI to rerun only the failed tests, I can do it with a rerun profile and a cucumber rake task, but is there a plugin already ?
Also aware of Naginator plugin which runs the entire build on failure
but I want to run only the failed tests from the previous build
Have a look at the Flaky Test Handler Plugin
