I have two Images where I have to calculate the lines lengths and number in these images.the problem is that the length of the lines is unclear.
I need to know how can i calculate the length and Number of the Ridge
I am analyzing a very big number of images and extracting the dominant color codes.
I want to group them into ranges of generic color names, like Green, Dark Green, Light Green, Blue, Dark Blue, Light Blue and so on.
I am looking for a language agnostic way in order to implement something by myself, if there are examples I can look into in order to achieve this I would be more than grateful.
In machine learning field, what you want to do is called classification, in which the goal is to assign the label of one of the classes (color) to each of the observations (images).
To do this, classes must be pre-defined. Suppose these are the colors we want to assign to images:
To determine the dominant color of an image, the distance between each of its pixels and all the colors in the table must be calculated. Note that this distance is calculated in RGB color space. To calculate the distance between the ij-th pixel of the image and the k-th color of the table, the following equation can be used:
d_ijk = sqrt((r_ij-r_k)^2+(g_ij-g_k)^2+(b_ij-b_k)^2)
In the next step, for each pixel, the closest color in the table is selected. This is the concept used to compress an image using indexed colors (except that here the palette is the same for all images and is not calculated for each to minimize the difference between the original and the indexed image). Now, as #jairoar pointed out, we can get the histogram of the image (not to be confused with RGB histogram or intensity histogram), and determine the color that has the most repetition.
To show the result of these steps, I used random crops of this work of art! of mine:
This is how images look, before and after indexing (left: original, right: indexed):
And these are most repeated colors (left: indexed, right: dominant color):
But since you said the number of images is large, you should know that these calculations are relatively time consuming. But the good news is that there are ways to increase the performance. For example, instead of using the Euclidean distance (formula above), you can use the City Block or Chebyshev distance. You can also calculate the distance only for a fraction of the pixels instead of calculating it for all the pixels in an image. For this purpose, you can first scale the image to a much smaller size (for example, 32 by 32) and perform calculations for the pixels of this reduced image. If you decided to resize images, don not bother to use bilinear or bicubic interpolations, it doesn't worth the extra computation. Instead, go for the nearest neighbor, which actually performs a rectangular lattice sampling on the original image.
Although the mentioned changes will greatly increase the speed of calculations, but nothing good comes for free. This is a trade-off of performance versus accuracy. For example, in the previous two pictures, we see that the image, which was initially recognized as orange (code 20), has been recognized as pink (code 26) after resizing it.
To determine the parameters of the algorithm (distance measurement, reduced image size and scaling algorithm), you must first perform the classification operation on a number of images with the highest possible accuracy and keep the results as the ground truth. Then, with multiple experiments, obtain a combination of parameters that do not make the classification error more than a maximum tolerable value.
#saastn's fantastic answer assumes you have a set of pre-defined colors that you want to sort your images to. The implementation is easier if you just want to classify the images to one color out of some set of X equidistant colors, a la histogram.
To summarize, round the color of each pixel in the image to the nearest color out of some set of equidistant color bins. This reduces the precision of your colors down to whatever amount of colors that you desire. Then count all of the colors in the image and select the most frequent color as your classification for that image.
Here is my implementation of this in Python:
import cv2
import numpy as np
#Set this to the number of colors that you want to classify the images to
number_of_colors = 8
#Verify that the number of colors chosen is between the minimum possible and maximum possible for an RGB image.
assert 8 <= number_of_colors <= 16777216
#Get the cube root of the number of colors to determine how many bins to split each channel into.
number_of_values_per_channel = number_of_colors ** ( 1 / 3 )
#We will divide each pixel by its maximum value divided by the number of bins we want to divide the values into (minus one for the zero bin).
divisor = 255 / (number_of_values_per_channel - 1)
#load the image and convert it to float32 for greater precision. cv2 loads the image in BGR (as opposed to RGB) format.
image = cv2.imread("image.png", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR).astype(np.float32)
#Divide each pixel by the divisor defined above, round to the nearest bin, then convert float32 back to uint8.
