Curve Fitting a Levy-Stable Distribution to Histogram - histogram

I'm trying to fit a Levy-Stable distribution on to a histogram that I've already plotted:
Histogram of data
The "daily change" values were calculated from a pandas dataframe, using df.diff(), so that it returned a set of values containing the difference between successive rows (of a particular column) of the original .csv file.
I'm looking for a straightforward way to fit a Levy-stable dist. onto the histogram, given that I have already found the bin centers. I'm also looking for optimized fit parameters. Note that I'm not referring to the specific case of Levy dist. but the general case of the levy-stable dist.
I'm aware that I'd need to calculate the bin centers on the histogram, to fit any curve onto the histogram. Usually, to perform a curve fit or use scipy to optimize, we need a specific analytic, closed-form expression for the function we are trying to fit. However, the Levy-stable dist. has no such expression. It's the FT of the characteristic function, but trying to take that route would likely take too long.
I've plotted the dist. on the same set of axes as the histogram, just to see what I'd get:
Levy-stable and histogram, same axes
To do this, I've imported levy_stable from scipy.stats and set alpha = 1.8, beta = -0.5, as test values, with moments = 'mvsk':
alpha, beta = 1.8, -0.5
mean, var, skew, kurt = levy_stable.stats(alpha, beta, moments='mvsk')
and x is given as:
x = np.linspace(levy_stable.ppf(0.1, alpha, beta),
levy_stable.ppf(0.99, alpha, beta), 100))
This is simply following the documentation on scipy.stats.levy_stable. Then I plotted using:
plt.plot(x, levy_stable.pdf(x, alpha, beta))


Bring any PyTorch cuda tensor in the range [0,1]

Suppose I have a PyTorch Cuda Float tensor x of the shape [b,c,h,w] taking on any arbitrary value allowed by Float Tensor range. I want to normalise it in the range [0,1].
I think of the following algorithm (but any other will also do).
Step1: Find minimum in each batch. Call it min and having shape [b,1,1,1].
Step2: Similarly find the maximum and call it max.
Step3: Use y = (x-min)/max. Alternatively use y = (x-min)/(max-min). I don't know which one will be better. y should have the same shape as that of x.
I am using PyTorch 1.3.1.
Specifically I am unable to get the desired min using torch.min(). Same goes for max.
I am going to use it for feeding it to pre-trained VGG for calculating perceptual loss (after the above normalisation i will additionally bring them to ImageNet mean and std). Due to some reason I cannot enforce [0,1] range during data loading part because the previous works in my area have a very specific normalisation algorithm which has to be used but some times does not ensures [0,1] bound but will be somewhere in its vicinity. That is why at the time computing perceptual loss I have to do this explicit normalisation as a precaution. All out of the box implementation of perceptual loss I am aware assume data is in [0,1] or [-1,1] range and so do not do this transformation.
Thankyou very much
Not the most elegant way, but you can do that using keepdim=True and specifying each of the dimensions:
channel_min = x.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].min(dim=2,keepdim=True)[0].min(dim=3, keepdim=True)[0]
channel_max = x.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].max(dim=2,keepdim=True)[0].max(dim=3, keepdim=True)[0]

how use Discrete cosine transform(DCT) in opencv

dct don't the conversion properly in opencv.
imf = np.float32(block)
dct = cv2.dct(imf)
this block of an image,when converting with code shown above
[162.3 ,40.6, 20.0...
[30.5 ,108.4...
this should be the result,
[1186.3 , 40.6, 20.0...
[30.5, 108.4 ....
but I found this Result. for sample block,
The DCT is working fine. The difference between what you got and what you expect is because that particular example given actually does the DFT on M instead of on the original image, I. In this case, as the paper shows, M = I - 128. The only difference in your example is that you don't subtract off that piece, so the values are all larger. In a cosine or Fourier transform, the first coefficient (the "DC offset" as it is sometimes called) has a higher value because your image values are just greater. But that's why all the other coefficients are the same. If you take an image and you simply add some or subtract some from the entire image equally, the coefficients of the transform will be the same, except the very first one.
From the standard definition of the DCT:
You can see here that for the first coefficient with k = 0, that inside the cosine function, you just get 0, and cos(0) = 1. Thus, X_0 as it's shown in this picture is just the sum of all the x_n values. Generally this value may be scaled by something relating to N so that it's something like an average. When doing so, it relates back to the X_0 term being a "DC offset" which you'll see described as the "mean value of the signal," or in other words, how far the signal is from 0. This is super useful to have as one of the cosine/Fourier transform coefficients as it then can completely describe a signal; all the other coefficients describe the frequency content and so they say nothing about how far the values are from 0, but the first coefficient, the DC offset, does tell you the shift!

