set the value of a Select element to null (instead of "undefined") upon clear - antd

I have an AntD Form and and AntD Select element inside it.
Is there a way to set, upon "clear", the value of the Select element to null instead of undefined and do so BEFORE onValuesChange fires?


MS Access -- Yes/No statement

I want to create a Yes/No row in a table, the row would be called 'prepayment'. So, if there is one, and you check 'Yes' in the form, I want some textbox to appear -- so you could type in the sum of prepayment. Is there some way to do it the way that textbox to type in the sum wouldn't be visible in the form unless you check 'Yes'?
I didn't really try anything yet. Just have no idea how to do it...
Set the Visible property on the Textbox to No.
Create an On_Click event for the Checkbox.
The code for the On_Click event should change the Textbox Visible property to Yes. You might also want to check the current setting of the Textbox Visible property so you can hide it if they uncheck the Checkbox.

Hide and show other controls based on the drop down value using Orbeon Builder

How to create form using Orbeon builder, where user can select value from a drop down and based on the selection the user can see other controls get rendered (probably hidden/shown).
First, give a meaningful name to that dropdown field; say gender.
Click on the Edit Choices icon for that field, just below the Control Details icon, and in the dialog assign meaningful values to each choice. Those are the values you'll refer to in step 3.
Finally, in the Control Details for the other field, under the Formulas tab, if you want that field to only be shown if the value of the gender field is female, enter the XPath expression $gender = 'female'.

Select2 drop-down list is not repositioned to show added tags

I'm using Select2 (version 4.0.2) to allow users to select multiple values and make tags of them. The problem is that when the span holding the tags is expanded after new tags are selected, the drop-down values list area is not repositioned accordingly.
This figure shows the Select2 area containing several previously selected values, prior to selecting additional values:
This figure shows what happens after I select one or more choices, which are hidden because the tags area is taller than it was, but the drop-down options list is stuck in the same position:
If I take focus from (blur) the tag area, the drop-down is re-displayed in the proper position to show all of the currently selected values/tags:
How do I get the drop-down options area to dynamically reposition as new tag values are selected? Can I intercept a Select2 event and somehow force it to recalculate the vertical position? Or perhaps blur() then focus() the span each time a selection is chosen?
The solution I came up with was to force the drop-down element to be resized whenever a drop-down choice was selected or de-selected, which required catching the "change" event:
// Apply Select2 to the <select> element
var select2Elem = $("#" + controlID).select2(opts);
// Force drop-down list to resize upon select/unselect
function(evt) {

ZK BindComposer value set programmatically not applied while retrieving

I am using zk BindComposer for form binding. I have a combobox to which I set value programmatically . When I retrieve the value it's null. How to refreshing programmatically set value while using bindcomposer?
<div apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
viewModel="#id('vm') #init('in_raster_hms.formCtrl.patient.PatientViewModel')"form="#id('patient') #load(vm.patient) ">
<combobox id="comboCity" selectedItem="#bind(" ></combobox>
I set selected item programmatically. When I retrieve patient object from binder the value of comboCity is null. I think the combobox selection to be reload.
If I choose from combo manually it works fine.

Update values set in autocomplete dynamically created textbox

I need ideas to handle the mouse click selection and the hand written text in an autocomplete textbox to be saved through a controller in JQuery.
Im clear with the saving part, the issue im facing isthat when I select (click) on any option in the autocomplete box, the onblur is called and it only takes the first word ive typed and tries saving it to the database.
Whereasif i comment out the select event in autocomplete and only handle onblur of the textbox, the handwritten value is saved and the clicked value from the autocomplete isnt saved.
Any ideas ?