image = np.round(image / divisor).astype(np.uint8)
#Flatten the columns and rows into just one column per channel so that it will be easier to compare the columns across the channels.
image = image.reshape(-1, image.shape[2])
#Find and count matching rows (pixels), where each row consists of three values spread across three channels (Blue column, Red column, Green column).
uniques = np.unique(image, axis=0, return_counts=True)
#The first of the two arrays returned by np.unique is an array compromising all of the unique colors.
colors = uniques[0]
#The second of the two arrays returend by np.unique is an array compromising the counts of all of the unique colors.
color_counts = uniques[1]
#Get the index of the color with the greatest frequency
most_common_color_index = np.argmax(color_counts)
#Get the color that was the most common
most_common_color = colors[most_common_color_index]
#Multiply the channel values by the divisor to return the values to a range between 0 and 255
most_common_color = most_common_color * divisor
#If you want to name each color, you could also provide a list sorted from lowest to highest BGR values comprising of
#the name of each possible color, and then use most_common_color_index to retrieve the name.
I have 1024 bit long binary representation of three handwritten digits: 0, 1, 8.
Basically, in 32x32 bitmap of a digit, rows are concatenated to form a binary vector.
There are 50 binary vectors for each digit.
When we apply Nearest neighbour to each digit, we can use hamming distance metric or some other, and then apply the algorithm to differentiate between the vectors.
Now I want to use another technique where instead of looking at each bit of a vector, I would like to analyse on less number of bits while comparing the vectors.
For example, I know that when one compares bitmap(size:1024 bits) of digits '8' and '0', We must have 1s in middle of the vector of digit '8' as there digit 8 visually appears as the combination of two zeros placed in column.
So our algorithm would look for the intersection of two zeros(which would be the middle of digit.
Thats the way I want to work. I want to convert the low level representation(looking at 1024 bitmap vector) to the high level representation(that consist of two properties extracted from bitmap).
Any suggestion? I hope, the question is somewhat clear to the audience.
Idea 1: Flood fill
This idea does not use the 50 patterns you have per digit: it is based on the idea that usually a "1" has all 0-bits connected around that "1" shape, while a "0" separates the 0-bits inside it from those outside it, and an "8" has two such enclosed areas. So counting connected areas of 0-bits would identify which of the three it is.
So you could use a flood fill algorithm, starting at any 0 bit in the vector, and set all those connected 0-bits to 1. In a 1 dimensional array you need to take care to correctly identify connected bits (either horizontally: 1 position apart, but not crossing a 32 boundary, or vertically... 32 positions apart). Of course, this flood-filling will destroy the image - so make sure to use a copy. If after one such flood-fill there are still 0 bits (which were therefore not connected to those you turned into 1), then choose one of those and start a second flood-fill there. Repeat if necessary.
When all bits have been set to 1 in that way, use the number of flood-fills you had to perform, as follows:
One flood-fill? It's a "1", because all 0-bits are connected.
Two flood-fills? It's a "0", because the shape of a zero separates two areas (inside/outside)
Three flood-fills? It's an "8", because this shape separates three areas of connected 0-bits.
Of course, this process assumes that these handwritten digits are well-formed. For example, if an 8-shape would have a small gap, like here:
..then it will not be identified as an "8", but a "0". This particular problem could be resolved by identifying "loose ends" of 1-bits (a "line" that stops). When you have two of those at a short distance, then increase the number you got from flood-fill counting with 1 (as if those two ends were connected).
Similarly, if a "0" accidentally has a small second loop, like here:
...it will be identified as an "8" instead of a "0". You could prevent this particular problem by requiring that each flood-fill finds a minimum number of 0-bits (like at least 10 0-bits) to count as one.
Idea 2: probability vector
For each digit, add up the 50 example vectors you have, so that for each position you have a count somewhere between 0 to 50. You would have one such "probability" vector per digit, so prob0, prob1 and prob8. If prob8[501] = 45, it means that it is highly probable (45/50) that an "8" vector will have a 1-bit at index 501.
