How to reduce VLCJ memory and CPU consumption when playing hls? - vlc

My javafx application has 6 small windows and one large one. Each plays hls using VLCJ.
From time to time the picture freezes on some windows, so I want to somehow reduce the consumption of players on the PC.
How can i do this?
In 6 small windows, I don't need sound, if I can turn it off with a parameter, will it affect memory or CPU consumption?
At the moment, I remove the sound there with --aout=directsound and the mute() function, but perhaps the audio is still processed by the players and the consumption is not reduced.
Since these are small windows, high quality content does not need to be displayed there. Is it possible to reduce the quality of the content using the player? Can this help and how to do it?
Tried using the :adaptive-logic=highest playback parameter, but it didn't help, most likely because the content has only one high quality.
Parameters for the player are here:
But there are a lot of them and I do not understand how they work, so I ask for help.
Maybe I can skip some frames, which will not be very noticeable, but can help?
Now I'm trying these options, but I don't notice much change...


Fast video stream start

I am building an app that streams video content, something like TikTok. So you can swipe videos in table, and when new cell becomes visible the video starts playing. And it works great, except when you compare it to TikTok or Instagram or ect. My video starts streaming pretty fast but not always, it is very sensible to network quality, and sometimes even when network is great it still buffering too long. When comparing to TikTok, Instagram ... in same conditions they don't seam to have that problem. I am using JWPlayer as video hosting service, and AVPlayer as player. I am also doing async preload of assets before assigning them to PlayerItem. So my question is what else can I do to speed up video start. Do I need to do some special video preparations before uploading it to streaming service. (also I stream m3U8 files). Is there some set of presets that enables optimum streaming quality and start speed. Thanks in advance.
So theres a few things you can do.
HLS is apples preferred method of streaming to an apple device. So try to get that as much as possible for iOS devices.
The best practices when it comes to mobile streaming is offering multiple resolutions. The trick is to start with the lowest resolution available to get the video started. Then switch to a higher resolution once the speed is determined to be capable of higher resolutions. Generally this can be done quickly that the user doesn't really notice. YouTube is the best example of this tactic. HLS automatically does this, not sure about m3U8.
Assuming you are offering a UICollectionView or UITableView, try to start low resolution streams of every video on the screen in the background every time the scrolling stops. Not only does this allow you to do some cool preview stuff based off the buffer but when they click on it the video is already established. If thats too slow try just the middle video.
Edit the video in the background before upload to only be at the max resolution you expected it to be played at. There is no 4k resolution screen resolutions on any iOS device and probably never will be so cut down the amount of data.
Without getting more specifics this is all I got for now. Hope I understood your question correctly. Good luck!

Does AVPlayer auto adjust when playing a m3u8 playlist?

After spending some time setting up a transcoding process on AWS I am finding that the loading times for videos has not been lowered as expected with HLS (m3u8).
It seems that if I am using AVPlayer directly, without AVPlayerViewController, I a may need to do the managing of the video stream quality myself? My understanding was that if I had a m3u8, that things would be done automatically and the best quality would be used depending on network conditions / device / etc?
So far it seems that the loading times are the same if not slightly worse than without the m3u8 if AVPlayer is used as is.
To better understand what's going on I've been trying out a few things.
1) While doing this has worked to reduce loading times, I would prefer to do a bit more than just lower it all the way when not on wfifi:
self.player?.currentItem?.preferredPeakBitRate = 1
This seems to give me a pretty low quality video but it loads pretty quickly. I have yet to figure out how to detect the actual bitrate being used though (since setting this value has improved loading times dramatically, I am going to assume AVPlayer does not handle the adjustments on its own?).
2) Also, haven't had any luck with (causes infinite spinner, even with the preferredPeakBitRate set to 1):
self.player.automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = false
3) I am open to using a third party library that might handle this, found something called VKVideoPlayer that might do some of this?
It's possible now in iOS8 and onwards.
Following copied from Apple's documentation:
The desired limit, in bits per second, of network bandwidth
consumption for this item. SWIFT: var preferredPeakBitRate: Double
OBJECTIVE-C: #property(nonatomic) double preferredPeakBitRate
Set preferredPeakBitRate to non-zero to indicate that the player
should attempt to limit item playback to that bit rate, expressed in
bits per second.
If network bandwidth consumption cannot be lowered to meet the
preferredPeakBitRate, it will be reduced as much as possible while
continuing to play the item.

