SAML message intended destination endpoint 'https://serverA/saml/SSO' did not match the recipient endpoint 'https://serverB/saml/SSO' on Weblogic - spring-security

I am having the same problem configuring spring-security-saml2-core that is presented in this POST. In my case, I have deployed my application in a Weblogic cluster with several managed nodes.
When the authentication flow starts, the user is correctly authorized but on my server (SP) it shows the error: "SAML message intended destination endpoint ..." saying that the request has been made from "https://nodename/" instead of the DNS I want the response from.
As suggested in the post I quoted at the beginning, I have verified that the reply address in Azure is correct.
Also, I have reviewed these posts and I have applied all the solutions they propose, but I still have the problem, I have not found a solution:
SAML Exception Intended destination endpoint did not match: I don't know where to configure the destination endpoint in Spring (because I understand that I don't have that it is not the destination property of the discovery).
Recipient endpoint doesn't match with SAML response: I have configured both SAMLContextProviderLB and MetadataGenerator#setBaseUrl() with the DNS the response has to be returned to.
public MetadataGenerator metadataGenerator() {
MetadataGenerator metadataGenerator = new MetadataGenerator();
return metadataGenerator;
public ExtendedMetadata extendedMetadata() {
ExtendedMetadata extendedMetadata = new ExtendedMetadata();
return extendedMetadata;
public SAMLContextProviderLB contextProvider() {
SAMLContextProviderLB samlContextProviderLB = new SAMLContextProviderLB();
samlContextProviderLB.setContextPath("/app");"SAMLContextProviderLB ==> {}", samlContextProviderLB);
return samlContextProviderLB;
I honestly don't know what else to do. Do I have to do any special configuration in Weblogic? Am I leaving something unconfigured in Azure?
Thanks in advance


How to enable an dotnet 6 client app in a linux container to authenticate with user/password against a kestrel server with kerberos

I'm developing a Service in ASP.Net-Core (.net6) that connects to a BusinessCentral OData API.
The Server has SSL/Kerberos enabled and I have a user and password to authenticate with.
I use the AddHttpClient-IServiceCollectionExtension in my Program.cs like:
services.AddHttpClient([name], httpClient =>
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(config[BaseUrl]);
}).ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() =>
new HttpClientHandler()
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(
...and inject the IHttpClientFactory to my client-class:
MyODataClient(IHttpClientFactory factory)
_client = factory!.CreateClient([name]);
public HttpResponseMessage GetEntity(Entity src)
var path = $"{src.Type}('{src.SysId}')?";
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, path);
var response = _client.SendAsync(request);
return response;
So far so good. Everything ist fine and works (with swagger)!
When I start this service within a linux Docker container, I get the error:
GSSAPI operation failed with error - Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Cannot find KDC for realm "[domain]").
Then I tried:
builder.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.FallbackPolicy = options.DefaultPolicy;
Now Swagger ask me for username and password. It doesn't work but I think this is why I don't passthrough the headers from swagger to BC19... with HeaderPropagation or so (??).
Btw. I need to use a static user. No interaction...
I also read and tried keytab-stuff... But everything I read was >2 years old. Does anybody know, how to deal with it in .net6? It seems to be quite easy but I don't find the two lines of code, that I need to connect the httpClientHandler (credentials) with the AuthenticationBuilder (negotiate)
Maybe this log helps:
Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
DenyAnonymousAuthorizationRequirement: Requires an authenticated user.
[17:20:26 INF] AuthenticationScheme: Negotiate was challenged.
[17:20:26 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:49179/Entity?[...]. - - - 401 0 - 28.0138ms
best regards

Spring Authorization Server and Spring Resource Server in one server

Has anyone tried using both the newly release Spring Authorization Server 0.1.0 and the regular Spring Resource Server in 1 project and in 1 server such as:
The resource server is at http://localhost:8080 and the authorization server is also at http://localhost:8080? Any ideas on how to do it?
The problem is that at start up, the resource server checks the authorization server's /.well-known/openid-configuration which is obviously not yet avaialble.
Instead of issuer-uri, you can instead specify the jwk-set-uri, which isn't pinged at startup.
Or, since the authorization server and resource server will use the memory space for keys, you might construct your own Nimbus JWTProcessor instead so that you skip the internal HTTP request:
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
JWKSource<SecurityContext> source = // ... some internal store for the public keys, e.g. not RemoteJWKSet
ConfigurableJWTProcessor<SecurityContext> processor = new DefaultJWTProcessor<>();
JWSKeySelector<SecurityContext> selector = new JWSVerificationKeySelector(
JWSAlgorithm.RS256, source);
NimbusJwtDecoder decoder = new NimbusJwtDecoder(processor);
decoder.setJwtValidator(... add any validation rules ...);
return decoder;
I believe you can just set your jwtDecoder as follows:
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder(JWKSource<SecurityContext> jwkSource) {
return OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfiguration.jwtDecoder(jwkSource);
As you probably already have that defined as a Bean elsewhere when setting up your auth server
public JWKSource<SecurityContext> jwkSource() {
// implementation ...

