Is there a similar way to validate login like we validate for signup in Gramex? - gramex

In Gramex, for signup we have a validate method which will validate for a certain condition. Like in this example like we are validating the signup using validate() function.:
key: signup # ?signup= is used as the signup parameter
template: $YAMLPATH/signup.html # Use this signup template
columns: # Mapping of URL query parameters to database columns
name: user_name # ?name= is saved in the user_name column
gender: user_gender # ?gender= is saved in the user_gender column
# Other than email, all other columns are ignored
validate: app.validate(args)
Similarly, is there a way to validate a condition in login mechanism?
I can check manually but looking for a more feasible solution.


password_digest value is unique for user?

I am using rails 4 with has_secure_password which has password_digest in users table.i would like to store some unique value to cookie, password_digest is unique for user in users table? how to use it as unique token? can i?
As #JonathonReinhart said, don't re-use the password_digest, and since the authenticity_token for CSRF changes in the session for every form that is submitted, you can't use that here either. If you just need to generate a unique token for your User model, I recommend doing something like this:
rails generate migration AddAccessTokenToUser access_token:string:uniq:index
Then you can generate the token on create with a callback like so:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# Call backs
# ----------
before_create :generate_access_token
def generate_access_token
self.access_token = SecureRandom.hex
end while self.class.exists?(access_token: access_token)
The begin-end-while will check that the SecureRandom.hex value will always be unique in the table.
Once you have this token, you can use it in a cookie or wherever.

Returning User name into form when registration failed

Sorry for my english, it will hard to describe problem. I have user devise model with registration params [:name, :email, :password, :confirm_password] . Problem is in name field. For example if registration was failed because of mismatched password RAILS render new reg. form but name field will be empty, but i need to set it by previous value. Email filed sets good, because it is a default param of devise gem. Can some one help?

Use Devise without a password

Is there a way I can tell Devise not to use a password? I'm using Devise with LDAP so the encrypted password field is a wasted column (the password is stored in the LDAP directory). If I delete the encrypted_password column and then add some dummy accessors on my models
def encrypted_password
def encrypted_password=dummy
I can at least get rid of the column in the database. However, when I create new users I still have to supply a dummy password
User.create(:first_name => "Dummy", :password => "dummyPass1", :password_confirmation => "dummyPass1")
Is there a setting somewhere that would make this cleaner?
You can take "database_authenticatable" out of the devise config line in your User model, and drop the encrypted_password field entirely.

How can I use validation rules set in a model in several controllers in ruby on rails?

For the sign-up form for my website I don't require that users confirm their passwords so there isn't a password confirmation field.
However when a user resets their password and they click the link in their email and then taken to a change password page I require they confirm their password and provide a field for them to do this.
My question is how can I add password confirmation and min and max lengths for passwords with out it affecting my sign up form because they use they same model. For my signup form I have min and max length validation rules and want these to apply to the change password form but also include password confirmation.
What is the best and most convenient way to do this in your opinion?
If password confirmation should only be done for users already created, the simplest solution is :
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_confirmation_of :password, :unless => :new_record?
So it will only call the validation when setting the value for new users and not for users trying to sign up.
You can create your own methods to validate model data, something like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :user_data_validation
def user_data_validation
errors.add(:password_confirmation, "error in the password confirmation") if
!password.blank? and password != password_confirm
On the other hand you can use control-level validations, but:
Controller-level validations can be tempting to use, but often become
unwieldy and difficult to test and maintain. Whenever possible, it’s a
good idea to keep your controllers skinny, as it will make your
application a pleasure to work with in the long run. (c)

Is it possible to limit which fields get persisted?

I've got a User model that is utilizing mongoid. The model has a password, password_confirmation and encrypted_password field. The password and password_confirmation fields are populated at runtime with the value the user would type on the screen when creating a new user. When I persist, I don't want to persist the unencrypted password values, I only want to persist the value contained in encrypted_password. Is this possible? Is there something I can use to denote certain fields as not being persistable?
Thanks in advance
Here's a way:
Model only needs the password field and use a before_filter:
def User
before_save :hash_password
attr_accessible :password, :password_confirmation
def hash_password
#todo: improve by adding a salt
self.password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(self.password)
Passwords should be stored using a one-way hash, and so passwords should not be 'decryptable'
Use a salt (a random value) and add that to the password before passing it to the hexdigest(). Store the salt in the database as well - say a column called password_salt.
password_confirmation is a virtual attribute and does not need to be defined in the model (rails will manage the details internally)
