How to write a Jenkins Cron with multiple parameters - jenkins

I have an issue and can't seem to find results or information online.
Let's say I have a software for generating descriptions (and optional images) for dogs. The Jenkins pipeline has parameters such as name, type, a checkbox for generating an image, etc.
When I manually run the software on "build with parameters", I can fill in the boxes as so:
Is the breed of dog.
Name of the dog.
is a checkbox that I click if I want an image for the dog to generate.
I want to set up a weekly run to generate a dog and picture. How would I write it to have multiple parameters?
I've tried this:
H 0 * * 1 dog_type=poodle dog_name=Molly generate_image=True
Which is supposed to run weekly, generating a picture of a poodle named Molly.
But that didn't work for me. Any help would be appreciated!

Take a look at this plugin. Example Pipeline below.
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'PLANET', defaultValue: 'Earth', description: 'Which planet are we on?')
string(name: 'GREETING', defaultValue: 'Hello', description: 'How shall we greet?')
triggers {
# leave spaces where you want them around the parameters. They'll be trimmed.
# we let the build run with the default name
*/2 * * * * %GREETING=Hola;PLANET=Pluto
*/3 * * * * %PLANET=Mars
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
echo "${params.GREETING} ${params.PLANET}"
script { currentBuild.description = "${params.GREETING} ${params.PLANET}" }


Jenkins Parameterized Project For Multiple Parameters

I have Jenkins Pipeline which is triggering for different projects. However the only difference in all the pipelines is just the name.
So I have added a parameter ${project} in parameter of jenkins and assigned it a value of the name of the project.
We have a number of projects and I am trying to find a better way through which I can achieve this.
I am thinking how can we make the parameter run with different parameters for all the projects without actually creating different projects under jenkins.
I am pasting some screenshot for you to understand what exactly I want to achieve.
As mentioned here, this is a radioserver project, having a pipeline which has ${project} in it.
How can I give multiple values to that {project} from single jenkins job?
IF you have any doubts please message me or add a comment.
You can see those 2 projects I have created, it has all the contents same but just the parameterized value is different, I am thinking how can I give the different value to that parameter.
As you can see the 2 images is having their default value as radioserver, nrcuup. How can I combine them and make them run seemlessly ?
I hope this will help. Let me know if any changes required in answer.
You can use conditions in Jenkins. Based on the value of ${PROJECT}, you can then execute the particular stage.
Here is a simple example of a pipeline, where I have given choices to select the value of parameter PROJECT i.e. test1, test2 and test3.
So, whenever you select test1, jenkins job will execute the stages that are based on test1
Sample pipeline code
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choices: ['test1' , 'test2', 'test3'],
description: 'PROJECT NAME',
name: 'PROJECT')
stages {
stage ('PROJECT 1 RUN') {
when {
expression { params.PROJECT == 'test1' }
steps {
echo "Hello, test1"
stage ('PROJECT 2 RUN') {
when {
expression { params.PROJECT == 'test2' }
steps {
echo "Hello, test2"
when test1 is selected
when test2 is selected
Updated Answer
Yes, it is possible to trigger the job periodically with a specific parameter value using the Jenkins plugin Parameterized Scheduler
After you save the project with some parameters (like above mentioned pipeline code), go back again to the Configure and under Build Trigger, you can see the option of Build periodically with parameters
I will here run the job for PROJECT=test1 every even minutes and PROJECT=test2 every uneven minutes. So, below is the configuration
*/2 * * * * %PROJECT=test1
1-59/2 * * * * %PROJECT=test2
Please change the crontab values according to your need

How to add a matrix section to pipeline to run the pipeline on multiple nodes?

I want to add a matrix section to the following pipeline. I want the pipeline to run on 4 nodes with each node running a different stage that is specified in the for loop (e.g. one node runs AD, the other runs CD, the other runs DC, and the last runs DISP_A. It then repeats this behavior for the rest of the list until it is done iterating to the end of the list).
I have looked at the documentation and have not come up with any concrete answers to my question.
agent none
stage ('Test')
def test_proj_choices = ['AD', 'CD', 'DC', 'DISP_A', 'DISP_PROC', 'EGI', 'FD', 'FLT', 'FMS_C', 'IFF', 'liblO', 'libNGC', 'libSC', 'MISCMP_MP', 'MISCMP_GP', 'NAV_MGR', 'RADALT', 'SYS', 'SYSIO15', 'SYSIO42', 'SYSRED', 'TACAN', 'VOR_ILS', 'VPA', 'WAAS', 'WCA']
for (choice in test_proj_choices)
stage ("${choice}")
echo "Running ${choice}"
build job: "UH60Job", parameters: [string(name: "TEST_PROJECT", value: choice), string(name: "SCADE_SUITE_TEST_ACTION", value: "all"), string(name: "VIEW_ROOT", value: "myview")]
I don't think your expectation can be decorated with Jenkins matrix DSL, as matrix DSL works like a single or multi-dimensional array.
But you can do something similar by writing a small groovy logic.
Below is one small example similar to your expectation:
The expectation of this example will run one task in one Jenkins agent in a distributed fashion.
Meaning it will run this way (Task - agent) A - will run on- agent1, B - will run on- agent2, C -will run on- agent3, D - will run on- agent4, E - will run on- agent1, ....
node {
agent=['agent1','agent2','agent3', 'agent4']
int nodeCount=0
tasks.each {
node(agent[nodeCount]) {
stage("build") {
println "Task - ${it} running on ${agent[nodeCount]}"
if(nodeCount == agent.size()){
Jenkins agent no need to be hardcode, by using Jenkins groovy api, you can easily find all the available and active agent from Jenkins, like below.
for (a in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
if(!a.getComputer().isOffline()) {
agent <<

How to use multiple choices to run a job?