Now transform these 3 probability vectors as follows: instead of storing a count per position, store the positions in order of decreasing count (probability). So if prob8[513] has the highest value (like 49), then that new array should start like [513, ...]. Let's call these new vectors A0, A8 and A1 (for the corresponding digit).
Finally, when you need to match a given input vector, simultaneously go through A0, A1 and A8 (always looking at the same index in the three vectors) and keep 3 scores. When the input vector has a 1 at the position specified in A0[i], then add 1 to score0. If it also has a 1 at the position specified in A1[i] (same i), then add 1 to score1. Same thing for score8. Increment i, and repeat. Stop this iteration as soon as you have a clear winner, i.e. when the highest score among score0, score1 and score8 has crossed a threshold difference with the second highest score among them. At that point you know which digit is being represented.
One column has numbers (always with 2 decimals, some are computed but all multiplications and divisions rounded to 2 decimals), the other is cumulative. The cumulative column has formula =<above cell>+<left cell>.
In the cumulative column the result is 58.78, the next number in the first column is -58.78. Because of different formatting for zero than for positive or negative numbers, I spotted something was wrong. Changing the format to several decimals, the numbers appear as:
-£58.780000000000000000000000000000 £0.000000000000007105427357601000
The non-zero zero is about 2^(-47). Another time the numbers in the same situation are:
-£50.520000000000000000000000000000 -£0.000000000000007105427357601000
How can that happen?
Also, if I change the cell in cumulative column into the actual number 58.78, the result suddenly becomes zero.
Google Sheets uses double precision floating point arithmetics, which creates such artifacts. The relative precision of this format is 2^(-53), so for a number of size around 2^6 = 64 we expect 2^(-47) truncation error.
Some spreadsheet users would be worried if they found out that "58.78" is actually not 58.78, because this number does not admit an exact representation in this floating point format. So the spreadsheet is hiding the truth, rounding the number for display and printing fake zeros when asked for more digits. Those zeros after 58.78 are fake.
The truth comes to light when you subtract two numbers that appear to be identical but are not — because they were computed in different ways, e.g. one obtained as a sum while the other by direct input. Rounding the result of subtraction to zero would be too much of a lie: this is no longer a matter of a small relative error, the difference between 2^(-47) and 0 may be an important one. Hence the unexpected reveal of the mechanics behind the scenes.
See also: Why does Google Spreadsheets says Zero is not equals Zero?
I am trying to find the fast way of block matching between 2 images and I am using sum of absolute difference (SAD) as similarity metric.
Given a reference block A at NxN size in frame 1, a full search for the best matched block within a search window of size (2W+N)*(2W+N) in frame 2, where W stands for the maximum allowed displacement. Full search block matching requires (2W+1)^2 comparison.
Integral image can calculate the sum of pixels in a block in any image quickly but I could not work out how to calculate the sum of absolute difference (SAD) here.
Is it possible to use the integral image to calculate SAD here? Thanks.
I want to determine image sharpness by the amount of high frequencies within the image. As far as I understand the dft() function from OpenCV returns two matrices with real and complex numbers.
This is where I am stuck. How can I determine the amount of high frequencies from this data?
I am thankful for every hint/link which could provide me with a better understanding.
Make FT
Calculate magnitude of result
Now you have 2D matrix. Consider upper left quadrant (other are mirrors for real source).
Here Magn[0][0] entry corresponds to zero frequency, and Magn[(n-1)/2][(n-1)/2] entry corresponds to the highest frequency.
Left upper part of this submatrix contains low-frequency samples, so you can calculate sum of values in this part and in the rest part and compare these sums. For example (pseudocode):
cvIntegral(Magn, Rect(0..n/4, 0..n/4)) compare with
cvIntegral(Magn, Rect(0..n/2, 0..n/2)) - cvIntegral(Magn, Rect(0..n/4, 0..n/4))