CLI: Pass command to docker-compose up - docker

I have a docker-compose.yml (simplified example):
version: "3.8"
image: node:lts-slim
container_name: example-container
hostname: example-server
- 4000:4000
working_dir: /server
- ./someLocalDirectory:/server
command: node --watch index.js
I create/start the container with docker-compose up -d server
I'd prefer to not have command: node --watch index.js hardcoded inside the yml file.
Is it possible to pass command: node --watch index.js as an argument to docker-compose up -d server on the command line?
Thanks in advance :)
You can prepend key-value-pairs on the command-line and treat them like regular variables inside docker-compose:
key="node --watch index.js" docker-compose up -d server
version: "3.8"
# ... see example above
command: ${key}

You have three options:
You can use docker-compose run to run commands against a service.
For example:
docker-compose run server node --watch index.js
Note: container stops when command exits.
See also: docs
You can use docker-compose exec to run commands in a running container.
To start and keep your server running:
command: tail -f /dev/null
Start service:
docker-compose up -d server
Run commands:
docker-compose exec server node --watch index.js
See also: docs
using an environment variable:
You can pass an env var to your docker-compose file that contains the command you want to run.
Pass an environment variable to server:
command: $COMMAND
Run service:
COMMAND="node --watch index.js" docker-compose up -d server
See also: docs


Start a container in interactive shell in docker compose [duplicate]

Is there any way to start an interactive shell in a container using Docker Compose only? I've tried something like this, in my docker-compose.yml:
image: alpine:latest
entrypoint: /bin/sh
When I start this container using docker-compose up it's exited immediately. Are there any flags I can add to the entrypoint command, or as an additional option to myapp, to start an interactive shell?
I know there are native docker command options to achieve this, just curious if it's possible using only Docker Compose, too.
You need to include the following lines in your docker-compose.yml:
version: "3"
image: app:1.2.3
stdin_open: true # docker run -i
tty: true # docker run -t
The first corresponds to -i in docker run and the second to -t.
The canonical way to get an interactive shell with docker-compose is to use:
docker-compose run --rm myapp
(With the service name myapp taken from your example. More general: it must be an existing service name in your docker-compose file, myapp is not just a command of your choice. Example: bash instead of myapp would not work here.)
You can set stdin_open: true, tty: true, however that won't actually give you a proper shell with up, because logs are being streamed from all the containers.
You can also use
docker exec -ti <container name> /bin/bash
to get a shell on a running container.
The official getting started example ( uses the following docker-compose.yml:
version: "3.9"
build: .
- "8000:5000"
image: "redis:alpine"
After you start this with docker-compose up, you can shell into either your redis container or your web container with:
docker-compose exec redis sh
docker-compose exec web sh
docker-compose run myapp sh should do the deal.
There is some confusion with up/run, but docker-compose run docs have great explanation:
If anyone from the future also wanders up here:
docker-compose exec service_name sh
docker-compose exec service_name bash
or you can run single lines like
docker-compose exec service_name php -v
That is after you already have your containers up and running.
The service_name is defined in your docker-compose.yml file
Using docker-compose, I found the easiest way to do this is to do a docker ps -a (after starting my containers with docker-compose up) and get the ID of the container I want to have an interactive shell in (let's call it xyz123).
Then it's a simple matter to execute
docker exec -ti xyz123 /bin/bash
and voila, an interactive shell.
This question is very interesting for me because I have problems, when I run container after execution finishes immediately exit and I fixed with -it:
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/app <your_container_id>
And when I must automate it with docker compose:
version: '3'
stdin_open: true
tty: true
context: .
- "3000:3000"
- /app/node_modules
- .:/app
This makes the trick: stdin_open: true, tty: true
This is a project generated with create-react-app it looks this that:
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR '/app'
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
Hope this example will help other to run a frontend(react in example) into docker container.
I prefer
docker-compose exec my_container_name bash
If the yml is called docker-compose.yml it can be launched with a simple $ docker-compose up. The corresponding attachment of a terminal can be simply (consider that the yml has specified a service called myservice):
$ docker-compose exec myservice sh
However, if you are using a different yml file name, such as docker-compose-mycompose.yml, it should be launched using $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-mycompose.yml up. To attach an interactive terminal you have to specify the yml file too, just like:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-mycompose.yml exec myservice sh
A addition to this old question, as I only had the case last time. The difference between sh and bash. So it can happen that for some bash doesn't work and only sh does.
So you can:
docker-compose exec CONTAINER_NAME sh
and in most cases: docker-compose exec CONTAINER_NAME bash
If you have time. The difference between sh and bash is well explained here:
You can do docker-compose exec SERVICE_NAME sh on the command line. The SERVICE_NAME is defined in your docker-compose.yml. For example,
image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
- "2181:2181"
The SERVICE_NAME would be "zookeeper".
According to documentation ->
You can use this docker-compose run --rm app bash
[app] is the name of your service in docker-compose.yml