I have created a jenkins pipleine to run a job (e.g. Pipeline A runs job B). Within job B there is multiple parameters. One of the parameters is a choice parameter that has multiple different choices. I need pipeline A to run job B with all of the different choices at once (Pipeline A runs Job B with all of the different choices in one build). I am not too familiar with using the Jenkins declarative syntax but I am guessing I would use some sort of for loop to iterate over all of the available choices?
I have searched and searched through Stack overflow/google for an answer but have not had much luck.
You can define the options in a separate file outside your jobs, in shared library:
// vars/choices.groovy
def my_choices = [
"Option A",
"Option B", // etc.
You can then use these choices when defining the job:
// Job_1 Jenkinsfile
#Library('my-shared#master') _
[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition',
choices: choices.my_choices as List,
description: '',
pipeline {
agent { any }
stages {
In Job 2, you can iterate over the values:
// Job_2 Jenkinsfile
#Library('my-shared#master') _
pipeline {
agent { any }
stages {
stage {
for (String option : choices.my_choices) {
build job: "Job_1",
wait: false,
parameters: [ string(name: 'MY_IMPORTANT_OPTION', value: option) , // etc.
Job_2 when it is run will asynchronously trigger a number of runs of Job_1 each time with a different parameter.

run 2 jobs with same jenkinsfile and different parameters

I want to configure 2 jobs in Jenkins that use the same jenkinsfile but the only difference is the parameters to these jobs.
for example:
create 2 jobs named: A and B that each one of them gets param of X.
in A the job get X as 1 and in B the X is 2.
I want to create it in this way instead of one job that has multi-checkbox because the jobs are independent and I don't want to leave any option to make mistakes.
How can I achieve that only via jenkinsfile?
I read about load jenkinsfile within other jenkinsfile but can't find a way to pass parameters.
How can I achieve this?
If you use Build with Parameters you can reference these declared parameters in the Jenkinsfile with this syntax ${PARAM}.
You could also declare a Choice Parameter named CHOICE in a declaritive pipeline it would look like this:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(name: 'CHOICE', choices: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'], description: 'Pick something')
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
echo "Choice: ${params.CHOICE}"
You would not need 2 jobs this way. It is the same job but it runs with different configurations for CHOICE.
This example is directly taken from the official docs:
my solution was:
in Jenkins file to set
environment {
X= getX(env.JOB_NAME)
Y= getY(env.JOB_NAME)
and create the following functions in the end of pipeline:
def getX(jobName)
if (jobName.contains("X1"))
return "X1";
else return "X2";
def getY(jobName)
if (jobName.contains("BLA"))
return "BLA1";
return "BLA2";

How can I parameterize Jenkinsfile jobs

I have Jenkins Pipeline jobs, where the only difference between the jobs is a parameter, a single "name" value, I could even use the multibranch job name (though not what it's passing as JOB_NAME which is the BRANCH name, sadly none of the envs look suitable without parsing). It would be great if I could set this outiside of the Jenkinsfile, since then I could reuse the same jenkinsfile for all the various jobs.
Add this to your Jenkinsfile:
string(name: 'myParam', defaultValue: '')
Then, once the build has run once, you will see the "build with parameters" button on the job UI.
There you can input the parameter value you want.
In the pipeline script you can reference it with params.myParam
Basically you need to create a jenkins shared library example name myCoolLib and have a full declarative pipeline in one file under vars, let say you call the file myFancyPipeline.groovy.
Wanted to write my examples but actually I see the docs are quite nice, so I'll copy from there. First the myFancyPipeline.groovy
def call(int buildNumber) {
if (buildNumber % 2 == 0) {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Even Stage') {
steps {
echo "The build number is even"
} else {
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Odd Stage') {
steps {
echo "The build number is odd"
and then aJenkinsfile that uses it (now has 2 lines)
#Library('myCoolLib') _
Obviously parameter here is of type int, but it can be any number of parameters of any type.
I use this approach and have one of the groovy scripts that has 3 parameters (2 Strings and an int) and have 15-20 Jenkinsfiles that use that script via shared library and it's perfect. Motivation is of course one of the most basic rules in any programming (not a quote but goes something like): If you have "same code" at 2 different places, something is not right.
There is an option This project is parameterized in your pipeline job configuration. Write variable name and a default value if you wish. In pipeline access this variable with env.variable_name
