Class TJvBalloonHint not found, even though JEDI Code Library is installed - delphi

I have been asked to take over a Delphi project, and am having trouble setting up the dependencies. The previous developer told me I needed to install the JEDI Code Library, which I did via the GetIt Package Manager...
However, when I try to open the project in Delphi 10.4 Community Edition, I get an error "Class TJvBalloonHint not found".
A quick search reveals that the TJvBalloonHint class is part of the JEDI library (see this page for details), so I'm not sure why it's not loading.
Anyone able to advise? Thanks
UPDATE Just came across this question. However, if I look in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository I don't have a folder for JEDI at all, even thought GetIt shows it as installed. Not sure if this is relevant, but thought I'd better add it in case.
UPDATE 2 Following the comment by #edbored, I installed the visual component library as well, but it didn't help...


Delphi 10.1 doesn't find the units added with an installed package

I use Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter and have the following problem:
Is added some packages by opening them, and installing them by right-clicking on the package in the project manager and choosing "install". The compiled packages are now in the same folder as the other packages Delphi uses, so I think that there cannot be a problem with the library or search path.
The packages also added some Components that are now accessible in the tool palette. If I add one of these components to my program, Delphi automatically adds the unit name of the component to the "uses" section of the unit containing the component. But if I want to compile, Delphi throws the fatal error "could not find unit_name.pas".
How can I fix this? Does the units required to build and install the packages have to be included in a library path?
Maybe this is a compatibility problem. The packages were written in 2008 (Are Namespaces in Delphi younger?), so maybe the way the package wants to tell the compiler what to do does not work anymore.
This question might be difficult to understand (I had some problems to explain it...), so please comment, if you need more information.
Quite easy, I just had to add the units of the package to the library path (Tools->Options->Delphi Options->Library). Worked. Thanks to KenWhite.

Error Loading a Form

I am a .Net programmer and I'm currently debugging a Delphi application and as I go along
I encountered the following error:
Could you explain to me what is this error, and how I can resolve it?
I am new to using Delphi.
Error Explanation
The error that is been presented to you is telling you that a component on that form is not registered in the IDE, in this case TsStatusBar which is from the AlphaControls library:
The form would have been saved at some point with TsStatusBar placed on the form. When any component is added onto a form they leave references to the component in both the forms source file (*.pas) and the inside the forms dfm. This is why you are getting this error, because the component cannot be found, yet the references linking to it still remain.
Option 1 - Install the AlphaControls packge
The best option would be to install the components that are missing, this will solve your error problem as shown in your question.
Option 2 - Convert Project
AlphaControls provides a tool to convert a project from standard VCL to AlphaControls and vice versa, this may be an easier option then installing the AlphaControls package or manually editing source files, the convert tool is free. Just remember to make a backup before converting should anything go wrong.
Option 3 - Manually Editing the Source Files
You could manually remove these references yourself. Do note though, if you remove the references then Delphi will no longer know that the TsStatusBar was ever there, and without a doubt there will be code somewhere that would have interacted with this component which will create compiler errors.
As an alternative to removing the references, you could rename them from TsStatusBar to TStatusBar, which is a standard statusbar from the VCL. At worst there may be some small syntax errors that may need correcting. If you do decide to edit the forms source and dfm files then I would suggest you do it before loading the form into the IDE.
Option 4 - GExperts
You can also install an IDE Expert such as GExperts which can automate the process of renaming/converting component references.
I would however advise against removing or renaming the references in this circumstance as it seems the project is reliant on the AlphaControls package.
I can see there are more components from the AlphaControls package been used, so fixing the TsStatusBar error manually will only fix part of the problem.
If the project must remain in its current state then Installing the AlphaControls package is the way to go, if you are able to edit it then I would also suggest the project convert option, this way you won't even need the AlphaControls package.
If you do chose to install the package, it is important to realise that once you install the package Delphi knows where the source files are to be able to compile. After installing the packages, goto Menu > Tools > Options from the IDE, then you need to go to Library and add the folder for the AlphaControls source to the library path. The source folder will be the one containing the most .pas files, but you could add all folders if you are unsure. If you don't add to the Library path then Delphi will not be able compile when using the new components.
Your IDE does not have the package which contains TsStatusBar installed. Find that package, build it, and install it.
Design time components need their code to be integrated into the IDE. This is done using what are called packages. The package project has extension .dpk. You should find this package project in your revision control system. Load the .dpk file in Delphi, click Build from the package manager, and finally, when built, click Install. Now that the package with your component is known to the IDE, your form will load. Whoever maintains this code in your organisation will be able to help with all the details.