Sprite Animation file sizes in SpriteKit

I looked into inverse kinematics as a way of using animation, but overall thought I might want to proceed with using sprite texture atlases to create animation instead. The only thing is i'm concerned about size..
I wanted to ask for some help in the "overall global solution":
I will have 100 monsters. Each has 25 frames of animation for an attack, idle, and spawning animation. Thus 75 frames in total per monster.
I'd imagine I want to do 3x, 2x and 1x animations so that means even more frames (75 x 3 images per monster). Unless I do pdf vectors then it's just one size.
Is this approach just too much in terms of size? 25 frames of animation alone was 4MB on the hard disk, but i'm not sure what happens in terms of compression when you load that into the Xcode and texture atlas.
Does anyone know if this approach i'm embarking on will take up a lot of space and potentially be a poor decision long term if I want even more monsters (right now I only have a few monsters and other images and i'm already up to ~150MB when I go to the app on the phone and look at it's storage - so it's hard to tell what would happen in the long term with way more monsters but I feel like it would be prohibitively large like 4GB+).
To me, this sounds like the wrong approach, and yet everywhere I read, they encourage using sprites and atlases accordingly. What am I doing wrong? too many frames of animation? too many monsters?
So, you are correct that you will run into a problem. In general, the tutorials you find online simply ignore this issue of download side and memory use on device. When building a real game you will need to consider total download size and the amount of memory on the actual device when rendering multiple animations at the same time on screen. There are 3 approaches, just store everything as PNG, make use of an animation format that compresses better than PNG, or third you can encode things as H264. Each of these approaches has issues. If you would like to take a look at my solution to the memory use issue at runtime, have a peek at SpriteKitFireAnimation link at this question. If you want to roll your own approach with H264, you can get lots of compression but you will have issues with alpha channel support. The lazy thing to do is use PNGs, it will work and support alpha channel, but PNGs will bloat your app and runtime memory use is heavy.

iOS Video Creation Size

I am working on an app which is running some processing on the iOS AV Foundation video stream, and then generating a video using the processed output.
I'm noticing that if I make the output frames of the video too large, the processing time to render the video frames is too large, and my app gets choppy.
Does anyone have a good suggestion for a method I can use to determine at run-time what the largest video size I can create without affecting (drastically) the framerate of the video? This way, if the app is running on an iPhone 5, it should be able to create higher-resolution videos than if it's running on an iPhone 4.
One thought that I had was that before the recording starts, I could try and render a few frames at different resolutions behind the scenes, and time how long the render takes, and use the largest one is takes less than X, but if there's a better way, I'd love to hear it.
Another option would just be to experiment off-line with what gives me good performance on different devices, and hard-code the video resolution per device type, but I'd rather avoid that.
Thanks in advance!

iOS - how can I programmatically calculate the time limit to record audio/video with the known file limit size

I have tried to google a lot but it seems like no one have done it beforein iOS.
My issue is: my server only allow the client to upload the video / audio / image file with limited size (e.g: 30M for video, 1M for audio). With that limit, I want to figure how much time the users are allow to record audio / video. This calculation must consider the difference devices for example the iPad 3 has better camera then ipad 2 so we will have less time to record the video.
I am wondering if we can programmatically calculate the time limit base on the known file size.
When working with large amounts of data such as video and audio, compression should play a part in your calculation.
Compression results can vary greatly depending on what you are recording and as a result it would be unrealistic to try to forecast a certain maximum duration.
I can think of two options:
Predetermine very restrictive recording times per device (I believe it is possible in iOS to tell an iPad3 from an iPad2)
Figure out a way to re-encode a smaller part of the video until it is within limits.
Best of luck!
Cantgetright has the reason this is hard described perfectly.
What you really care about is megapixels of the camera (definition), worst case storage size of one second of video, and how many free megs are on the phone as well.
If you know most of these elements, time can be the constraint by which you determine the last one.
Always overestimate size to guarantee it'll work no matter what. People don't know how big 5secs of video is on their iDevices anyway so you can be stingy with allotted time
