Integrate SooS with Atlassian Jira - jira

I've followed the instructions to integrate SooS with Jira, yet SooS reports an error. I have confirmed the API token has the proper permission to create a Jira issue, I am at a loss for how to resolve this on-screen error and have SooS create the Jira issue.
Has anyone else successfully integrated SooS with Jira??


Installing Dialogflow bot in Slack fails due to 'oath authorisation url mismatch'

I've got a simple Dialogflowbot that I'm trying to integrate with my Slack workspace.
I've made a Slack app for the bot.
I've added all the information in Dialogflow integration dialog.
On Slack app side I've set-up bot user, added event subscriptions (including link from DF) and set up OAuth scopes and added the URL.
However, the bot won't reply back. Everything looks fine in DF logs but I'm not getting responses in Slack. Previously I've been able to solve this kind of situation by clicking the 'Install to Slack' button under 'Manage distribution' -tab. However, now when I do that (and allow installation), I receive the following error message:
While starting bot the error appears:
Bot start error: oauth_authorization_url_mismatch
From Slack documentation I've found out that this means "The OAuth flow was initiated on an incorrect version of the authorization url. The flow must be initiated via /oauth/authorize." However, the OAuth URL Dialogflow provides is of form<TOKEN>/start.
contacted both Slack and Dialogflow support
done bunch of Googling and
asked a few people that also work on Slack bots
but I've found nothing. Maybe someone here would have ran to the same issue would know what to do?
Recently the Slack team made a change in the oauth authentication with backward incompatible changes. This change break the integration with Dialogflow.
Fortunately, the old functionality has not been fully removed from Slack. In the link I shared above (here's again), at the bottom of the documentation there's an option to "Create a classic Slack app". If you click on it, you will be able to create a "legacy" bot and use follow the Dialogflow-Slack integration guide; it will work as intended.
An important thing to notice, is that you'll see an option to "Update Scopes". Be careful not to make this update, as this will change the authentication from classic to the new approach, and it will break the bot.
Finally, the Dialogflow team already knows about this issue and they're working to make the integration compatible with the new Slack authentication. You can subscribe to that IssueTracker (click the star next to the title) and get updates regarding its progress.

Unable to connect JIRA Cloud

I installed JIRA Cloud for sheet add-on. While connecting with JIRA instead of connecting using Atlassian account I used the google account and thus not get authenticated and got this error message.
Now the problem is, even if I try the the same again and wants to use Atlassian account, its still throwing the same error and not allowng me use Atlassian account. Cleared cache, reinstall JIRA Cloud for sheet add-on but no luck.
Any idea?
I doubt you are still logged in with your google account into the Atlassian cloud Jira.
Wonder how? Can you try opening At the very left bottom corner, click on your profile pic and logout. Login again with your correct id and password and you should be able to use your Jira cloud as usual.
Remember, when you login into any Atlassian Cloud instance you actually login into account which is used for authentication by all other atlassian cloud sites. To logout completely, change account login you need to go to
I hope this helps you.

Zendesk SSO error - Please use one of the options below to sign in to Zendesk

I integrated the zendesk Single Sign On using JWT several months ago and experienced no issues with customer authentication until this week. Our support team started receiving complaints from some of our customers this week where users that had logged in (authenticated) with our web app but could not access the Zendesk knowledge base. The issue seems at this point to be related to new user accounts.
I am getting the following error message appended to the URL on zendesk authentication failure:
Has anyone run into this issue or know what this error indicates?
The issue might be related to this:
If your Zendesk is closed or restricted, and a user tries to sign in
with a different email than the one in Zendesk Support, their request
will be rejected (see Enabling social and business single sign-on )
The original discussion was removed from zendesk site for some weird reason:
I actually solved this for our installation last night. I finally realised what I was doing wrong. I had only turned on SSO for end-users so when I tired to test it, as an agent, it was showing this error. So turning on SSO also for agents solved this.
Thanks for sharing, Greg! That's a good tip.
Yes, thanks Greg! that resolved my issue with this error as well!
Thanks for sharing your resolution, Greg! Arlen, I'm glad you got it working!

How to turn on "Accept remote API calls" in JIRA?

I'm using JIRA in the cloud (so the url I visit is
I've been trying to get and create issues using the JIRA API and this library
However I am getting authorization errors and since I know I have the correct login details, I was wondering if this would be related to the "Accept remote API calls" setting.
I followed the instruction here ( but I can't see the "Accept remote API calls" setting. I should also mention that I am the account admin.
I'm wondering if this setting is only visible if you are hosting JIRA on your own server, or if there is something else I am missing.
Any help appreciated.
There is no setting to enable this on a Cloud instance and the remote API is enabled by default.

How can I give a bug tracker access to my Google Developer Respository?

I'm using Google Cloud Platform. I have a Google App Engine project with its code stored in a git repo in my Google Developer Repository. I then use YouTrack to track bugs and would like to integrate it with my Google Developer Repository VCS. I'm able to use git repos with YouTrack, but it requires an Oauth2 Token.
It seems Oauth2 tokens are available for most Google APIs, but I don't know what API should be used by a 3rd party tool wishing to watch for commits. I assume this is the same problem faced by those wanting to use Jenkins to monitor their Developer Repo and perform testing and deployments accordingly.
How is this normally done? (ie get Oauth2 token and allow repo access to a 3rd party tool)
YouTrack only supports integration with GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket directly, so solving the login issue does not unfortunately make any sense.
A workaround would be to use TeamCity or Upsource as sort of a bridge between YouTrack and your VCS. For more details see The answer only mentioned TeamCity, since Upsource had not been released at that moment.
