EFK with IPv6 does not resolve to geoip data type - geolocation

I am using td-agent4 in a sidecar. All IPs appear to be v6 and it doesn't resolve to geoip data type. Has anybody successfully used EFK with IPv6?


What is the url for http telemetry, in the Thingsboard micro service architecture?

I am implementing a system using thingsboard msa (micro service architecture) to achieve high availability and fault tolerance. But I cannot pass telemetry data to the http transport layer.
I am using the released version on thingsboard github https://github.com/thingsboard/thingsboard/tree/master/docker
I tried using HAproxy ip but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone know which ip and port i should use?
this version: https://github.com/thingsboard/thingsboard/tree/master/docker not have the transport configurations and logback.xml.

Cloudify Influxdb port 8086 down

I have a issue that is: In my Cloudify Manager, InfluxDB ver 0.8.8 service is still working but port 8086 is down so could not access to InfluxDB to query or update data.
Im stucking in that causes dont know why, some hero has any ideas for resolving this issue?
It depends on which blueprint you used to bootstrap. None of the blueprints open port 8086 in the security group. You need to open it yourself if you want to be able to query the influx API yourself or from another app. Internally, I think it is using 8083.

Freegeoip with Docker Cloud

I am using http://freegeoip.net for geo location on my website. To reach higher reliability, I would like to create a local copy of the service on a separate server.
I have set up Docker cloud with Amazon AWS and installed this repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/fiorix/freegeoip/.
If I enter e.g. "curl localhost:8080/json/" in the Docker terminal, it correctly answers with the location of that IP address.
I now want to integrate this into my website. So far my website source code references the address "//freegeoip.net/json/". By which IP address do I have to replace this to get to my copy on Docker cloud? Thank you!
You have to replace with the address of your Amazon AWS instance or load balancer.

connecting to cassandra nodes on a datastax cluster on EC2 Ruby on Rails

I created a datastax cassandra Enterprise cluster with 2 cassandra nodes, 2 search nodes and 2 Analytics nodes.
Everything seems to work correctly EXCEPT, I can't connect to it from outside. If I'm on node0 server I can run the cassandra-cli and connect to the cassandra nodes on port 9160 but when I tried to connect using datastax-rails gem, I get "No live servers" I also tried datastax devCenter which tries to connect to the native port 9042 but also didn't work. I'm really puzzled, any help is appreciated.
So after some digging I found some issues
1. Port 9160 is connected and I can connect to it from telnet node0_ip 9160
2. when I run rake ds:migrate, I get No live servers in node0_ip
3. I tried to connect to 'cassandra' gem instead from IRB and tried
a. client = Cassandra.new('example', 'node0_ip:9160')
b. client.insert(:users, "5", {'screen_name' => "buttonscat4"})
I got a similar error with ThriftClient::NoServersAvailable: No live servers but this time with all the IPs of all the nodes in the cluster
4. I tried adding "client.disable_node_auto_discovery!" and I was able to connect and add stuff using 'cassandra' Gem.
5. I also found on https://github.com/cassandra-rb/cassandra/issues/171 that I need to change your server to bind on a non-loopback address but have no idea what does that mean
The question now is how
Sounds like you need to open up your EC2 security group to the outside on port 9160. Specifically the security group that your node0 is using.
You can find more information about them here:
I was getting the same error and got this to work by using disable_node_auto_discovery!
You can see in the documentation for this method that it says "This is primarily helpful when the cassandra cluster is communicating internally on a different ip address than what you are using to connect. A prime example of this would be when using EC2 to host a cluster. Typically, the cluster would be communicating over the local ip addresses issued by Amazon, but any clients connecting from outside EC2 would need to use the public ip."

Binding JBoss to IP Address

I am running a JBoss instance on a linux server
I am using the ./run.sh -b
This is not working what could be the reason.
I am unable to share the error message details as of now will post it when I can, till then any alternatives or solutions ?
The -b [IP-Address|Hostname] option binds services to the given interface, using as IP makes the services available to all interfaces.
It really depends on the error message I suppose you receive a java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind In this case you need to identify to service already bound to this port and disable or reconfigure it. Alternativly you could reconfigure you jboss