Scaling y-axis of a histogram

I am creating a histogram of an image. I need a way to scale it in y-axis to represent it nicely, as standard image/video processing programs do. Thus I need to make stronger the small values, to make weaker the big values.
What I tried to do so far:
To scale the y-values by dividing them by the greatest y value. It allowed me to see it, but still small values are almost indistinguishable from zero.
What I have seen:
In a standard video processing tool let's say three biggest values have the same y-values on their histogram representation. However, real values are different. And the small values are amplified on the histogram.
I would be thankful for the tips/formula/algorithm.
You can create lookup table (LUT), fill it with values from a curve that describes desired behavior. Seems that you want something like gamma curve
for i in MaxValue range
LUT[i] = MaxValue(255?) * Power(i/MaxValue, gamma)
To apply it:
for every pixel
NewValue = LUT[OldValue]

Meaning of Histogram on Tensorboard

I am working on Google Tensorboard, and I'm feeling confused about the meaning of Histogram Plot. I read the tutorial, but it seems unclear to me. I really appreciate if anyone could help me figure out the meaning of each axis for Tensorboard Histogram Plot.
Sample histogram from TensorBoard
I came across this question earlier, while also seeking information on how to interpret the histogram plots in TensorBoard. For me, the answer came from experiments of plotting known distributions.
So, the conventional normal distribution with mean = 0 and sigma = 1 can be produced in TensorFlow with the following code:
import tensorflow as tf
cwd = "test_logs"
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([200, 10], stddev=1.0))
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([200, 10], stddev=0.13))
w1_hist = tf.summary.histogram("weights-stdev_1.0", W1)
w2_hist = tf.summary.histogram("weights-stdev_0.13", W2)
summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(cwd, session.graph)
for i in range(2):
Here is what the result looks like:
The horizontal axis represents time steps.
The plot is a contour plot and has contour lines at the vertical axis values of -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5.
Since the plot represents a normal distribution with mean = 0 and sigma = 1 (and remember that sigma means standard deviation), the contour line at 0 represents the mean value of the samples.
The area between the contour lines at -0.5 and +0.5 represent the area under a normal distribution curve captured within +/- 0.5 standard deviations from the mean, suggesting that it is 38.3% of the sampling.
The area between the contour lines at -1.0 and +1.0 represent the area under a normal distribution curve captured within +/- 1.0 standard deviations from the mean, suggesting that it is 68.3% of the sampling.
The area between the contour lines at -1.5 and +1-.5 represent the area under a normal distribution curve captured within +/- 1.5 standard deviations from the mean, suggesting that it is 86.6% of the sampling.
The palest region extends a little beyond +/- 4.0 standard deviations from the mean, and only about 60 per 1,000,000 samples will be outside of this range.
While Wikipedia has a very thorough explanation, you can get the most relevant nuggets here.
Actual histogram plots will show several things. The plot regions will grow and shrink in vertical width as the variation of the monitored values increases or decreases. The plots may also shift up or down as the mean of the monitored values increases or decreases.
(You may have noted that the code actually produces a second histogram with a standard deviation of 0.13. I did this to clear up any confusion between the plot contour lines and the vertical axis tick marks.)
#marc_alain, you're a star for making such a simple script for TB, which are hard to find.
To add to what he said the histograms showing 1,2,3 sigma of the distribution of weights. which is equivalent to the 68th,95th, and 98th percentiles. So think if you're model has 784 weights, the histogram shows how the values of those weights change with training.
These histograms are probably not that interesting for shallow models, you could imagine that with deep networks, weights in high layers might take a while to grow because of the logistic function being saturated. Of course I'm just mindlessly parroting this paper by Glorot and Bengio, in which they study the weights distribution through training and show how the logistic function is saturated for the higher layers for quite a while.
When plotting histograms, we put the bin limits on the x-axis and the count on the y-axis. However, the whole point of histogram is to show how a tensor changes over times. Hence, as you may have already guessed, the depth axis (z-axis) containing the numbers 100 and 300, shows the epoch numbers.
The default histogram mode is Offset mode. Here the histogram for each epoch is offset in the z-axis by a certain value (to fit all epochs in the graph). This is like seeing all histograms places one after the other, from one corner of the ceiling of the room (from the mid point of the front ceiling edge to be precise).
In the Overlay mode, the z-axis is collapsed, and the histograms become transparent, so you can move and hover over to highlight the one corresponding to a particular epoch. This is more like the front view of the Offset mode, with only outlines of histograms.
As explained in the documentation here:
takes an arbitrarily sized and shaped Tensor, and compresses it into a
histogram data structure consisting of many bins with widths and
counts. For example, let's say we want to organize the numbers [0.5,
1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.9, 2.99] into bins. We could make three bins:
a bin containing everything from 0 to 1 (it would contain one element, 0.5),
a bin containing everything from 1-2 (it would contain two elements, 1.1 and 1.3),
a bin containing everything from 2-3 (it would contain three elements: 2.2, 2.9 and 2.99).
TensorFlow uses a similar approach to create bins, but unlike in our
example, it doesn't create integer bins. For large, sparse datasets,
that might result in many thousands of bins. Instead, the bins are
exponentially distributed, with many bins close to 0 and comparatively
few bins for very large numbers. However, visualizing
exponentially-distributed bins is tricky; if height is used to encode
count, then wider bins take more space, even if they have the same
number of elements. Conversely, encoding count in the area makes
height comparisons impossible. Instead, the histograms resample the
data into uniform bins. This can lead to unfortunate artifacts in
some cases.
Please read the documentation further to get the full knowledge of plots displayed in the histogram tab.
The histogram plot allows you to plot variables from your graph.
w1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]),name="a",trainable=True)
For the example above the vertical axis would have the units of my w1 variable. The horizontal axis would have units of the step which I think is captured here:
summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, **step**)
It may be useful to see this on how to make summaries for the tensorboard.
Each line on the chart represents a percentile in the distribution over the data: for example, the bottom line shows how the minimum value has changed over time, and the line in the middle shows how the median has changed. Reading from top to bottom, the lines have the following meaning: [maximum, 93%, 84%, 69%, 50%, 31%, 16%, 7%, minimum]
These percentiles can also be viewed as standard deviation boundaries on a normal distribution: [maximum, μ+1.5σ, μ+σ, μ+0.5σ, μ, μ-0.5σ, μ-σ, μ-1.5σ, minimum] so that the colored regions, read from inside to outside, have widths [σ, 2σ, 3σ] respectively.