Starting docker containers

I have a docker-compose.yml file that starts two services: amazon/dynamodb-local on 8000 port and django-service. django-service runs tests that are dependent on dynamodb-local.
Here is working docker-compose.yml:
version: '3.8'
image: "amazon/dynamodb-local:latest"
container_name: dynamodb-local
- "8000:8000"
- dynamodb-local
image: django-service
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: .
- envs/tests.env
- ./:/app
command: sh -c 'cd /app && pytest tests/integration/ -vv'
Now I need to run this without docker-compose, only using docker itself. I try to do following:
docker network create -d bridge net // create a network for dynamodb-local and django-service
docker run --network=net --rm -p 8000:8000 -d amazon/dynamodb-local:latest // run cont. att. to network
docker run --network=net --rm --env-file ./envs/tests.env -v `pwd`:/app django-service /bin/sh -c 'env && cd /app && pytest tests/integration -vv'
I can see that both services start, but I can't connect to the dynamo-db.
Where is the problem? Any comment or help is appreciated!
Through the docker-compose.yml, the amazon/dynamodb-local container has a name defined (container_name: dynamodb-local, If we do not set this property, docker-compose will use the service's name as container name). This enables other containers in the same network to address the container through its name.
In the docker-run command, we do not set an explicit container name. We can set an explicit container name by executing docker run ... --name dynamodb-local .... More details can be found in the corresponding docker run documentation.

docker-compose up -d failed

I wrote a simple docker-compose.yml as bellow,
version: '3'
container_name: ubuntu
image: ubuntu
container_name: debian
image: debian
then ran
$ docker-compose up -d
finally I got two containers with exited status.
even I typed
$ docker start <container_id>
trying to make containers running, but still fail.
Anyone tell me how to fix my yaml file, to make this two containers run with 'docker-compose up -d' ?
The entrypoint and command for these 2 docker images ubuntu and debian will not do anything that keep the container running.
In case you want them to keep running, you can modify your docker-compose file like this
version: '3'
container_name: ubuntu
image: ubuntu
- bash
- -c
- |
tail -f /dev/null
container_name: debian
image: debian
- bash
- -c
- |
tail -f /dev/null

Launch a graphical application with docker-compose

I have a simple command to run a java file (power architect) application with graphical interface in a docker container.
sudo docker run --rm --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --name cont_sql_power_architect -it -v $HOME/Desktop/FRM_project/volumes/sql_power_architect:/project img_sql_power_architect java -jar project/architect-1.0.8/architect.jar &
I try to reproduce it in docker-compose
context: ./dockerfiles/
dockerfile: dockerfile_sql_power_architect
image: img_sql_power_architect
container_name: cont_sql_power_architect
network_mode: "host"
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- ./volumes/sql_power_architect:/project
- java -jar project/architect-1.0.8/architect.jar &
When I launch the docker-compose up -d, the container is launched but instantaneously stopped. The commands seems to be the same than the docker run. I don't see what I am missing.
Any Idea ?
PS to be able to run with a docker run, I have to execute before the command xhost +"local:docker#" each time I open a new console. But I still execute it before the docker-compose command.

Launching docker command from docker-compose v.3 file

I'm learning about Docker and I'm at first steps.
I've to 'refresh' postgres image from compose file to initialize db scripts as YOSIFKIT here do through shell (
here is my Docker file:
FROM postgres:9.6.7
COPY docker-postgresql-9.6.7/prova.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
and here is my compose file:
version: '3'
restart: always
image: postgres-prova
context: ../
dockerfile: docker-postgresql-9.6.7/Dockerfile
command: bash -c "docker run -it --rm postgres-prova ls -ln /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d && docker run -it --rm postgres-prova && postgres"
PG_PASSWORD: postgres
- "5432:5432"
- /srv/docker/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
HOW can I insert a command in a compose-file to do "docker run -it --rm imageToReload" ???
Because I've seen that "command:" in compose file works inside the container, but I want operate ON the container, on a upper level (=manage the container from the compose file, after the container creation)
Thank you very much
From what I understand you want docker-compose to delete/remove the container after every run so that the build is run each time and a fresh prova.sql file can be copied into the image each time the service is brought up. The --force-recreate flag is probably what you need.
The command directive within the yaml file provides the command that is run inside the container.
