Why is a demat account in trading so important? - trading

Before get into the trading, there comes a question in mind about trading and demat account going parallely
I would like to clear and know the answers


Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::Forbidden: [403] error when sending text fields with more than 1200 characters

I am getting this message when I try to index using elasticsearch. I have tried both the elasticsearch-rails gem and searchkick gem. We are making creation and editing of e-courses online.
Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::Forbidden: [403] {"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."}
When we have a small amount of data its fine but for example if I increase this part beyond the words in the section. Its around 1200 then I get the error.
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Inhabit so perhaps of in to certain. Sex excuse chatty was seemed warmth. Nay add far few immediate sweetness earnestly dejection. Extremely we promotion remainder eagerness enjoyment an. Ham her demands removal brought minuter raising invited gay. Contented consisted continual curiosity contained get sex. Forth child dried in in aware do. You had met they song how feel lain evil near. Small she avoid six yet table china. And bed make say been then dine mrs. To household rapturous fulfilled attempted on so.Ferrars all spirits his imagine effects amongst neither. discover"}
This is our config for our initializer for searchkick:
ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "https://*.eu-west-2.es.amazonaws.com:443"
Searchkick.aws_credentials = {
access_key_id: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:aws, :access_key_id),
secret_access_key: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:aws, :secret_access_key),
region: 'eu-west-2'
I can index from my dev machine using curl without signing and also I can index through kibana sitting on the instance. I can index 1000s of words. I test around 10,000
If you can shed any light on the matter I would be most grateful.
After removing the "faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4" gem and then running 'bundle clean --force'. I then added it back in and it is now indexing properly without the signing failure.

Looking for good Billing Platforms to integrate with my Web Application(MVC)

I am looking for a billing platform that I can integrate into my Web Application(MVC).
Tried: PayPal and Braintree
PayPal: They dont seem to support South Africa.
BrainTree: I got a Sandbox working, test transactions work well and could change to ZAR, but their FAQ states the countries you need to live in to use Braintree and South Africa doesnt fall in any of them.
Tried: I have contacted a local company that has come sort of billing platform, but no one is replying...typical.
Looking for: I am looking for a billing platform that I can integrate into my Web Application that I can use running from South Africa, and later international traffic, that can allow one or all of the following: Once-off Credit card Debits, monthly recurring debits, debits allowed via bank details.
I appreciate any help in the right direction..
I have found a billing platform that seems will work : PayGate.
Regarding stack overflow, I have been very disappointed with how this forum operates and will no longer make use of it. Posting questions gets more negative comments than people actually helping, which is very unfortunate. I have asked some questions in a manner that is not always 100% correct, but I have tried many different ways of asking my questions and followed others recommendations, but the result is always the same. Take this question as an example - Sure, the question might not have fitted the standard 100%, but not one comment that was made was to try help with my actual question, but rather on how wrong I asked it. Guys, this isnt how it is supposed to be. In any case, I will most probably also receive harsh and negative feedback for this, but, that will just prove my point even more. Good luck to those who are seeking help on this forum. Cheers

How to get paid in iOS app without a 30% cut [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I am developing an iOS app and I would like to receive payments within the app. I am selling a "real" good/service, so my profit margin on each sale is only around 20%. I can't afford to pay Apple 30% on each purchase made within the app.
What are my options for accepting payment without giving Apple a 30% cut?
Disclaimer: I have created and offer a standalone solution payment acceptance solution for small businesses.
The actual answer to the question you asked is, "select and integrate any of the various payment processors", but that's not very helpful.
I would second the other answer about looking for canned solutions unless you absolutely need to control the whole experience.
If you do still want to go down the roll-your-own route, you will need an enhanced vocabulary and some time to research on your own. First suggestion: look for relevant questions/answers on the net for "iOS app payment processing". The search engine of your choice should lead you to many possible answers from which you can refine your question or even, perhaps, find an outright answer that works for you.
You'll need to understand how you expect to capture payment information, process that payment into "money", and how you will manage your back-end. For example, you could use Apple Pay, but that by itself doesn't actually solve any of your actual payment processing issues (not to mention very likely unfavorably restricts your customer base if that's all you do).
Do alternatives like Stripe, Braintree, and more have their own APIs? Yes. Can they be used with Apple Pay? Yes. You could try implementing them then coming back here with specific questions.
Separate out questions like "How do implement Stripe payment processing?" from questions of the type "What are some of the options for knowing when an item needs to be shipped, where to, and when it has been accepted?" (Which won't be appreciated here -- you'll also need to research/write at least an attempt at this before asking.) Each type of question will need to have a "show your work so far" component as well as a clear (as much as possible) problem description in order to get responses that are pertinent.
Real world goods don't need to be set up through in-app purchases. You can use other services such as Stripe or Authorize.net to set up payment flows in your app that way.
Note that you'll most likely also need a web service and server backend aspect as you'll need a centralized location to keep track of your real goods inventory and perform the actual transactions of charging your customers, updating the inventory and starting the process of fulfillment. Of course, this isn't true if you're creating an app to manage payments of your flea market sales, but in that case, you really should be looking to use an existing app solution like Square since you'll still be subject to charges when using Stripe and Authorize as well.

app store 'digital' points purchasing

Is it is possible to make users pay for digital points so that they can use them for real-world services outside of the app?
Take for example 'Uber', assuming we have the same model, can users purchase 'bundles' of 'points' and then use these points to order a taxi service?
Will this be allowed on the app store?
This is basically the "digital wallet" problem. All kinds of issues exist, from security, to convincing vendors to accept it, to convincing customers to trust and use it, to figuring out how you're going to take a fair profit out of it..
Frankly, Apple has claimed to be working in this space themselves, as are the credit card companies. Given your question, I have to assume you have nowhere near the resources they can afford to spend on this effort, and their efforts are still vaporware.
If you really have a way to make this work, I suspect you could sell it to one of them for a few million. If you just have the idea... well, it's premature to try to guess whether Apple would try to lock you out or not, and only they can answer that question in any case.

user profile ontology

I work on "consideration of a user profile in information retrieval".
For that I need to implement an ontology of user profile to use this ontology for the improvement of research process.
I do not have much time.
I want to know if it was already done and how? to get an idea?
I am waiting your suggestions and thank you in advance
Using a user profile to improve information retrieval is a research field that has at least 20 years worth of history. See, for example, these papers on Google Scholar or the research hub for user modelling. Without a more specific question, it will be impossible to make any more helpful suggestions. In general, the goal of creating a general user profile ontology and the constraint of "I don't have much time" are not compatible. You need to pick a small, manageable specific problem and focus on solving that
