Creating issues with the JIRA API for specific users with assigned permissions to view - jira

I am new to JIRA API automation and would like to know how I could use the JIRA API to create an issue for specific user who have restricted permissions to view - the API to be used is as follows -
Best Regards,
I tried going through the API documentation but could not find any particular detailed documentation with regards to the use case.


How to add "Order Online" link on GMB using the API

[NOTE: This may be not the right place for this question. Can you please refer me to the right place if this is not.]
I know you can login to GMB, verify the business and than add the "Order Online" link from the GMB console.
We are an agency and expanding fast so we are trying to find out a way of adding our link to all our customer's GMB pages without needing to getting verified for each of them separately but rather using the API if possible.
Anyone here has experience doing this? I looked through the API, but can not find anything like this.
It is not possible to influence this attribute. See this article
In some cases, links to certain third-party booking services will appear automatically on business listings. These links cannot be edited in Google My Business.
If you want to remove or fix a link in your own listing, please contact the third-party provider’s support team or a technical contact to request they remove your data from the information they are sending Google.

Subscribe to Jira search filter using jira Rest API

I have created a Jira search filter, using this request:
POST /rest/api/2/filter
This worked pretty well. Now after I created the filter, I want to get automatically subscribed to it.
Is there a way to do it with the REST API? Or is the only possible way to do this manually?
I already found this in the documentation:
There, I found the "subscriptions" property, but I can't seem to figure out how exactly I have to write this, to get the correct syntax.
There is a JIRA Feature Request that is still being considered for this to be implemented. Please take a look at this for more details.
For now, all we can do is Fetch or Create Filters using the JIRA ReST APIs but editing the subscriptions should be manual tasks.
Please take a look at the following Atlassian Question which confirms the same.
Details as provided in this Question:
You can do a GET to see the filter subscriptions values you have via:
GET /rest/api/2/filter/favourite?expand=subscriptions
Hope this helps!

Is it possible to query or modify project membership/guests with the Asana API?

I'd like to be able to add a user as a guest to a project specific to that individual, but it looks like I cannot do this programmatically and must instead resort to manually adding them as a guest. Is there anything I'm missing in the API documentation? Is there an undocumented feature that would let me do so? Or am I just out of luck?
It is currently not possible to manage users of an organization via the API.
This is on our API roadmap, which I hope to publish a public version of soon.
You can subscribe to incremental changes of our API and it's documentation on API changelog

How to get JIRA issues assigned to the current user using the JIRA REST API?

I'm trying to get a list of issues assigned to the current logged in user using the JIRA REST API, but I can't find any documentation on how to do that.
What do I need to do in order to get the issues assigned to the current user?
You can specify the issues you want to receive by using jql.
In your case rest/api/2/search?jql=assignee=currentuser() should do the trick.
Here is the relevant part of the documentation of the REST api and here is the description of the used jql-function.

JiraRestClient set assignee

My shop is currently running Jira 5X, and I am attempting to use the Jira Rest Client to retrieve / progress issues.
I need to set values such as Assignee. Can anyone provide a good example on how to do this?
IssueInput issueInput = IssueInput.createWithFields(new FieldInput(IssueFieldId.ASSIGNEE_FIELD, ComplexIssueInputFieldValue.with("name",
jiraRestClient.getIssueClient().updateIssue(<jiraKey>, issueInput).claim();
Looking through the JavaDoc for the Java Jira Rest Client, it looks like it only supports update of a very limited set of issue attributes, and updatng the assignee is not supported - see the methods for the IssueRestClient interface.
You'd be best off contacting the project maintainers - the Java client is only in Alpha so they are probably adding new functionality to it regularly.