Zuul reverse proxy with Keycloak server

I'm configuring a Spring Cloud (Angel.SR6) application using the Zuul reverse proxy utility, in order to hide the internal service ports. My zuul (edge) service is published in the 8765 port and my organizations service is in the 8083 one. Everything goes smoothly when I access the application with no security, http://localhost:8765/organization/organizations returns the JSON with all the organizations.
However, now I want to integrate a Keycloak SSO (OAuth2) server for authorization purposes. I have added the Spring Security adapter in my organization service and configured it to authenticate in http://localhost:8080/auth. Everything goes well, except that zuul performs a redirection instead of proxying. So when authentication is successful, I get redirected to http://localhost:8083/organizations instead of http://localhost:8765/organization/organizations. Here there are my browser requests:
That's because the keycloak adapter creates a token verification endpoint in the http://localhost:8083/sso/login, from which it performs a redirection to the authorization server in order to validate the token. When authorization server acknowledges it, a redirection is sent to the organization service, with the /organization path, so the end url being loaded is http://localhost:8083/organizations. But I would like the first requested url to be loaded instead.
Which choice do I have?
Recently I've had the same problem. I've solved it by:
Add to in Zuul
Introduce KeycloakFilterRoute in Zuul
class KeycloakFilterRoute extends ZuulFilter {
private static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "authorization";
public String filterType() {
return "route";
public int filterOrder() {
return 0;
public boolean shouldFilter() {
return true;
public Object run() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
if (ctx.getRequest().getHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER) == null) {
return null;
private void addKeycloakTokenToHeader(RequestContext ctx) {
RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext securityContext = getRefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext(ctx);
if (securityContext != null) {
ctx.addZuulRequestHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, buildBearerToken(securityContext));
private RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext getRefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext(RequestContext ctx) {
if (ctx.getRequest().getUserPrincipal() instanceof KeycloakAuthenticationToken) {
KeycloakAuthenticationToken token = (KeycloakAuthenticationToken) ctx.getRequest().getUserPrincipal();
return (RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext) token.getCredentials();
return null;
private String buildBearerToken(RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext securityContext) {
return "Bearer " + securityContext.getTokenString();
(Migrated from comment to answer)
I ended up making a Github project in order to explain my problem to the keycloak team, and got a pull request from one of the development team members trying to help me out. Following their recommendations, I came into the conclusion that zuul is good to hide stateless services (bearer only ones), but not the ones that user directly interacts with. Here it is the whole thread in the mailing list.

RemoteTokenService for multiple client application

How can I use RemoteTokenService for more than one client application (with different client_id and secret )?
public ResourceServerTokenServices tokenService() {
RemoteTokenServices tokenServices = new RemoteTokenServices();
return tokenServices;
That's how we configure instance of RemoteTokenService. and inject it to the OAuth2AuthenticationManager for separate Resource server and auth server. Is it correct?
so when some other client has to access this resource how can I configure RemoteTokenService for both of this client.can you provide some light on this. and tell me if I am wrong on something.
The client id in the RemoteTokenServices is not the client that is consuming the resource, it's the client associated with the resource itself (solely for the purpose of authentication of the /check_token endpoint). So once you have it working you can hit that resource from as many clients as you like.