JVCL Docking-Docking_in_Code example - Tab Dock possible error

I am using delphi xe2 with update 4, under OS: Win7, and I want to build an application for my semestre exam that allows docking forms. Because I am a student I can`t afford to buy any docking components. So I began to learn how JVCL Docking works by taking a look at the examples provided by JVCL 3.45 authors(thank you for them). And Now I am stuck with a possible problem.
I have opened the project from JvDocking called Docking_in_Code: all the options in the left aligned panel(Sibling DOck, Cojoined Dock) are working, but when i click Tab Dock this is the message that I get
"ManualTabDock:Ttabhost not created. Your docking style may not support tabbed docking"
Has anyone else encounterd this? I tried to write the same code in the example in my own project but the same error appears. why it appears i can`t tell:(
I'm guessing since you have made it to the stage of looking at examples, you have installed both JCL (Java Component Library) and JVCL (Java Visual Component Library) into Delphi XE2.
I have just been learning how to work with the JVCL docking components recently as well. This example was one of the first I looked at and it worked fine for me. I suggest you reinstall JCL and the JVCL then double check that the library paths are present and correct in:
Tools > Options > Environment Options > Delphi Options > Library > LibraryPath
I have the following paths saved in my directory listing:
If you have confirmed this all and it is still not working, it may be an idea to install the packages manually. The package version that needs to be installed is D16 for both JCL and JVCL if you need to manually compile and install the packages (the installer should do this for you though). If you open up the 'D16 Packages' delphi project you should be able to manually install the components, for first the JCL, and then the JVCL.

D2007: Installed IDE Extensions - now one important component doesn't work

On my D2007 installation, I installed the DDevExtension, and also the IDEFixPack from the same site.
Unfortunately, now I have a component, TmxSideBarPro, that won't load into the IDE anymore. Any time I try, I get the following error in the IDE:
Registration procedure, Mxtaskpanereg.Register in package c:!_cg2007\Packages\mxTaskPane_D11D.bpl raised exception class EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 20006A04 in module 'rtl100.bpl'. Read of address 9B8825DB.
I have tried uninstalling the extension above, and they report a successful uninstall, but I still get the error above when trying to install the component. The component vendor hasn't helped much, and I'm not sure they're in business anymore at this point. They did ask if I'd installed any special IDE tools, I explained my situation to them, but I never heard back from them anymore.
What can I do here to get this component working again? I'm willing to reinstall D2007, but I've also got D2009 installed, and I've read that you shouldn't install an older version after a new version.
Also, if there's a different forum category this should be in, please let me know.
Is there something loading that mxTaskPane_D11D? TO find out rename mxTaskPane_D11D to mxTaskPane_D11D!.!bpl (extra characters). Now something ELSE will fail to load. Now unregister that.
Are you sure you have uninstalled both DDevExtensions and IDEFixPack, for the right version?
If so your Delphi should be as it was before.
They don't do any permanent modification IIRC.
Are you sure nothing else changed? Did you recompile the mx package by any chance?
I've found Andreas' tools of very good quality and I would probably look elsewhere 1st...
I am not familiar with that component, but if you have the source code for it, try recompiling the package. I had to recompile several component packages when migrating from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2007. Many of the packages were Delphi 5 packages.

Where Is TShellListView in Delphi 2009?

We have recently moved to Delphi 2009. I can't find the TShellListView and TShellTreeView controls. Do I need to install something extra?
From searching the web it seems they are shipped with Delphi 2009 but for some reason they havent been installed.
Has anyone had a similar problem?
Answer here
It looks like this package is not installed by default.
Navigate to Delphi demos (they are in "c:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos" on my machine; you should replace 6.0 with the appropriate version if you're not running Delphi 2009) and open subfolder DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls.
Open and compile vclshlctrls.dproj.
Open and compile dclshlctrls.dproj.
While this last project is still open, right-click on the dclshlctrls120.bpl item in the Project Manager window (View, Project Manager) and select Install from the popup menu. You should see a dialog box informing you of new components. One of them is TShellListView.
Package C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Bpl\dclshlctrls120.bpl has been
The following new component(s) have been registered: TShellChangeNotifier,
TShellComboBox, TShellListView, TShellTreeView.
New package should now also be visible in the Component, Install Packages window ("Shell Control Property and Component Editors").
I put this answer in my question, but to make it easier to find, I'll put this answer here also, this is the final bit of the puzzle that solved it for me.
It appears codegear have installed the demos to the allusers section of documents and settings
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls
Answer here
