Highstock calendar - language used - highcharts

On the stock-tools-gui chart demo in here: https://www.highcharts.com/demo/stock/stock-tools-gui the months names in the calendar are displayed in English while months names in the date picker are in user's language (in my case in Polish based on my browser's locale).
Is there a way of the month name displayed along with user's browser's locale? I would prefer not to translate it manually through
Please advise.


Using date picker as filter in django admin

How to get date picker in Django Admin Filter?
using simple list_filter will get me text selection: Any date, last 7 days, last months etc. But I want simple datepicker, so i can choose just one date... I found django-admin-daterange but I don't need range - just ONE date..

Cognos - value prompt to display months from january to december

For a monthly report need to display the months January to December in the value prompt. Could you please advise how to achieve this.
Welcome Immi
I do not know what data items are available on the package you are using
However, you can create static values with a value prompt
Look in properties for the value prompt, static. Select the ellipsis
Then add the values
Depending on the version of Cognos, you can search the data items (worst case do this manually, maybe you will luck out and there is a query subject for dates). Look around and see if months is in the package. If they exist, add them to the value prompt query subject and give it a try
Also to consider, your take may require 13 month accounting, displaying the month name won't work in that case.
As far as value prompts there is a display value and a use value
The month name can be the display value and if you need for filtering the month #, that can be the use value.

Can Year Constraint removed from the native DatePicker in ios

I am Building an app and I want DatePicker to only Show Month and Day, but not the year. Since Native DatePicker shows Day, Month, Year. Can year be removed from the native DatePicker or is there any way by which we can let the DatePicker show only day and month and not year.Somebody's having any Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Currently the only available date picker modes are
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIDatePickerMode) {
So no, if you want to select an actual date the year component always shows. You could however, try to use a regular UIPickerView and update the amount of days in the first component whenever the month changes, although I would not recommend doing so.
What do you need the date picker without a year for, after all?

Highstock timezone trouble

I have GWT application which uses Highstock JS library.
I'd like to implement following use case:
User select start and end dates and time from DateField and TimeField controls (GXT). These controls operate with java.util.Date values. I initialize end date by new Date() and start date by current date minus last hour. Controls display dates in user browser's timezone (e.g. GMT+4).
There is a control to select timezone to build chart: local or user defined.
I need to build Highstock chart in selected timezone. Data is stored in database in UTC.
Which settings, time adjustments I need to implement in order to display correct chart?
In general it is correct to use UTC for all timestamps and perform local changes according to user timezone or similar locally in your browser. If you set global.useUTC while creating your Highstock chart, all dates will be handled in UTC timezone.

custom validation for telerik date picker?

I am using telerik date picker. Date format is dd/mm/yyyy. If user enters it as ddmmyyyy then also it will be converted into format as dd/mm/yyyy. Now if user enters something like ddmmyy i.e. if year is only of 2 digits then i want to throw error message for the same to enter date in valid format. Also this date field is not required. So want to show this message if wrong format of date is entered on blur event of date field.
From my experience and with this demo from the Telerik Site it works if you do ddmmyy or ddmmyyyy by default if you have it set to a culture that commonly uses that style. Ex. Canadian English or en-CA.
If you have have specified your format as "dd/mm/yyyy" then the user will have to enter it as so or it will appear incorrect. You could use some java script to convert it to a proper format, but it would be a lot easier to just set up the date picker properly.