DotNetOpenAuth: Message signature was incorrect

I'm getting a "Message signature was incorrect" exception when trying to authenticate with MyOpenID and Yahoo.
I'm using pretty much the ASP.NET MVC sample code that came with DotNetOpenAuth 3.4.2
public ActionResult Authenticate(string openid)
var openIdRelyingParty = new OpenIdRelyingParty();
var authenticationResponse = openIdRelyingParty.GetResponse();
if (authenticationResponse == null)
// Stage 2: User submitting identifier
Identifier identifier;
if (Identifier.TryParse(openid, out identifier))
var realm = new Realm(Request.Url.Root() + "openid");
var authenticationRequest = openIdRelyingParty.CreateRequest(openid, realm);
return RedirectToAction("login", "home");
// Stage 3: OpenID provider sending assertion response
switch (authenticationResponse.Status)
case AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated:
case AuthenticationStatus.Failed:
throw authenticationResponse.Exception;
return new EmptyResult();
Working fine with Google, AOL and others. However, Yahoo and MyOpenID fall into the AuthenticationStatus.Failed case with the following exception:
DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Bindings.InvalidSignatureException: Message signature was incorrect.
at DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.ChannelElements.SigningBindingElement.ProcessIncomingMessage(IProtocolMessage message) in c:\Users\andarno\git\dotnetopenid\src\DotNetOpenAuth\OpenId\ChannelElements\SigningBindingElement.cs:line 139
at DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Channel.ProcessIncomingMessage(IProtocolMessage message) in c:\Users\andarno\git\dotnetopenid\src\DotNetOpenAuth\Messaging\Channel.cs:line 992
at DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.ChannelElements.OpenIdChannel.ProcessIncomingMessage(IProtocolMessage message) in c:\Users\andarno\git\dotnetopenid\src\DotNetOpenAuth\OpenId\ChannelElements\OpenIdChannel.cs:line 172
at DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Channel.ReadFromRequest(HttpRequestInfo httpRequest) in c:\Users\andarno\git\dotnetopenid\src\DotNetOpenAuth\Messaging\Channel.cs:line 386
at DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty.OpenIdRelyingParty.GetResponse(HttpRequestInfo httpRequestInfo) in c:\Users\andarno\git\dotnetopenid\src\DotNetOpenAuth\OpenId\RelyingParty\OpenIdRelyingParty.cs:line 540
Appears that others are having the same problem:
Does anyone have a workaround?
Turns out this was an issue with using DotNetOpenAuth in a web farm environment.
When you create your OpenIdRelyingParty make sure you pass null in the constructor.
This puts your web site into OpenID stateless or 'dumb' mode. It's slightly slower for users to log in (if you even notice) but you avoid having to write an IRelyingPartyApplicationStore to allow DotNetOpenAuth to work across your farm;
var openIdRelyingParty = new OpenIdRelyingParty(null);
All this discussion revolves around the following question:
How does Relying Party (RP) make sure the request containing the authentication token is coming from the OP(OpenId Provider ) to which he forwarded the user’s request to?
Following steps explains how it happens
User Request comes to the Replying Party (RP), our website in our case
Application stores a unique signature corresponding to this user in a local signature store (LSS) and then embeds this signature in the Message and forward this Message to OpenId Provider(OP)
User types his credentials and the OP authenticates his Message and then forwards this Message, which has the signature still embedded in it, back to RP
RP compare the signature which is embedded in the Message to the signature which is in LSS and if they match RP authenticate the user
If the LSS vanishes (somehow) before the Message comes back from OP there is nothing for RP to compare the signature with thus it fails to authenticate user and throws error: Message signature was incorrect.
How can LSS Vanish: refreshes the application pool
IIS is restarted
In web farm the Message is served by application hosted on different server
Two solutions to this issue:
RP run’s in dumb mode
a. It does not store and signature locally and thus does not use signature comparison to make sure the Message is coming from the OP to which he forwarded the user to for authentication
b. Instead, once RP received the authentication Message from the OP it send the Message back to OP and ask him to check if he is the one who has authenticate this user and is the originator of the Message. If OP replies Yes I am the originator of this Message and I have created this message then the user is authenticated by RP
Implement your own persistence store that does not vanish, not matter what does to the process, much like using SQL to store session state.
We fixed this issue by implementing IRelyingPartyApplicationStore (IOpenIdApplicationStore in newer versions of DotNetOpenAuth) and adding the store class name to the .config
<openid ...>
<store type=", some.assembly"/>
The interface is a composition of two other interfaces with five members all together.
/// <summary>
/// A hybrid of the store interfaces that an OpenID Provider must implement, and
/// an OpenID Relying Party may implement to operate in stateful (smart) mode.
/// </summary>
public interface IOpenIdApplicationStore : ICryptoKeyStore, INonceStore
We used dumb mode as a quick fix to get up an running, but in the end you'll probably want something like this.