SIFT matches and recognition?

I am developing an application where I am using SIFT + RANSAC and Homography to find an object (OpenCV C++,Java). The problem I am facing is that where there are many outliers RANSAC performs poorly.
For this reasons I would like to try what the author of SIFT said to be pretty good: voting.
I have read that we should vote in a 4 dimension feature space, where the 4 dimensions are:
Location [x, y] (someone says Traslation)
While with opencv is easy to get the match scale and orientation with:
I am having hard time to understand how I can calculate the location.
I have found an interesting slide where with only one match we are able to draw a bounding box:
But I don't get how I could draw that bounding box with just one match. Any help?
You are looking for the largest set of matched features that fit a geometric transformation from image 1 to image 2. In this case, it is the similarity transformation, which has 4 parameters: translation (dx, dy), scale change ds, and rotation d_theta.
Let's say you have matched to features: f1 from image 1 and f2 from image 2. Let (x1,y1) be the location of f1 in image 1, let s1 be its scale, and let theta1 be it's orientation. Similarly you have (x2,y2), s2, and theta2 for f2.
The translation between two features is (dx,dy) = (x2-x1, y2-y1).
The scale change between two features is ds = s2 / s1.
The rotation between two features is d_theta = theta2 - theta1.
So, dx, dy, ds, and d_theta are the dimensions of your Hough space. Each bin corresponds to a similarity transformation.
Once you have performed Hough voting, and found the maximum bin, that bin gives you a transformation from image 1 to image 2. One thing you can do is take the bounding box of image 1 and transform it using that transformation: apply the corresponding translation, rotation and scaling to the corners of the image. Typically, you pack the parameters into a transformation matrix, and use homogeneous coordinates. This will give you the bounding box in image 2 corresponding to the object you've detected.
When using the Hough transform, you create a signature storing the displacement vectors of every feature from the template centroid (either (w/2,h/2) or with the help of central moments).
E.g. for 10 SIFT features found on the template, their relative positions according to template's centroid is a vector<{a,b}>. Now, let's search for this object in a query image: every SIFT feature found in the query image, matched with one of template's 10, casts a vote to its corresponding centroid.
votemap(feature.x - a*, feature.y - b*)+=1 where a,b corresponds to this particular feature vector.
If some of those features cast successfully at the same point (clustering is essential), you have found an object instance.
Signature and voting are reverse procedures. Let's assume V=(-20,-10). So during searching in the novel image, when the two matches are found, we detect their orientation and size and cast a respective vote. E.g. for the right box centroid will be V'=(+20*0.5*cos(-10),+10*0.5*sin(-10)) away from the SIFT feature because it is in half size and rotated by -10 degrees.
To complete Dima's , one needs to add that the 4D Hough space is quantized into a (possibly small) number of 4D boxes, where each box corresponds to the simiéarity given by its center.
Then, for each possible similarity obtained via a tentative matching of features, add 1 into the corresponding box (or cell) in the 4D space. The output similarity is given by the cell with the more votes.
In order to computethe transform from 1 match, just use Dima's formulas in his answer. For several pairs of matches, you may need to use some least squares fit.
Finally, the transform can be applied with the function cv::warpPerspective(), where the third line of the perspective matrix is set to [0,0,1].
